Chapter Four - Meeting Kurt

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✺Darion✺ I looked around the office and shook my head. Although there wasn’t anything on the walls or in the display case that screamed shifter hunter, it was clear to me that Kurt’s office was that of a hunter. I was sitting, patiently waiting for Kurt to arrive. Oliver had called me up the previous day and asked me to come in to see Kurt. Everette had said that this was a good sign. Kurt’s office sat at the back of his gun shop, Marshall’s Ammunition. I had never seen any use for weapons but walking through the shop had been both intriguing and disturbing. “I am so sorry to keep to you waiting,” the deep voice caught me off guard and I glanced over my shoulder to see, who I assumed was Kurt. “It’s not a problem,” I said as I stood up. We stood facing each other and I quickly took in his appearance. His rich blonde hair was perfectly styled, which was short, but not too short and quite neat. His clean-shaven face reeked of some kind of expensive aftershave and his chocolate brown eyes held a hint of curiosity but mostly confidence. He stood tall, not as tall as me, but he demanded respect and I had to hand it to him, he didn’t look like a gun shop owner or a hunter. Kurt wore a blue-pressed, long-sleeved shirt that was neatly rolled up to his elbows, which revealed the expensive watch on his wrist. The navy-blue tie and matching vest was just another thing that screamed out expensive. The black trouser pants and black dress shoes completed the outfit. I did notice that while I had silently observed him, he had done the same and I was glad I had put on a khaki pants and a white shirt instead of my usual denim and golf t-shirt. “Please take a seat,” Kurt finally said as he made his way to his big fancy chair on the other side of the desk. I sat down and stared at him. I couldn’t get over his appearance. He reminded me of some top-shot lawyer or businessman. “So, Mr. Colby,” “Please, call me Darion,” I remarked with a small smile. Kurt nodded and took out a folder from a drawer. I had to assume it was my file. “Alright, Darion,” he said as he flashed me a quick smile. “Oliver confirmed that your history checks out, the only issue we have is the fact that we can’t find you on any government system,” Kurt looked up at me then and I knew that I had to play this part to perfection. Shifters were never registered on the human government system and with these guys being hunters, they know that. “All my records were wiped off,” I said slowly. Kurt frowned and I hurried to explain. “During my interview with Oliver, I told him a bit of my history with my family. I got into trouble more times than I would care to admit. My father paid my bail so often that he eventually bought the police department and had my name wiped off the system,” when I was done explaining, I could see the disbelief in his eyes. However, there was something else there that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. “Well, Oliver is my top recruiter, Darion, and according to him, there is no record of the family name,” this time I smiled. Luckily for me, there was a very wealthy family living down South who would provide me with an awesome cover. “Common mistake, I’m sure,” I said dryly. Kurt raised a curious eyebrow and I leaned forward and glanced at the open file. Sure, enough my cover would work wonderfully. “You see, Colby is spelled incorrectly,” “Oh?” Kurt glanced down at the page and I smirked. “It’s with a ‘K’ not a ‘C’,” I sat back and watched as Kurt made a note before picking up the phone that sat on his desk. Of course, it was a lie, but he didn’t need to know that. I was simply happy the Kolby’s could help me out. “Get Oliver in here now,” he barked out before slamming the phone down back in its place. It was clear that he wasn’t impressed with the turn of events and I had to wonder if it was because he didn’t want me. I could feel the start of anxiousness arising and I did my best to keep my cool. “My apologies, Darion,” he said to me just as Oliver came into the room. “Yes, boss?” “Come here,” Kurt said, and I noted the tone of his voice had changed. The man was angry, that much was clear. When Oliver went over to Kurt, the older man shoved the file against his chest. “Next time do your job right,” Kurt spat out before he turned his attention to me. Oliver opened the file and scanned the page before realization hit. He glanced over at me and then back at Kurt before running out. “It’s a common mistake,” I said. Of course, it had worked in my favor but now I needed to know if he even wanted me. “Common or not, he should’ve asked and not assumed,” he argued, and I nodded in agreement. “However, I will be honest with you, Darion, I was all aboard your train until that, so if,” he paused as he gestured toward the door. “If that checks out,” I wanted to respond with some kind of sarcastic remark, but I didn’t want to blow this, so I just nodded. “With that being said, if everything checks out, I would like to officially employ you,” “That would be great,” I said. “Now, according to your file, you don’t have a residential address in Witmoor,” “I have an appointment with Anita Bernard this afternoon,” I said with a smile. Kurt chuckled as Oliver came rushing back into the office with the file. “Sorry boss,” he apologized as he placed the file back on the desk before leaving us alone once again. Kurt maintained eye contact with me as he pulled the file closer and took a look. I noticed a new printout and smiled. “Well, this is wonderful news,” he said as he closed the file. “Anita is a fantastic woman, and her residence is always in top shape,” he seemed pleased, and I smiled. “She is a very good friend of mine, so I’ll put in a good word for you,” “That would be great,” “Alright, let’s talk business,” I watched as Kurt sat back, and for the first time since he had walked in, he relaxed. “All my boys work here at the shop, Oliver mentioned that you are good with weapons but not a good shot, correct?” “That’s correct, unfortunately, I have a slight tremble in my left hand that prevents me from being any good at it,” I explained as I held up my left hand. I forced the tremble that I had been working on and he nodded. “That’s quite alright, I have enough rifleman. You have the rest of this week to get settled in,” he said. “I expect you to be here on Monday morning at eight sharp,” “I’ll be here,” I said. “Good, my secretary only comes in on a Monday, so I’ll set up a meeting with her to get all your paperwork done,” I nodded as he spoke. I wanted to run back to Everette and tell him the good news, but I knew this meeting was far from over. “As much as I would love to discuss your employment more, my son is coming home from college today and we are celebrating his success,” Kurt beamed with pride and I wanted to slam his head into the desk. “Congratulations,” I forced myself to say. “Thank you, Cooper is a hard worker, but I’ve been waiting for this day for three years,” Kurt chuckled. “My son is quite the visionary but ultimately he will join the family business,” “Of course,” I commented. “Very well, I’ll see you again on Monday,” Kurt stood up and held out his hand which I quickly shook before being officially excused. I left the shop in a hurry and headed straight to Everette’s place. ✺ ✺✺ Anita Bernard was an energetic female that smiled way too much but had that warm, welcoming feeling you would normally get from your mother. I smiled once again as she informed me about how Kurt had called her up and told her to take good care of me. I couldn’t help but find her positive, bubbly, personality pleasant and as I listened closely to her, I looked around the apartment she was currently showing me. It was the fifth one and all of them basically looked the same. Two bedrooms, one full bathroom with an open plan kitchen and sitting room. The differences between the apartments were the floor they were situated on or the view. Every single one of them had the same white tiled floors, white painted walls with a modern finish. Not only that but two of the apartments come fully furnished. Now, the current one we were looking at was a good one. I suppose it was the way the furniture suited the modern apartment with its big windows and town view. It was nice. I liked it. “Did you hear about Cooper?” she suddenly asked, and I quickly pulled my gaze away from the kitchen to her. “I did,” “Isn’t it wonderful? The boy has been gone for three years!” she exclaimed as she pushed her thick, long, greying hair over her shoulder. Her bright green eyes shone with excitement and I chuckled. “You should stop by their house later,” she added. “Excuse me?” “Oh, you heard me, young man,” she teased as she lightly shoved my arm. “Kurt is throwing an open house celebratory bash for his boy,” “Open house meaning anyone can stop by?” I asked thoughtfully. Although I had no interest in Kurt’s son, the prospect of meeting the other hunters was promising. “That’s correct,” she smiled before she continued talking to me about the apartment. I already knew that this was the one and when I informed her of my decision, she smiled brightly. “Perfect!” Anita made a call and a younger female arrived at the apartment a while later. She had brought the documentation for me to sign and when I was done, Anita handed over the set of keys. “Thank you very much, Anita,” I said. “Of course, now don’t forget the party starts at seven,” and with that, she turned on her heel, with elegance and left me alone in my new apartment. I liked the fact that I didn’t have to worry about furniture, and I was pretty positive Everette would be thrilled to be rid of me. Although the older man hadn’t said anything, it was clear that he was far too used to being on his own. At first, he had enjoyed my company but as the days wore on, it was obvious that it was overdone. He wanted me gone and I was happy to be on my own once again. I hurried downstairs to get my things from my truck and headed back upstairs and as I put the key in to unlock the apartment door, I heard another door open. “Well, hello there,” a soft feminine voice cooed out. I wanted to turn around to see her, but my hands were full. “Come on in,” I said over my shoulder as I went inside and put my things down on the kitchen counter. Turning around I came face to face with one of the most attractive women I had ever seen in my life. I hated that my mouth fell open, but my reaction was the least of my problems.
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