8. Ghost Translation-3

2041 Words

“We can't leave. How can we leave?” Once again, she had the unpleasant sensation of her mind ripping into two. What was the Dragon thinking when she and Ondo had no means of escape? A growing rumble ran through the ice beneath her feet, strengthening each moment, and she thought a nuke must have detonated already; that a superheated blast-wave wall would slam into them at any moment, searing their skin and tissues from their bones. Instead, impossibly, a triangle of metal or stone rose from the ice fifty metres away, like some ancient temple arising from the depths. Then she grasped what it was: the apex of the Dragon, forcing its way up through the pack ice to reach them. It had entered the atmosphere, found a safe descent vector and used the oceans to get to them undetected. Great slabs

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