Chapter 1-3

500 Words

“Can you stay, Jeff?” Richard asked as I rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up. “I’m afraid not.” I went to the chair where I’d left my clothes folded in a tidy pile and began putting them on. “Your boss is a slave driver. You ought to quit. My company would take you on in a shot.” In a shot? I bit back a laugh. He had no idea what I did. None of my lovers ever did. “Thanks for the offer, but I like what I do.” “So do I.” He worked for an advertising firm, and with all due respect to ad men, I couldn’t picture a more boring job than sitting behind a desk day in and day out. “But you’d never see me letting my asshole of a boss control my private life.” I leaned over and patted his ass. “My boss is a good guy. I don’t mind.” “Well, I do. And frankly, Jefferson, if this is the way y

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