Chapter 2

192 Words

“Honey, I hear the car. Bruce is home.” I looked up from staring at Emerson’s text on my phone and watched my mom turn the oven off. “Well, I’m ready.” “Tell Bruce I’ll be right out. Okay?” My mother brushed her hair and dabbed her forehead with a paper towel. “Okay.” I walked out, got in the back seat of the car, and told Bruce that she would be right out. “How was work?” I asked. “Busy as hell. I wish I had time to go and take a shower before we pick up Emerson but I don’t want him waiting in the airport.” I didn’t say anything else and wished we were already there. I’m not sure I really paid attention during the next few minutes, as Bruce talked further. I zoned out as my mother locked the house and joined us in the car and my mind further drifted in the half hour drive as I watch

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