Chapter 26:

1759 Words

Chapter 26:Flora’s P.O.V Clay growled deep in his throat and tore away from me. At first I thought it was because I had Andre’s scent on me, but when he kept looking at my arm, I frowned and looked down to find blood. “What-?” When did I- but then I remembered that when I had pushed Andre off of me, he had accidentally scratched me with his claw. The bleeding had stopped and only a dark red line of dried blood remained that too would heal by morning. But Clay was probably angry I got hurt by him. “It’s alright,” I told him, cautiously taking a step in his direction. “It’ll heal soon. I’ll be fine.” “He hurt you!” Clay said, his voice a growl. “I saw!” My entire being came to a standstill. “You saw?” “Everything.” Clay nodded in confirmation and I felt like the ground had been remov

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