Chapter 1: Death

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Chapter 1:  Death Third Person’s POV The scattered dazzling lights of the morning sun gently caressed the lands, as the different melodies and tune of nature echoes to every living being on the huge and boundless Origin Continent. The Origin Continent contains four hegemonic existences on its cardinal directions that serve as the ruler of the lands under them. It is also stated in the ancient records that there is also a hidden empire at the center of the continent that is only open to its citizens and the rulers of the fours powers. The individuals without a powerful background would not have the chance to enter the towering gates of the empire. The Regin Kingdom is one of the four powers, and the ruler of the eastern lands that controls all of its inhabitants. It is also a kingdom with 500 years of deep history, heritage and innumerable treasures that cannot be imagined by the normal citizens that plows through hardship in their everyday lives. At the door of the royal chamber of the ruling king of the Regin Kingdom, there are dozens of ministers, renowned scholars and the current war generals of the army that are waiting with grim and pale expressions. The current ruling king, King Nurim is on the last throes of his life and the Royal Physicians are unable to point out the reason of the king’s sudden illness. The king was still healthy and vibrant of energy for the past year, but he suddenly missed the morning court meetings on the start of the New Year and was unable to even have the energy to get out of his bed. The Royal Physicians was immediately called into action, but they did not come up with any useful diagnosis to point out the illness and they can only resort to expensive herbs to prolong the dimming life of the king. The horrible and alarming news quickly reached the masses and it brought a great deal of panic and tense atmosphere in the whole capital city of the Kingdom. The current king is deeply loved by the common citizens of the kingdom for his righteous acts and for the intelligent way of handling the problems of the kingdom whether it addresses the aristocrats or the normal citizens. The rule of King Nurim could be described as the most prosperous and peaceful times that the whole of the Regin Kingdom enjoyed. A commotion suddenly arose from the crowd that was waiting in front of the royal chamber. “Her majesty Queen Aria, her highness Crown Princess Nem, and Prince Neros have arrived.” A loud voice of an armored knight filled with respect reverberated in the luxurious hall as the officials of the Kingdom in front of the chamber stood in full attention to welcome the arrival of the Royal family. The beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a luxurious long sleeves golden gown with articulate designs of the peony flower that is currently walking with graceful steps in front of the group is the first wife of the King, the Queen of the Regin Kingdom, Queen Aria. A step slower than the Queen, a 16 year old girl blessed with exceptionally ravishing features, with her scarlet blood flowing hair and especially the deep forest green eyes that seems to hold the power of nature that can suck out the soul of anyone staring at them is the current crown princess and heir to the throne, the Crown Princess Nem Asteria of Regin. Her steps are firm and she is calmly facing the officials and aristocrats that are now bowing down in respect and etiquette. It is not obvious but there is panic and worry hidden beneath her slightly trembling lashes for the well-being of her royal father. She does not understand how her royal father suddenly became ill, and even the skilled royal physicians cannot pinpoint the cause or the name of the ailment. Do the gods want her royal father to perish without hope? The familial love of the royal family since ancient times could be said to be unfeeling that only cares about the benefits, but King Nurim is a passionate king and the crown princess was wholly cared and spoiled by his love. It is fortunate that with the king’s effort, the crown princess grew with the same righteous and passionate heart that he has. It could be called a blessing to the citizens to be granted with such upright rulers. “You may all rise.” The crisp voice of the queen prompted all the officials and aristocrats to stand up and they all took turns in order to greet the queen, as well as the crown princess and the little prince that is hiding behind the striking deep green gown of his older sister. “Your majesty, how are you feeling?” The eastern general, who controls the eastern army of the Regin Kingdom, asked with worry as he saw the pale complexion of the queen. He is a loyal supporter of the king, and that is why he is also loyal to the woman that holds the heart of the king since their first meeting when the king was still the crown prince and was holding a royal banquet for all the noble young misses of the capital to find his betrothed. Their love is still a resounding topic among the nobles and commoners of the kingdom. It is said that the king was trapped instantly in love at the sight of the now current queen. “You do not need to worry about my well-being, as it is the king’s condition that is our utmost priority.” The queen calmly uttered solemnly with a heavy tone that quieted the whispering nuances of the crowd, and with a small wave of her hand signaled the guards of the king’s royal chamber to open the door slightly enough for the royal family to enter. The crowd of officials did not dare to take a peak and willingly bowed their heads. It is a great crime of to even unintentionally see the private condition of the king without the permission of the royal family. They do not want to be suddenly dragged to the gallows to be killed with no one to regret and blame. The smell of decay and rotting flesh entered Nem Asteria’s nose as she enters the chamber of her royal father.  A scowl painted her face and the deep worry in her forest green eyes seems to solidify in the air with every step she took closer to the meticulously designed bed, as the smell of decaying heightened that even she felt nauseous to her stomach. A gasp and a small cry left the queen’s lips as she saw the condition of his beloved before fainting, and a small panic ran through the surrounding royal physicians as they tended to the queen’s condition.  The reaction of the queen cannot be blamed on her fragile heart, it is just that the condition of the king is far worse than she imagined. This is the first time that they have seen the king ever since the start of his sudden sickness, because the king ordered that they cannot go near him lest it is contagious, and he does not want for his beloved wife and children to accidentally be infected. Nem Asteria and her little brother weren’t able to react to their royal mother’s sudden plight, because of the clear view of the body of their royal father that froze them from the spot. The little prince grasped his little mouth as he screamed in abject terror. He is still just a kid of barely 4 years old and this is the first time that he saw something so horrifying. A large portion of the king’s body is now submerged in a dozen or so expensive medicinal herbs but his limbs and even his right eye is currently rotting in a slow torturous pace that even gods will feel the urge to vomit. “F-Father…” Nem’s trembling voice full of melancholy and grief left her small pale lips, and the cruelty of her father’s condition took the energy of her body away in an instant that she just plopped helplessly on the cold marbled floor, as dozens of pearl like crystal tears dropped tragically from her beautifully sculpted face. Her tears are like the misty rain on her forest green eyes, tragic, ephemeral and lonely. The king’s facial muscles seem to move because of hearing the voice of his beloved daughter. He tried to smile to reassure them that it’s alright, but the pain of his ordeal devoured all his will to hold on to life. He had never felt such torture that even his battle hardened will from the years of his military exploits cannot help but crumble. “I-I love…” On his last breath, the small hoarse voice of the king that is barely audible reached Nem’s ears like a sudden switch to her broken cries of pain that reverberated throughout the whole royal chamber.                                                  
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