Chapter 6: Royal Celebration II

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Chapter 6: Royal Celebration II Third Person’s POV “Eldest royal sister…why are you still outside the hall?” A flurry of orderly and stable footsteps echoed in the cobblestone path outside the royal Flame hall along with the soft and frail voice of a young lady that seemed to awaken Princess Seles from her envy-filled rants. She straightened her body gracefully while a beautiful and kind smile made its way on her thin lips giving the illusion that she is a completely different person from the twisted girl in but a second. Princess Seles turned her body and faced a 14 year old pale young lady accompanied by a row of palace maids. The appearance of the young lady could be perfect if not for her sickly complexion and thin fragile body that may break with just a touch. “Youngest royal sister, why are you out in such a cold night? Does your royal consort mother know?” A look of gentle care glinted in Seles’ eyes as she stares at her youngest sister from another mother. Princess Amayris is the third royal princess of the Regin kingdom, but she was born prematurely and is always afflicted with all kinds of ailments as she grows up. “Don’t worry Eldest royal sister, the lord royal physician allowed me to partake in the celebration for two hours.” Amayris’ voice is full of joy and fulfillment. It was the first time that she was allowed to participate in a royal banquet and it also concerns her second royal sister’s appointment to the throne, so her whole being is giddy from excitement. “That’s good, why don’t we go together and congratulate Queen Nem on her reign?” Amayris immediately nodded while a huge smile blossomed on her pale lips. “Let’s go eldest royal sister.” Seles just shook her head at her youngest sister’s naïve appearance as she follows her to steadily enter the eastern entrance of the Flame hall. The bright yellow light of the royal Flame hall embraced their slender bodies as the hundreds of nobles and officials greeted them in passing while staring unflinchingly at the central platform. “Queen Nem is so beautiful.” A sigh of praise escapes Amayris’ lips as she stood still to look at the center of everyone’s attention. Princess Seles bit her lip in frustration as waves of envy and hate rolled furiously deep within her being. Nem’s beauty can cause the fall of an empire and the hate of thousands of flowers. “I, Nem Asteria, the ninth Ruler and current Queen of Regin welcome the honored guests to enjoy the bloom of the moon that eternally lights the flame of our kingdom, may you all be blessed with the undying flame.” As soon as her words fell, another crisp tinkle sounded out from the phoenix bell and the whole Flame hall suddenly trembled for a second before gasps of surprise rang in the guests as the roof of the hall receded like a tide and ushers in the ethereal light of the full moon to bathe all of those present. The ephemeral beauty of the moon that is surrounded by the silently floating snow white clouds seems to bewitch every single person on the royal Flame hall. This is the first time for most of the guests to see the blooming moon on the royal Flame hall as it is only shown when there is a change of the ruler that sits on the throne. “How ravishing…” “I’ve never seen something so utterly bewitching.” “It’s like the gods are watching us.” “Why do I feel like the moon is so close that I can even touch it?” “It is the magic of the Flame hall.” “The legends said that the founding king personally build the Flame hall with the phoenix bell as his tool.” “Is it true?” “How can you believe something like that?” “Legends are born from scattered truths, maybe it’s real.” A cacophony of whispers full of admiration and curiosity filled the whole venue as each one stared with fervor at the magical sight above them. The close encounter with the full moon is such a novel feeling that many can’t extricate themselves from it in a moment. “Start the royal banquet!” The shout of dozens of royal knights, the elegant music of the flute and chimes, and the arrival of the palace maids carrying sumptuous and different delicacies awakened everyone from their reveries. “I’m glad I was allowed to come here.” Amayris’ voice is laced with contentment and unbridled glee that may have been the first since she was born in this world. Beauty and pleasure really comes in pairs no matter if it is the scenery or the people. “Youngest royal sister, it is so easy to please you.” Seles smilingly caressed her younger sister’s soft hair while lamenting in her heart to how naïve and childish she is. It is just a small royal Flame hall and her youngest sister is practically leaping with joy in her heart, but Seles will never be satisfied until the entire kingdom only belongs to her. It is really her lifetime regret for not being the firstborn of the Queen and was only born from a consort, so she could not even think of taking the throne by birthright. “Eldest royal sister should understand that I do not ask for much, especially when every day I am able to live is already a luxury.” Amayris smiled as her eyes purely glinted with a blessed emotion. Seles just returned her smile dotingly and carefully led her to where Nem is. Nem rigidly turned her body to greet another high official who came to entertain her with frivolous words meant to flatter her. She never fails to wonder how her royal father deals with all the intentions of dozens of nobles and officials on every grand meeting and royal banquets. Her jaw is even cramping from all the smiles that she is currently giving every second. She hasn’t really adjusted yet with all the sudden change from the past four months or so, but she does not have the leisure to wallow in grief and self-pity. Nem understands that ruling a kingdom with half-baked effort will not only destroy the kingdom, but also crush her and all of its citizens under it. She can never be selfish to the extent that tens of thousands of people have to suffer for her freedom. An inaudible sigh escapes her lips as the high official left. Royal knight Zyar solemnly stood three steps behind Nem as he coldly surveys the surrounding even though there are dozens of royal knights on every corner of the hall. He could not rest his mind in peace, especially with the cause of the death of the late king, because he also knows how deep the dark waters run in the royal palace that it can swallow anyone with just an accidental slip. “Your majesty, princess Seles and princess Amayris are coming over.” Zyar lowly said while looking straight in the direction of the other two princess of the kingdom. He had always known that the first princess of the kingdom holds a grudge on the crown princess, especially now that she was crowned as the ninth Ruler of the kingdom. Nem’s face that was stiffly smiling suddenly bloomed beautifully while a warm smile that can melt the hearts of anyone appeared on her lips. She treasures all of her siblings and the most important ones could only be her little brother prince Neros and her half younger sister princess Amayris. It could be her sense of duty as an older sister, but seeing Amayris’ listless and sickly appearance causes her heart to ache with a sense of helplessness for not being able to do anything even if she had the ability. “This princess greets her highness, Queen Nem of Regin.” Amayris gracefully bowed with a pure smile while holding both sides of her dress, and Seles internally gritted her teeth in irritation but could only follow her youngest sister’s greeting. “This princess greets her highness, Queen Nem of Regin” “Eldest royal sister and youngest royal sister do not need to stand on ceremony, we are all one family and royal father will be sad if we do not get along.” Nem smiled cheerfully while reaching out to hold Seles’ and Amayris’ left and right hand. Amayris gleefully giggled while Seles just lightly smiled. “Your highness looks so ethereal like a fairy from the heavens, and I hope that your reign will lead Regin to a brand new era.” Amayris solemnly uttered her wish while looking at Nem with trust and dependence. She wholly believes that Nem can rule Regin to a prosperous age where a life of peace and stability awaits all the inhabitants of the kingdom. Seles smiled while nodding though no one knows what thoughts are churning within her mind. “I also wish for Regin to lead a peaceful and prosperous days, and I know both eldest and youngest royal sister will support me until that day comes.” A smile of trust and forest green eyes full of dreams and hopes glances in the distance, as if seeing that peaceful mirage.                    
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