Chapter 20: Surging Waves

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Chapter 20: Surging Waves Third Person's POV Seles stared at Amayris' sleeping figure for a couple of minutes before leaving with her personal maids. Her mouth curled up in satisfaction seemingly having everything in her grasps. "I wonder if it has started spreading...the surging waves of my conquer." Seles thoughtfully raised her chin and gazed at the peaceful sky solemnly. "Pu-hahaha...hahaha I want to see their reactions will probably be pleasurable." Seles' personal maids looked at each other, but did not even take a peek at their master's ecstasy. They have long been baptized in her crazy and twisted personality since the moment that they were placed by her side. Stepping out of the door of the corridor leading to Amayris' chamber, Seles has already reverted back into a gentle, beautiful and graceful princess of the kingdom. The royal guards at every corner greeted her warmly as 'first princess' and the title is like an itch that she just want to scratch to oblivion. The dissatisfaction crazily stemmed in her heart and the emotion on the depth of her eyes slowly shaped into frenzy. She just needs to take care of her second younger sister. The thought permeates her very being and her hands under the sleeves of her dress clenched in a manner that portrays the want to strangle someone to death. Seles' two personal maids saw her slight abnormality from the way her lips curled in maliciousness. They immediately took her arm and whispered in her ears to calm down. "Your highness, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" "Let us help her highness to quickly rest in her chamber." The two spoke in unison while almost dragging Seles who is currently in an almost insane state. It would be terrible if they are seen by someone and disrupt the plan of the first princess. At the same moment as Nem received the information about the sudden demise of the Old duke and her speculation about her royal father's death being planned by someone. In a small mansion of a low official of the kingdom, a two finger thick letter bundled up suspiciously was given to the housekeeper of the mansion. It was quickly placed in the study table of the lord official. "Lord official, there is no sign of the one who sent the letter but this one already checked that there is nothing dangerous about the letter." "Hm...leave and go back to do your job." The housekeeper quickly bowed his head before leaving the study room. The lord official touched the rough texture of the paper used in the letter, and hesitantly moved to open it. The letter was long and there are some paragraphs that contains the different handwriting of a couple of persons. The information inside the letter is very shocking and the lord official could not help but to exhale loudly to disperse the choking feeling in his chest. " is this possible?... Is this true?" The same thing happened in most of the lower officials household, whether they are the military or the civil officials. The same letter with the exact and similar content spread quietly in the capital city. The lower officials promptly decided to send the letter to the higher officials and nobles that they are a part of. The information on the letter is something that they do not dare to even think about. They could only send it to those with the power to blot the sky for them. The letter instantly arrived at those higher noble and officials, as their subordinates who only knows how to flatter them and seek benefits personally sent the letter to their hands. As all of this is happening, the surging waves still have not reached Nem who is currently dazedly seated in her study. Zyar is also in the dark as he took the late king's trusted physician that is already a retired doctor and a poison expert that was silently nurtured by the late king. He quickly put into action and led a carriage to the direction of the abode of the Old duke. He had already explained the matter to the two he brought, and did not bother to speak further as they approached closer to their destination. In General Kiros' mansion, Zen is currently sitting next to his father and is languidly eating the pastries made by his mother. "Look at you, you'll go fat if you don't exercise for a day with how you eat!" General Kiros looks at his son's lazy and indifferent posture, and could not stop the veins on his forehead from saying hello to the world. "It's fine to relax once in a while, especially since our son is already of marriageable age but is still only willing to hug his spear and swords." Zen's mother admonishedly glanced at her son for being unable to live up to her expectation. The father and son pair are entirely similar in this aspect. "I am still young and needs to grow." Zen did not look at the intimate stare-off of his parents and plop another pastry in his mouth. "My lord terrible news! terrible news!" A loud commotion rang out from outside the lounge as hurried footsteps, and gasping loudly passed the door, and reached the ears of the cozy family of three. The noise immediately broke the rare peaceful atmosphere and bonding of the family. Kiros knitted his eyebrows in irritation and even Zen's slightly curled lips dropped down in a beat. "Come in and report what happened calmly." Hearing the voice of their lord, the panicked housekeeper outside the door quickly opened it and entered the lounged. His eyes stared straight at Kiros, and he handed the bundle of familiar letters to him. "This letter was sent to all the forces in the kingdom and will sooner or later be known by every low and higher officials and noble." Kiros' expression quickly morphed in seriousness while noticing the panic and anxiety of his housekeeper that is always steady on normal days. He looked down at the thick pile of letter in his hands and slowly opened it. The words that entered his eyes turned the neutral expression on his face to grow uglier by the second until it can almost be called distorted. His imposing and murderous aura spread out in the area with nowhere to vent. "What kind of sick joke is this!" Kiros' thunderous roar shocked Zen and his mother, as well as the other servants on the scene. "Father, calm down...what does it say?" Zen seriously gazed at the crumpled letter on his father's hands. It is only a beat away to being teared into pieces. Kiros glared murderously at the letter in his hand. "The says the king was poisoned by..." "The king was poisoned?...who did it say was the culprit?" Zen raised his eyebrow. This is not only a terrible news. This could cause a serious problem for the kingdom. "It says the king was poisoned by the current Queen." The small exquisite pastry Zen was holding quietly fell to the ground.
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