Chapter 8

1260 Words
*  As he sits I realize the waiter left our drinks on the table. He kisses my hand after I put my drink down and I smile shyly as I avoid his eyes. "Look at me mate" He says as he lifts my chin, after I glance and turn away. "Do you want something to drink?" I ask nervously as he looks into my eyes. (I've waited years for this moment and now I can't handle it) (I don't know how to process everything) "There is nothing that I want more than you Deni baby," "I wish I could take you home with me" he says as he pinches my chin. "What's wrong?" he asks. I guess he can tell I'm nervous. "I'm worried about the mating process" (And about being so close to him, even though it's what I have always wanted)  "Will you wait a little while until I'm ready before you mark me?" He looks at my neck and then he nods. "I guess we can wait a little while," "You don't have a problem with mating do you?" He asks as he lightly squeezes my hand. "I'm nervous about that too Dean" "I promise I won't hurt you baby" "I just want all the other male wolves to know that you are my mate so that they won't bother you,"  "I work so much that the only men I talk to I work with and Jaison whenever we cross paths which thankfully isn't often" He makes a face causing me to smile. "Is it like kissing?" "Mating... it's a million times better than kissing," he says with dark eyes causing mine to grow surprised.  "I can't wait to make you mine baby" he says as he leans over to give me another kiss, leaving our lips pressed together for at least a minute it felt like. "I want to give you a real kiss" He says as he rubs his thumb across my lips, still looking at them. I don't say anything because I don't know what to say. (Isn't what he doing a real kiss our lips are touching?)  "Her friend is uuuh... she needs help" says Rodrick the future Beta. "Oh no, poor Maggie," She moves her hands around as she explains something to a booth full of uninterested wolves. "I usually tell her when she's had too many," "Yeah, she's definitely had too many" he says as he turns to look at her.  "Well, I'll see you later Dean" I say as I go to slide out of my chair. "You can't leave me for her, I'm your mate!" "I'm your first priority now," he says panicked as he grabs my arm. "I... I thought that you wanted to get back to your friends" "We're fine Luna, someone will take her home" says Rodrick bringing a embarrassed smile to my face.  "Don't tell anyone else," says Dean hurting my heart. "I want everyone to find out at our next pack meeting," he says as he pulls me towards his body to side hug me. We turn when we hear his friends laughing loudly at Maggie as she dozes off. "Can I just take her home today," "She has never been this bad before," "I will make sure to let her know that I may not be able to come with her every time she wants a drinking buddy," "Okay baby" he says as he lifts my chin to peck my lips. Then he wraps his arm around my waist and walks me over to Maggie and his friends.  "They'll carry her, you just stay close to me baby," he says when I try to go to her. "Okay" "So she agreed to go with you?" asks Benji one of his Gamma friends. "You had some doubt that she would?" he asks as he looks down at me with a smile.  "Yeah, cause she's hot and smart" he laughs, causing Dean to growl lowly. "Don't be angry Dean, Benji just likes to joke around a lot" "Do you like him,?" "Has he ever joked with you,?" he asks as he glares at Benji. Benji only shrugs as he looks at me waiting for an answer with everyone else.  "No, I've only ever liked you Dean!" I blurt out. (Just the thought of someone else sickens me) "Benji is just always laughing so loudly, so I figured he liked to tell jokes," They laugh and he hugs me tighter, bringing a smile to my face. (Was he jealous?) I know that Jaison makes him angry. (Could that have been jealousy too) "Benji, pick her up and bring her to Deni's car," he says as he points to the door. "Please be gentle with her" I say when he lifts her and flings her over his shoulder. "Yes Luna" he says, causing me to blush and look at Dean. He winks at me with his signature smirk like he always does and my heart skips a beat. (He really did feel the same way about me)  We follow closely behind Benji as he makes his way to my car. "Are you sure you can handle her?" He asks when I tell them that I can do the rest. "Yes, her brother will help me" "Oooo" says Benji when Dean growls. "I can also do it by myself," "We have a little rhythm technique that we do and her room is on the first floor," I say when his eyes turn dark. (I kind of like to see him being jealous, but I wouldn't want him to hurt anyone)  "He has a little rhythm technique of his own that he'll teach you," laughs Benji. "What technique is that?" "I'll show you later baby" He says with a small smirk. "Okay" I say as he hugs me. "Get out of here Benji," he says as Benji chuckles. "Bye dude, bye Luna," he says as he smiles and walks away. "I want to see you everyday, baby," I nod shyly as I smile. He gives me his phone, so that I can give him my number then he hugs me one last time.  "I don't want you to go Deni baby" he says after giving me one last peck on the lips.  "I'll see you tomorrow after work" "How about you get off early," "Okay" "I want to see you at lunchtime," "Okay, we can have lunch together" "No Deni baby, I want you to get off at lunchtime," he laughs. "Okay" I say with an embarrassed smile.  As I drive off I get worried when I see a tall blonde with a tight red skirt walk up to him, but he pushes her face. (I've never seen anyone get pushed away by their face before) "Girlie you're f****d," says Maggie startling me, but she isn't slurring.  "Maggie you're not hammered?" "No, I was pretending I couldn't let him take advantage of you," "Did he touch you inappropriately,?" "No... he was a gentleman" "He kept hugging me, and kissing me a lot," I say with a smile as I remember.  "That bastard!" "Did he French you,?" "No... just regular kissing" "French is tongue right?" "Yes lots and lots of tongue," "No, he only kissed me like-" I poke my lips out to show her. "Hm... maybe he does like you," "Good... because I really like him too" "Eww, he's ugly and he's a mama's boy," "You'll have to share him with her,"        I cringe knowing that what she's saying is true. (About his mom, not about him being ugly)    
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