She's a fae

1648 Words

Chapter 32 Becca     I sat in the kitchen of the alpha house waiting   for my opportunity. Sir had called and instructed me to get 3 files out of there and I wouldn't let him down. After all he is one of the few people I can trust and believe in. Plus the pay and the s*x were both awesome. No one was here except for our Luna, the Alpha and 2 older pack members. i knew that the Alpha was supposed to go out and meet with some other pack and he was taking his little family with him. Good. All I had to do was wait them out. The alpha house was never closed. So I sat picking at my food so I would be the last one left. Finally my patience paid off. I had pushed the Lunas rubbery eggs around on my plate for almost 30 minutes. No one was here so I headed to the alpha office. The i***t didn't ev

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