He's a prince

1223 Words

Chapter 24 Jaren She jumped out the window. I can't even wrap my mind around this. I know it was a shock,but to risk hurting herself. I knew it was to soon to spring it on her. My dad had no patience. I slid out of bed to get a shower. 3 hours of sleep. My body was still super sore. I had spent a large part of the night looking for Tani. I didn't know her well enough to know where she could have gone. I tried all the places we had been to. I asked Rain but after hearing what happened she clammed up and refused to speak. I feel bad about that because the alpha will make her if she doesn't say something soon. I tan a hand down my face. I don't even thin k it was the idea of the marriage that scared her honestly. We had been getting a long pretty well. My wolf liked her well enough. He's

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