Tina looked at her watch, and she felt so annoyed that Tim had dared to leave her for so long, let alone ignore her phone calls. Who did he think that he was? All because his daughter had to run off. Millie and Eddie kept asking when they would be home, but Tina could not give them an answer since she had no idea. Tim was still not answering his phone, and Tina decided to lock the doors and let him get on with it. She got the twins ready for baths and then did their usual bedtime routine. “Is Daddy going to read us a story?” Millie wanted to know, and Eddie demanded some biscuits with his milk. Tina had had enough. “Get to bed now. NOW YOU LITTLE PESTS!” She screamed at them, causing the twins to look horrified and rush to their beds. Tina went back downstairs, ignoring t