The Devil.

720 Words
"Kevin just f**k off" "I need to talk to you about that man" "Which man?" Denying such a man existed seemed realistic. Because knowing nothing about a man like him, I couldn't even tell anybody who he was. Most of all, I couldn't tell Kevin. I was pushing him away, so deeply at times that almost our friendship was getting affected. Jessie noticed the change in my countenance and kept asking what happened. "You okay?" I would nod and walk away. The fact he hadn't arrived was making me mad. Why? He came and did so many things to me and just left like that. Gosh, I wanted to just kill him. How dare he ignore me now? "Jessie, when does sessionals start?" She gave me a side eye, "Next ten minutes. Why?" "I need to take a pee" She gestured cool with her fingers and I ran to the girl's bathroom. I needed a break. My hands were immersed in water. Splattering it all over my face, hands and fingers, I felt refreshed a tiny bit. The long scale mirror showed me myself. My reflection looked dense, tired and angry. Why was I so irate over a man whose name I didn't know? I clicked my tongue, and washed my face again. Maybe it is all for the better, he left. As I was going to make my exit, a voice behind me shook me. It brought shivers to my spine. "Where you running off to, little mouse?" I couldn't believe my ears. The minute I turned around, he stood there. Today he wore a shirt. A black full sleeved shirt that hung to his huge body in rather a struggle. Tatoos ran fresh through those unbuttoned areas and his eyes glimmered a little red. A lip piercing hung on his lower lip. He was smiling, happy or not, I couldn't make out. My first intention was to play hard to get. Then I realised he had see me. I ran to him and smashed my body against his huge stature. I hugged him. "God I missed you" He remained still for a second and then pulled me deeper into the embrace. "Me too" "Where were you?", I looked at his eyes, teary and annoyed. "Had some work." "What work?" He sighed, 'Why do you wanna know everything, little mouse?" "Everything?" I pushed him and crossed my arms, "I know barely your name. So asking about your work is crossing barriers?" He clicked his tongue like a lizard and giggled softly, "I like how your such a strong decisive woman. You just instantly make me wanna crush your thighs in volcanic eruptions" The sound of it made me dazed. "Don't" He walked closer and was about to cup my face in his saliva when I heard footsteps. "s**t" In a streak of lightning flash, he pulled me inside a closet and locked the door. And trust me, I couldn't even make out how he did it so fast. Sounds of kids howling and laughing approached us, a wall away. I remained close and hung on his body, breathing heavily. If one saw us, it would have been over. "How interesting. You seemed to be angry with me" I turned my face to him and pulled myself back, away from his huge figure. "You have no idea what Kevin thinks of you" He snickered, "He is a f*****g bastard. Let him go, Lilith" Lilith. My name. "How the hell-" "I know a lot about you. I know you." "But I don't know you", I said it out, my eyes screeching in the agony of ignorance. All my life I have been told things late. I learned about Kevin cheating a week after. The divorce; a year after. My dad remarrying; few days after. Everything everyone close to me did was let out later to me. Why? " least your name....please" He held my gaze and smiled, "Ash.. My name is Ash" Ok. "What do you do?" He sniffled his laughter, "You said just your name" "Come also is basic" He shook his head as if my desperate needs were killing him. "You know everything about me and I only know your name? That is so not fair" He took my gaze and hummed, "I take souls " What?
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