Help me

339 Words

"Jess I-" "I know who killed Kevin" I held my breath. We were outside in the backyard. Most of the relatives were leaving to have some champagne. The remaining gathered for some gossip and food. I was on the side where nobody could normally hear unless they were close by. "It's him...your man" I held her gaze. 'Do not deny it. Confirm with him and let me know" My palm rushed to my chest, "What makes you so sure?" She bit her lower lip, "I did my rather fierce investigation with the seniors. And the four have been abused relentlessly but they have only one thing to say. That they haven't done this" She sighed, "they kept telling me about a video they took. some s*x tape or something of me" I gasped. s**t. "Kevin was trying to sell it for money but the seniors denied it" Tea

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