Chapter 5. " Firecracker"

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Derrick POV What I am doing? I thought to myself. Why I am following this nerd! I am so dumb sometimes.  Derrick man wakes up. Quiet bugging her, like my sister tells me.  Hey bro! I heard my sister said. She knows what I am doing. I looked at her, she was studying me. She knows what I am up to. She can see through me. Well, she is my twin sister she knows a lot about me. She doesn't know my other secret, but I know she heard the rumors. Why do you have to bug Sherry.”? She doesn't need this." she said with a sad voice. I looked at my twin sister, I saw something I didn't want to see again. I wonder if someone hurting her too.  For right now. I am going to forget it for now. She will tell me later until then I am going to found where my Firecracker went too.    Sherry POV:   Oh, God why he here at church camp. I thought he was at a football camp but no he here instead. I don't understand why. I am walking back to my cabin I am so tired. I need my sleep because my sister Cherry and my other friend Savannah be here. I am excited to see them tomorrow afternoon. I was walking and thinking about see them tomorrow I heard a noise behind me. I stop and my heart was beating so fast. I know who it is. I said his name. "Derrick" I felt him walking closer behind me.  I should move. But I am too scared to move. I am started breathing heavily and shaking. Sherry move! my mind told me, but I am not listening to it. I know his coming closer, then I closed my eyes. Please, Lord! don't let him hurt me again. I cannot handle him putting me down again. Then I felt him grabbed me around my waist, and he lifted me over his shoulder and started walking away.  "Derrick" I yelled out his name. Oh, yea! baby saying my name." he said chuckled. I gasp I was shocked he said that to me. I was speechless when he said that. So, I started thinking about how to get out of this and away from him. I don't know why he picked me up and put him over his shoulders. Why can’t he just leave me alone?  I started beating on his back. I kept telling him to put me down. Please “Derrick put me down" You're scaring me." I am sorry for whatever I did to you." I kept trying to convince him to put me down.  “Derrick please, I begged him. I had in my tears in my eyes. “Shut up! he said growling. I will never do what you say, you listen to me! Understand." he said then he smacked my ass.  “Ouch! stop it, that's hurt, Derrick." I said to him. He didn't say anything, he kept walking me to around the corner. Huh, that is weird we going to me... CABIN! I said in my head.  Oh s**t! I thought. How does he know where my cabin is at?  "Derrick... I said... how... you...know where I am... staying at?" I said stuttering.  I get that way when I am nervous and scared.  Right now! he is scaring me and exciting me at the same time. I am still don't understand him, why he so like this. I never thought he would go this far.  Oh, God! he going to kill me, I knew it.  Great job! Sherry! you are never going to get your first kiss or boyfriend. Well! technically I had my first boyfriend, but it wasn't that long in school.  Now we best friends, he is dating my other best friend. She wonderful I am so glad they're together. I am glad they're still together and engaged, they're getting married after our senior year a couple of months from now. Anyway, I want their kind of love, but I am not going to get it because I will be dead! by my monster.    Derrick POV:   What the hell I am doing. I can't believe I did this. Yeah, I can I thought. "Please! I heard the little red-headed girl over my shoulders.  "Derrick I am so sorry to let me go." Please I won't tell on you or anything." I promise she said.  She is getting annoying because she is crying and talking. I need her to shut her up. “Shut up! I said growling at her. Then I smacked her ass. “Ouch! stop it that hurts Derrick I heard her said.  I chuckled. It a nice ass too, it is nice and round bottom. I kept walking around the corner, she knew where we were going. I smirked because I heard her gasp. "Travis... she said... how... you...know where I am... staying at?" she said stuttering.  Oh, she wants to know how huh. I am not going to tell her; I am been following her around for 4 years that I keep track of her. She doesn't know I am scaring the guys away from her. They know she belongs to me. She always will be mine. "Oh, a lucky guess I said. "Now shut the f**k up! Give me your key." I told her. She was quiet until I heard her getting in her pant pocket. I heard the ding of the keys. She put the keys in her hand in front of my face I saw the keys dangling back and forth. I grabbed them out of her hand, I put them up to her door. I got the key to unlocked her door. We walked in the front door. I turned around closed the door and locked it. I walked over across the room. I saw a lot of books on her bed. I looked around I saw a lot of beds, as we have over at the football camp. They like to have twelve bunk beds, but we have fifteen bunkbeds. I didn’t have to look for her bed, I already knew where she is at. I saw a pink and red blanket that has books on it. But one book stuck out to me, saw (The Art of Submission) a book that will teach you how to be a sub for your Dom. I still had her over my shoulders. She was moving around. Damn it! I am f*****g hard. I am thinking about getting her under me I am driving into her hot tight p***y. I took a deep breath and I flipped her over my head on the bed.  "Ahh... I heard her yelled out. But then I lost my balance I fell on top of her. I try to not fall on top of her and trying to hold back my strength I didn't want to squish her and hurt her. But it happened so fast, I was on top of her. I felt her underneath me. Her breast touching my chest and I wonder how she would look naked under me, damn I need to calm down. I growled out Oh, f**k it I thought. Then I took her hands over her head. "Please I heard her say." Derrick don't." she said with tears me her eyes looking up at me. I can see fright but also something deep down in her eyes is glowing with wants and heat. I started getting angry because she is telling me what to do. I don't f*****g like it when someone tells me what to do. It gets me pissed off. I started squeezing her wrist into my hands. I saw fear in her eyes. I stopped and looked away from her. But I know she is scared of me, but I saw desire and fire in them innocent pretty eyes of hers. Please Derrick." she said and did something that had me shocked with my eyes big looking down at her. She turned on her side where my arm is at. She kissed the inside of my elbow. I was staring at her eyes and her lips. I wanted to kiss them plump glossy lips of hers. But I took a deep long breath I closed my eyes. I didn't want her to see another side of me. That one thing I don't want her to know about me. I let go of her wrist a little bit. I licked my lips. I saw her eyes went to my lips. I can see she wants me to kiss her, but I am not going to yet.  I knew she can feel how much I want her. We kept staring into each other eyes. She licked her lips, my eyes got darker I need to calm down my monster inside me. Because if I don’t, I will hurt her. I don't want to do that. I know I tease and bully her, but I never hurt her. Yeah, I smacked her ass, but I never hit her. I know if I do that, she will never forgive me. "My firecracker," I said and bend down and kissed her cheek. "It's not time yet princess," I told her. I got off her, she was crying and had her eyes closed. I walked to the door and looked back but she was still laying back where I had her. She was crying and weeping on her bed. I walked halfway out the door I turned around looked at her, now she seats up on the bed looking down at the floor. I saw tears going down her cheeks.  But real soon sweetheart. I didn’t hear her say something I walked out the door. Then I heard her crying and like something fell backward on the bed. I know it was her. I started walking back down by the lake. I got in the fishing boat we boys bought for two years. We sneak over to the church camp met up with good/bad girl to have some fun. But I didn't do this year. I wanted to see and be near my firecracker. 15 minutes later... I got out of the shower I wrapped my towel around my waist. I need to let my aggression out on my d**k. She got me f*****g hard. I need to take care of it, I could of go to some other girl’s cabin when I was over there. But I changed my mind and so I took it into my own hands. I smirked thinking about her fear and desire on her face. Damn it! stop it Derrick I told myself. You don't want to get hard again, do you? I sighed. Damn, I need to think about someone's ugly mom with a bad body odor. I looked down at my body. It didn’t work because Sherry was in my thought. So, I saw the outline of my thick and big c**k through my towel. I need to rub one again before I get blue balls. f**k! I yelled out. So, I took off my towel around my waist. I laid it on the bench in the bathroom I walked into the shower again. I started rubbing and jerking my c**k off. I was thinking back on how she looked underneath me on her bed. I saw the fear and desire she has for me. I started thinking about how she would look naked and my c**k driving down her throat and breaking her virginity.  "Oh, God! I yelled out in the bathroom shower. I hope I am alone. I started going faster with my hand. "Sherry f**k baby." Then I thought about how she would taste on my lips and tongue. f**k! I am almost there. I bet she would taste sweet like cotton candy melting in my mouth. I licked my lips like she on them. I want her so f*****g bad. But I go after girls will take, I can give them. I am needed to stop chasing her and go for the girls to know about my appetite my desires and satisfy needs. Not her! But when I with the other girls her face always the one I see when I am f*****g them. I can feel my d**k getting harder, I know I am almost there, I can feel it. "Oh f**k! Sherry." I screamed out her name. I felt my release go out of my body. I started jerking my c**k for every last drop I closed my eyes with her mouth open on her knees taking my c**k down her f*****g throat. I opened my eyes; I saw I am in the bathroom shower her not on her knees. I took my hand through my hair. I need to get her out of my head. I need to go back to my club and found myself a new sub. The girl sub will satisfy my needs. I walked out of the shower got dressed went back to my cabin. I open my door open. I saw Wade and William up laying in their beds.  “Hey cuz! where you been," he said smirking. I can't let him know I went over there to see Sherry. He would be pissed off at me because Cherry's sister is Sherry the enemy. But I know for a fact he wants Cherry too. But he will not admit it. So, I thought maybe he will tell the girl one day his in love with her. So, I went back to what he asked me. I didn't want to tell my boys yet, I will someday. So, I lied to them saying I met a girl over there to have some fun with.  "Oh, know I went over there to see little hot redhead. I said with a hand moving up to my mouth. He and William chuckled and said my dog!  Was she good? Wade asked. I thought about her. I am not lying. In my thought, she was f*****g fantastic so yeah, she was good. f**k yeah in my mind I thought. I need to not think about her. We had small talk. I heard William said I heard a rumor about Cherry and Savannah didn't come with the girls. But they are coming tomorrow” he said. I saw Wade was quiet and I knew he was listening to William about that girl he likes to tease and picks on. I saw the wants and desires of that girl. But then I remember the book on her bed, (The Arts Submission)" What is up with that. Does she like that kind of thing. No way she too innocent and pure for that kind of lifestyle. I took my thumb run over my chin and I am thinking maybe she does want that lifestyle.  I said good night to my friends. Walked over to my bed lay down and took off my shirt and my pants off. I got in bed with my boxers on. I set my clock at 630 am for football practice tomorrow. It going to be a hard day tomorrow. I have a feeling I am going to be exhausted and very tired. I am laying in my bed, thinking about the next day. A couple of minutes later… I can feel my eyes are getting heavy, I know I am getting tired now! I start to think about my firecracker, what are you up to Red. I said to myself. But I am going to found out, soon. I thought. I took a deep breath and I closed my eyes. I went to sleep with my fiery redheaded, beauty on my mind.         Hello everyone, what did you think about Sherry and Derrick hate/ love story? Let me know what you think. Thank you. God Bless You All. Be safe out there. ALS Steele. "Travis! she said.  "Huh, sis!
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