Chapter 8 " Dinner"

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  Derrick POV:   fuck! what the hell. Who knocking on my f*****g door I thought? Bang, bang. damn it. I cover my head with a pillow. Damn, I do need to get up. But I am so exhausted from the last couple of weeks of football camp.  “Dude! get your lazy ass up! I heard Wade saying. f**k! I thought. Why does that bastard want? I sighed got out of bed. But I make sure I make it. I go to the f*****g door I open it up. I see Wade Jefferson my cousin smiling with a creepy smile on his face. What the f**k I thought. Why is he here? "Dude," I said. I looked at my cousin like a f*****g alien. " Uh... f*****g quit it! Your freaking creepy."  Wade chuckled at me.  "Oh, shut up bro! he said hit my arm. "Ouch! fucker." I said and hit him back. "Ouch," he said and rubbed his arm. "Asshole," he said under his breath. I smirked at him. Walked into my bathroom. Came back out with my closet got my football t-shirt and went to my dresser got a pair of my AE shorts. Got dressed. Went over to my bed by my stand I got my cellphone unplugged it. I checked it to see anyone called me or text me. No! they didn’t call or text me. I walked back over by my door where my cousin standing by the door. Hey! you ready to go to my house today." he said with the biggest smile on his face. I kind of looked at him like he had two heads. But then I remember why he's so happy tonight's dinner with our favorite twins. Then I understand why he was smiling. I smirked and we walked out of my door. I turned to him said. Yeah, I can't wait with a smirk on my face. Wade had one too.   Sherry POV:   "Girls wake up."    “Girls, let it move on!" Mom said." We coming the both said."  “Cherry, I do not want to go to dinner.” “Derrick is going to be there." “You know how I feel about him." “He makes fun of me." “You know he is there.” “Derrick is always with Wade." “Of course, they are there their cousin and best friend Cherry said." “We are fine Sherry." “Just try to stay away from him."  “Oh, Okay sis she said and took a deep breath."  She is trying to keep me calm because I she always worrying about me being going hurt myself because of my bully. Because all of us girls have bullies. Yes, all of us girls are bullied by the gang that our friends with Derrick and Wade. Wade is Cherry, Derrick aka D-Man is mine, Ryan is Samie Marie, Will is Vanessa aka Nessie, finally, Wyatt Richardson is Sammy is Derrick twin sister and, Wade cousin.  It is strange really? Why all of us have a bully. How about that, they all are freaking friends. Being sarcastic. I thought.   “Cherry," if you want, I can fix your hair and do your make-up, for yeah sis." I said."  “Sure, why not Cherry said with a smile."  You should wear, that beautiful red and gold dress you bought for the eighth grade, last dance". I told her. I know Wade would s**t! I laughed thinking about when my gorgeous sister walks in the door when Wade sees her. A couple of minutes later... .   “I, gasp, oh sis, you look beautiful.” " thank you." she said."  “But Sherry you look beautiful too.” And I know I look beautiful. I never felt beautiful before. But somehow, I do tonight. Well, I do with my navy and gold dress she did my makeup and hair.    Well, I told her I have a crush on Derrick aka D-Man Jefferson, I said at Church Camp. Then we were talking about how we met again Sammy, we didn’t know it was the same Sammy we met a long time back. But I am glad we saw her again. We at Church camp that when we saw her there.  But I don’t understand how her sister and brothers with him. I thought. But I told Cherry.  “I don’t know how she sister with Derrick.  She so sweet and nice and he so stupid and mean I said." Oh, sis you know you're in love with him." She stared at me.  then look into my eyes and I told her the story.  Yes, I told her my sister I am in love with Derrick aka D-Man Jefferson my bully. I never tell her if he ever hurt me or is around me.  I look sad at my sister I know I am going to cry I don’t want to.  “Sis, you okay? she asked me."    “I sigh, why sis does he hate me? I said I started crying."  “Oh, sis I don't know. She started hugging me." She kissed my forehead; it’s going to be okay sis." We will go to dinner. Let get finish ready for the party dinner. She said. So, I wipe my eyes. " cleared my throat. "  “Come sis I said.” “Let get your hair and makeup done.”   30 minutes later...…     “Oh, my goodness sis I said. With a gasp. You look gorgeous!" I look at her, “look how talking. Wow sis you look beautiful she told me.” “Thank you I blushed." .    30 minutes later... “Hello Todd, Ben said. My father and mother are best friends with Wade's parents."   My mother hugged Wade's mother Emilia, they giggled. Talked about work and how life in general. They have been besties for 20 some years now. It started in 2nd grade and now.  I love how Mrs. Jefferson treats us like family. I just love her. She never treated us badly. The guys will I sigh are another thing. “I heard a gasp, Mrs. Emilia Jefferson." So, you and Benjamin going on a trip she winked at my mom."  I want that with someone when I get married. I want what my parents have... I want my soulmate. But I got to wait until I know when he comes along. Like my parents did. They are soulmates. I was in my daydream again. I chuckled inside my head." I wonder if Derrick will love me one day. But I knew he won’t love me. He doesn’t want anything to do with me, but last night I thought one minute he saw me the girl to love. But I was mistaken because he didn’t recognize me. I was standing by my sister. I saw her looking off space. So, I elbow her side not hard, but I saw her look over at me I know she nervous to see Wade her monster and crush. “Cherry!" I said I whispered in her ear."  “Yeah!" Sis. She said” “Mrs. Jefferson, coming toward us."  “Hello girls, Mr. Jefferson said.” “Hello, Mr. Jefferson, we said."  “Aww... you girls look beautiful Mrs. Jefferson said." She has a beautiful, smile.  She hugged us and kiss on our cheeks.  She lets us go. Come in, Come, in."  She said to us all."  Mrs. And Mr. Jefferson took us outside the backyard with a grill and it's a nice place. They have a pool but they not going swimming. She is so a warm and friendly lady. I and my sister just love her and Mr. Jefferson.  they are good friends to our parents.  “Oh, my girls are beautiful. " Cherry and I blushed, thank you Mrs. Jefferson we said." She smiled with a wink. “I remember when you were in the hospital, she had tears in her eyes. " Well, Emilia, we are the God Parents”. Mr. Jefferson said with a smile."  “Ben, you better watch out for the boys, Mrs. Jefferson said with a smirk." “These girls are beautiful. " We just blushed and smile. We not ugly or anything I know that.  I wish Derrick, would like me. I do not understand him. Why he picks on me.  My momma always told me when a guy pick on you that means he likes me.  And guess what happened. Yep, Derrick out in the yard passing the football around with Wade his cousin I didn’t know he was going to be here. Oh, God! I need to get out of here. I try to turn around and run, and I started grabbing Cherry's arm, but I couldn’t move when I look over towards Cherry she wasn’t moving either. The guys are coming closer now, they do not look happy I thought. Cherry said something “Sherry oh no she says to me. I told her... “just ignore them they didn't see us yet." I took a step and try to grab my sister's arm, but it was too late they walked upon us. Well, we almost got away. I thought.  Great! now they saw us." “Hey Wade, look what we have here man".  Derrick said looking at me. I know how he feels about me, he hates me. So, I look down at the ground.  Then Wade said, “What you are doing here he growled." At Cherry looking at with hateful eyes and something hiding in them like joy in his eyes like he's happy to see her but his hiding it."   She said, “We were... invited to a dinner party with your parents. " “We don't want ugly bitches here he said with a smirk and wink." I gave him the finger." Wade and Derrick's smirk drops." Then Derrick walked up to me.  I was watching him. I yelled out when Derrick grabbed me, he was dragging me up the hill to the pool house." Hey! Let me go now". Derrick." I yelled." Then he picked me up and put it over his shoulder and smacked my ass. “Ouch, I said”, while I was pounded on his strong wide back. Derrick is a big guy. Not as big as Wade is a little bit bigger than his friends. “Put me down you asshole." He chuckled. "   " I was yelling and crying telling him to stop let me go. But he didn’t listen to me. I was looking at my sister, I saw the worry on her face. I need to stay close to her, so I make sure Wade doesn’t touch or hurt her.  Then I saw my sister looking at me, I saw her trying to run after me, but I saw Wade grabbed her. She was trying to walk up the hill to the pool house. I saw the worried and then I saw her face turned white. Then I saw Wade whispered something in her ear. I saw her shocked face.  I was over Derrick's shoulders; he is walking up the hill towards the pool house and then we disappeared through the door of the pool house. When Derrick shut it, I yelled out then I saw my sister crying. Trying to run away from Wade's hold. I saw his face. Oh, God! Please don’t let anything happened to her. Then walked over to the bed then Derrick throws me on the bed. Ahh… I yelled out. I was crawling back worth away from him. They walk over to the door and lock. He turned around with a smirk on his face walking towards me again. I am on the bed. I was thinking about how I am going to get out of here. I was looking around to see where I can get out. Then Derrick knew what I was thinking. He shook his head at me. I was breathing heavily because he was coming towards me. I was getting scared because I didn’t know what he would do to me.  Oh! Sherry, Sherry he said walking towards me, well he has been staging towards me. Has he been drinking? I thought. I saw his eyes are glassy and red. I know he is drunk. Oh God No! he has, I am more scared of him when has alcohol inside his system. I need to get away from him and out of here now! Help me, God! Please send someone to help me. Then I saw him smile and he had an evil smile on his face. He started walking towards the bed.  I was trying to fold myself in a ball so he wouldn’t see me. But I was trying to close off away from him. What if he knows it was me that night at his club? I heard the girls at school talking about how good and wonderful in bed. How he would smack their ass and tell them what to do. I started understanding what he does. He is a Dom! I want him to teach and control me like a master. I want him to punish me and smack my ass. But right now! I don’t want him drunk I want him sober when he takes me. But he wants to punish me, I can love that. I thought. But Sherry no s*x! Oh, punishing and touches and kisses are fine. I was in my thought about Derrick touching and kissing and punishing me. I felt him get on the bed. He was kneeling on the bed beside me. I heard him breathing and he was so close now towards my face. I can smell his breath it smells strong with beer and liquor. Oh, God! That disgusting mix of him drinking. I can tell he was out of it. I wonder if his uncle and aunt know about him drinking tonight. I wonder if Wade drinking too because of my sister... Oh NO! my sister.! I thought she out there alone with him. I don’t know what he doing to her. I need to get out now! My sister in trouble. I heard a scream Oh No Cherry I thought. I try to get off the bed, but Derrick jumped on top of me. “Derrick” I yelled out “Please stop... it.” I stutter because I am scared of what will happen on top of me. I am scared if he tries to hurt me. I don’t think he would try anything with my consensus, right? I will hope so I thought. He started grabbing me around my waist, smelling my hair, and kissing all over my neck. He started grinding in between my legs. He was groaning and moaning in my ear while kissing my neck. I started to blush because of how he was moaning and acting around me. I felt his… Oh, God! He is huge! I thought.  How in the world is he going to fit inside me?   I know when a guy takes some girl's virginity! It is supposed to hurt. But I am scared and excited at the same time. I licked my lips wondering what his... I shook my head stop it. Stop thinking about his wonderful big c**k inside his pants. Then he was trying to put his hand up my dress. I gasp when I felt him touch outside my underwear.” I think someone is wet?” he said. I got upset and I grab his hand away from my underwear. “No Derrick!” I said. He stops and stares into my eyes. I am trying to hold still because with any small moves he will snip. It happened so fast he flips me over on my stomach.  I felt the pain in my ass.  “Ouch! I said. I gasp I was shocked he did it again. I started feeling things weird down below. I gasp when he turned my head and started kissing my face. But he never touches my mouth. They started getting more aggressive with me.   "Derrick stop please." I am not ready." I told him. I know I want him but not like this. Not when he is acting like a drunk animal. I pushed him off of me. No! I yelled out. Stop! "Oh, come on baby let me hold you," he said mumble into my hair. I was trying to push him off me. Then I heard him snoring. Oh, great he fell asleep on me. I am trying to push him off me. A couple of minutes later...  "Derrick " I whispered out loud. Please wake up!"  Oh God, he heavy. I felt him stirring on top of me. Then he finally rolled off me and he was laying on his stomach snoring. I was trying to wake him up his feet were still on my feet. I still couldn't move. "Derrick " wake up. We need to get back." I told. him. "No! you’re not going anywhere. "Your mine mystery girl." "Why you want to leave me firecracker." he started moaning with sadness in his voice.  I stop and I look at his face where he turns on his side facing me. I saw one tear going down his cheek. This made my heart feel full of love and hurt at the same time.  I started whispering sweet nothing in his ear. “Oh, Derrick I am here." I am not leaving you.'' Your firecracker here." I kept repeating over and over to him. I ran my fingers through his hair, and I kissed his cheek. I was lying down on his shoulder looking up at him. I felt calm and happy with him. Then I felt him pull me close and wrap his arms around my waist. He mumbled in my hair and I didn't know what he said. But I didn't want to make a sound or move. Wake up Derrick he would know I am in the bed with him, he would tease and break my heart for saying something mean to me. I can't let that happen again. So, I need to get out of here. Well, I am going to try. But I was so shocked when I heard him moaning in his sleep saying my name. "Sherry".  I barely heard him. I had a smile on my face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath I let it out.  Then I fell asleep on his chest.     hour later... I started waking up. I open my eyes. I saw Derrick sleeping facing me. We were face to face. We so close our lips and nose were almost touching. Then I saw him stirring on his side. They I heard. "Do you like what you see?" he said. When I heard him say that because I was staring at him. I could not help it, this beautiful boy in front of me.  I am watching sleep he looked peaceful and not my bully and the monster likes to tease and hurt me. I saw a gentle and calm guy sleeping. But I realized this not a nice guy, he never would love me. He hates me. I hurried up and got off the bed. But I felt he grabbed it and pulled me back down on the bed. I yelped because he turns me on my side with him on top of me. He wasn't happy to see me here. I felt him squeezed my wrist in his hands.  "Ouch! I yelp it out.  "Please let me go, you hurting me. I started tearing up. He was holding me down on the bed. Stop it, Sherry! hold still." I am not going to hurt you." he said growling out. I stop for a second and watched him ease my wrist a little bit, but he still had a hold of them with one hand and the other one holding my face. He made sure my face was facing up towards him. Now! why you in here?" he asked. I looked at him strangely because his one took me and put me in here. Derrick was waiting for my answer to wawhyhy I am in here. Then he said something that hurt the most.   "What you drug me!" "Why we in bed together Nerd! Then he started getting mad, I saw he wasn't happy with me, I don't think he remembers bringing me here. "Did we have s*x? he asked with a growl in his voice. I looked down blushing, we didn't have s*x, but he did touch and kissed all over my neck. He knew by my blush we did something. Then he started shaking me with my arms in his hands.  Tell me! Now! did we have sex." he demanded. I licked my lips; I didn't want him to hurt me so I told him. "Of course not, we didn't have s*x he said smirking. "Why I wouldn't  touch a nobody like you! he said.   I looked at him went hurtful eyes and I know I was going to cry. so, I looked away from him. I told him no! we didn't. "Please let me go." I wanted to get away from him. But then he regrets saying that to me. I am going to make him regret it.  Then I pushed him with all of the might. I didn't know he fell off the bed.  Then I got off the bed and I was running towards the door unlocked it. Then I heard Travis yelling at me. He was saying my name.   "Sherry!"  I heard. him yelling in the pool house. I didn't care I left him. I never want to see him ever again. I am done with him. He hurt me. Never again, will he ever hurt me again? “I hate you Derrick Jefferson” I started walking away from the pool house. I was going to look for my sister and go see if mom and dad ready to leave. I don’t want to stay here anymore.   Derrick POV:   "Sherry! I yelled after her, but by the time I got up she was already gone out the door. "f**k! I scream out. I got off the ground went to the door. "Sherry" I screamed out her name. I am sorry! I whispered it. But she wasn't around. I started walking back to where Wade and Cherry at. I saw Sherry up ahead. I got caught up to her. I grabbed her shoulder.  "Stop it, Derrick!"  "Leave me alone please"  I heard the hurt in her voice, I started feeling guilty about how I was treating her.  Oh, God what have I done! I thought and I sighed when I watch her walking away from me. I f****d up.  Now I know she never wants anything to do with me. I hurt her. I hurt my Firecracker, my Sherry. When I was behind her, I saw her walking with her head low, while she was walking down the hill towards the house.  I was trying to catch up with her when I heard my Uncle started yelling for us to come to eat. “Kids, food!" Mr. Jefferson yelled."  By the time he said that. My stomach growled. I knew I was hungry I didn’t eat today. So, I was walking down the hill I saw Wade and Cherry on the porch. Then I saw Sherry walking up the porch. I started jogging close to her. I whispered in her ear. “I am sorry sweetheart I heard her gasp I know her heart is beating so fast. I kissed her cheek. I walked past her and walk up the stairs on the porch where Wade and standing there watching Cherry on the other side.  Then Sherry walked up the stairs on the porch she walked past me over to her sister. I am watching her; I am trying to see what emotional expression on her face. Sherry won’t come near me or even look at me. Damn it! That simply great Derrick! You just hurt the girl you were your childhood friend.
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