Chapter 19 " Found them!

2547 Words

Sherry P.O.V:   I can't believe this happened again. We can't do this again. I made sure I am not in a dark corner again. I felt my cheeks feel hot. I know I am blushing for what we did a little bit ago.  Oh, that man! I can't stand him but yet I adore him. I want him. I want him here and here she thought about her heart and inside her.  I started to make sure my clothes were right before I left out the door. I sighed I can’t look at him. I am trying to look straight forward. Don’t look at him I told myself. Just a couple of minutes ago we were together. After I got up off my knees. He started to change. “Well… umm... I try to talk to him. But my face was blushing redder. I can’t look him in the eyes. He cleared his throat.  “Thanks, princess.” He said with a smirk. He was being an as

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