Chapter 3 " I am Sammy! I am Derrick Twin Sister"

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Sherry POV: "Hey! Sherry" said Nessie waving her hand in my face. I was looking over across the lake at an empty spot where Derrick was standing. But when I saw nothing. What! I thought he was just standing right there on the deck.  I was looking around me wondering if he is watching me or going to jump out and scare me. I already know he scares me. But I don't want him to know that.  "Hey!" I jumped when I saw a girl who looked like Derrick? She was smiling at me. She was short with blonde hair and with Jefferson's bright eyes. Wow she beautiful, but they're something different about her than I can see. She got glasses and freckles and wearing baggy clothes instead of tight or normal fit clothes. She still looking at me smiling. I am trying not to think she looks like him. She is saying something I am not paying attention to her.  "What you say?" I asked her. "I said Hey! I am Samantha Jefferson! but people can call me Sammy! Oh my God! Sammy" Wow I thought. "Sammy! it's me, Sherry Stephens! she looked at me weird like I am crazy. You know Sherry and Cherry the twins.  Then she recognized it was me! she hugged me. "Wow, girl you're beautiful. she said. " You too Sammy," I told her. “Hey! where Cherry at? Oh, she is here with Savannah tomorrow!  Because they had to do something for school. But you see them soon." I told her. We were having small talks. Then I felt my hair standing up on the back of my neck. “Oh God, I whispered.” I know he heard me because I heard him laughed. Oh, I am not hearing things. He is really, here. I know it is him. I can feel him. Then I felt the air go tight around me.  I felt his body heat behind me. I know I saw a big shadow behind me. Then I heard his voice.  He chuckled when he saw me shiver. I didn't want to look behind me. I need to be strong around him.   But it so hard to be strong. I am tired of him hurting me and making me fall in love with him at the same time.  I know I shouldn’t have feelings for him, I know he is my bully.  Hey! what a girl to do. I sighed! I cannot do this anymore. I am trying to stay away from him. But it’s just too hard. One thing, everywhere I go he is there. So, I give up fighting this. I am going to tell him to leave me alone.   But he always somehow found out where I am at. He always to finds me. I am tired of fighting with him. I am just trying to make sure I am not in the same room with him.  I am trying to void him like the plague. But he always finds me. I think he's stalking me. But why me. I am not pretty or popular. I am just a normal loser like he always says I am. I was running in my thought when I felt him on my back. I was so nervous and scared of what he would do to me. But he will not hurt me right in front of his sister, right? I gasp I know my heart is beating fast. He put his hand on my shoulder. I felt him bend down and he whispered in my ear.  "Hello Red! you think you can hide and run from me." He said in a sexy seductive voice. I gasp when I felt him bite my ear and licked it. I was too scared to move and turn around. I felt his body right on top of my back. I need to tell him off, like in 8th grade but somehow, he scares me now.  I lost my toughest and telling him off and leave me alone. But I couldn’t do it. I need to get my strong independent woman back. I was going to tell him off when I gasped, and I know my face is beaten red right now because of what I felt.  My heart was started beating so fast and I felt his hard-on on my ass. I was so shocked because of how he was acting around me and how big his c**k is. What the f**k! I thought. I heard him chuckled. I try to move away from him. But he grabbed my waist made sure I was standing still.   I don't know why I thought about him in that way. On one hand, I want him so badly. I want him to f**k me so hard and rough. I shook my head trying not to think about him controlling and being aggressive with me in the bedroom. And on the other hand, I hate him, and I can’t stand him touching me.  My feeling is like a roller coaster.  So, I closed my eyes and licked my lips. When I open my eyes. I took a deep breath and I started moving away from him. “Hold still!  He said and I heard him grunt in my ear.  Oh, yeah that’s right he still behind me. So, yeah, I still felt Derrick behind me. He makes me so nervous when I am around him. I hope he doesn’t find out my fantasies about him. With me on my knees pleasuring him with my mouth and him beating my ass.  I would just die! I will never show my face back in school again. I would have to quit school and move away from Derrick. I would miss him, but he will never know my feelings for him ever.  I am trying not to think about erotic books when I read them when I am thinking about him. What he doing to me in the books.  "Sherry! I heard Sammy said. Then she looked at her and Derrick "Yeah! I said. Then Sammy smiling at us. "I didn't know you guys are dating? she said crossing her arms over her chest with a smirk on her lips. “Yeah sis” We are best friends isn’t that right Sherry! He said and he grabbed my shoulder hard. Ouch! I thought.  He looked down at me I felt his eyes on the back of my head. But I still will not let him bully me by saying what he wants. But instead of listening to him, I said what I wanted to.   “No! I said it too fast and then I was blushing and trying not to make eye contact with Derrick. But I didn't want to look behind me. I felt him touching down my back he started grabbing my ass and then he slaps it. I gasp and jumped a little bit. I guess Sammy didn't see him touching me and he is so close to me. I heard him chuckled in my ear and he licked my ear. I heard him say. "Soon Red, very soon you will be mine! I am going to f**k you real soon you can count on that." he growled then he said, "I will be watching you." He said Then he changed his body language when he steps out in front of his sister.  "Hello, Sis! with his boyish smile. I know that the real monster behind the mask. I don't know why he one minute aggressive and a bully and the next he is the nicest guy in the world giving off his friendly smile. Hey! brother" she hugged him and kiss on his cheek. What's bring you here is?" I am going to church camp remember?'' she said I am trying not to stare at Derrick but it's so hard because I can't keep my eyes off this beautiful dangerous man in front of me smiling at his sister. I wonder if she knew how really, he is she wouldn't like what she sees. I see both sides of him. The one side of him excites me and the other I fall in love with.  I can't believe I am falling for this jerk. I am thinking back to last year when he first started attacking me with touches and kisses on my neck.  I was so embarrassed and excited at the same time. I should run I mean run far away from this man.  I am looking down I feel his eyes on me. I know I shouldn't lookup. But it's too late. I gasp when I look up and see Derrick hugging his sister and looking at me with a smirk and he winked at me. I look away and ran away from him I heard him chuckled.  I heard Sammy! Leave her alone." I heard ouch! I know she hit him. I chuckled walking away to my new home for 4 weeks from home.  I went to my cabining and I met my other friends there and we hugged and talked then I got my stuff put away and went to the dining room for supper.  I didn’t see Derrick, but he did say I will be watching you, that made me paranoid and looking over my shoulders. So, I am trying to have a nice dinner when all of sudden someone comes sits beside me put their arm around my shoulder, I look up I saw Derrick smiling at me.  I thought oh God! This going to be a long 4 weeks with my monster. Oh God, I thought. I am dead. Then I look over at him he winked and with his eyes told me. Yes, I watched you.                                          
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