Chapter 19 – Visiting Lodon Lunn - part 1

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When School ended, Byia and Guyi were with Rodhy near the front gates, waiting for Paullu and Drezara. Lodon Lunn came, and Byia made a weird smile at him while speaking, “You can go ahead. I need to stop at my house, and Guyi and I will go to yours right after. You can tell your mother that two friends are coming for a visit.” Lodon slowly nodded and felt a shiver along his body, all the way to the tip of his tail. Byia’s smile was scary, and he quickly turned away and left, unable to look at her any longer. Byia and Guyi played with Rodhy until Paullu and Drezara arrived. She mounted Rodhy and smiled at her brother as soon as he approached. “Hi! Nothing weird happened after you left, brother, besides a very interesting invitation from Lodon Lunn to visit his mother. You can accompany Drezara to her home. I am going ahead with Guyi. I need to grab some things in my room before going to Lodon’s house.” “Wait, a minute! That was the boy who slapped you and got suspended, right? Now you want to visit his mother? Why?” Byia made a weird smile. “For revenge, brother, sweet and well-deserved revenge… Take care of Drezara; I will arrive before dinnertime. Hang on, Guyi!” Guyi quickly grabbed Rodhy’s left paw, and at one mental order from Byia, the smiling Rodhocetus swam at high speed, pushing Drezara into Paullu’s arms again. She made a kinky smile and spoke in a low voice, “Finally, my excuse for my daily kiss! Come here, you!” Drezara gently pulled Paullu towards her and gave him a long kiss. She then backed away and caressed his smiling face. “Why the smile? Something funny?” “No, just the fact that I am starting to really enjoy this excuse of yours. Maybe one day we don’t need an excuse for a kiss.” Drezara poked his nose. “That will depend on whether you will one day take the initiative or not. I am starting to look like a devourer of young males, instead of the shy female, afraid of the daring and enigmatic male.” Paullu laughed at Drezara’s explanation, and they peacefully swam towards her house. By then, Byia was already jumping from her ride and entering her house, straight to her room. She put her School bag on the ground and grabbed an empty bag from a closet that she quickly filled with some items that were scattered all over her room or inside a drawer. Outside, Guyi was rubbing Rodhy’s belly when Byia arrived with a full bag in her hand and a big smile. “All set. Let’s go; this is going to be so much fun!” Guyi glanced at her bag and asked, “What do you have in there, anyway?” “Some very laughable items that will for sure entertain us all. Well, mostly us two, because Lodon will hate it for sure. Hehehe!” Byia mounted Rodhy again, and as soon as Guyi grabbed Rodhy’s paw, they took off, leaving behind a trail of bubbles and swirling currents. A few minutes after swimming along the streets that led to Lodon’s house and causing a few traffic jams, spilling food over the tables of a coffee shop, and nasty shouts from some angry citizens, Rodhy stopped right in front of the green door of a very humble house. Byia dismounted and rang the bell with a huge smile. Lodon opened the door and gulped, “You… really came… Please come in. Maybe… maybe it’s better if your animal stays outside. I don’t want to scare my mother.” Byia caressed Rodhy’s left cheek while sending him an order to sit near the door. He immediately obeyed while smiling at her, making Lodon think that it would be better for him not to anger Byia, or that beast with big teeth would, for sure, take his head off. Lodon’s mother was in the kitchen and came out to greet them. “Byia! Hello again! My sweet Lodon told me that you were coming for a visit! I am starting a new batch of those biscuits I gave you last time. I know you liked them because there were only two in the bowl in the morning, and I know Lodon doesn’t like them so much to eat all of them!” Byia nodded with a big smile and showed her the bag she was carrying. “Good, but while we wait for the biscuits to be ready, what about we have some fun, just us girls? Oh, I almost forgot; this is Guyi Mohryi, a friend of ours. I don’t think he would like to join us, but he can watch or play with my Rodhocetus outside.” Lodon’s mother smiled at Guyi and looked inside Byia’s bag. “I am seeing some interesting stuff… You have a Rodhocetus? I have one to pet and play with when my dear husband takes me to visit the Hospital. Where is he?” “Outside. Your sweet Lodon thought he would scare you. Like if that cute little thing could scare anyone!” “Lodon, I am not a little girl! Bring him in, Byia; I bet he will behave.” Guyi opened the door, and Rodhy slowly swam inside as soon as Byia called for him, sitting on the ground next to her with his head tilted while looking at Lodon’s mother. She slowly approached her right paw to his snout, letting him sniff her. A slow move to Rodhy’s right side, and he even closed his eyes, enjoying the rub on his little ear. Lodon’s mother spoke with a gentle and slow voice. “It’s nice to meet you. I am Tarya Lunn. What is your name, you pretty thing?” Byia answered for him, and Tarya kept on peacefully rubbing Rodhy’s ear. “Rodhy has kind eyes, Byia. You need to train him very well because his species is not only a very good helper on many jobs, but he can even help disabled Water-Dragons or sick ones, like me.” Lodon Lunn gulped, and Byia made a slight smile. “I don’t think you are sick, Miss Tarya. Sad, perhaps, but not sick.” “Well, I don’t feel sick, but maybe I am, and I don’t even realize it. I reached that conclusion because only sick Water-Dragons go to a Hospital. My Doctor also told me that I was sad, and that was what made me disconnect a little from reality. I am better than I used to be. At least now I get out of bed and take care of Lodon and my dear husband. I used to stay in bed all day long, crying. Well, enough of the sad talk. What do you have in your bag for us? Put it all here on top of this table and let me see.” Byia took everything from her bag, and Guyi had a lot of work to prevent blowing in laughter just by seeing Lodon’s scared face. Byia explained while gazing at Lodon at each object that she took to check his reaction, “Well, I have here claw beautifiers with different colors and shapes, three boxes of snout masks, a manicure and pedicure set to sharpen our claws, some necklaces and tiaras that we can try on and make a beauty pageant with Guyi as the Judge. I also thought we could have a pretty tea party when we are all beautiful with all these things, and we can even have a girls’ talk, to talk about boys, crushes, and plans for the future. During this last part, Guyi will be outside because he has no reason to hear a bunch of females talking about males, right?” Guyi covered his mouth to prevent laughter and vigorously shook his head. He made a strong effort to answer without laughing, “No, I want to hear everything! I wonder what sweet Lodon will have to say about her crush and plans for the future!” He then picked up a claw beautifier made of white ivory and placed it on one of his claws. He stared at it with a smile and said, “Yeah, it’s pretty, but it doesn’t look good on a young male like me. I bet it will look amazingly beautiful on Lodon. Here, try it, will you?” Tarya Lunn quickly placed her paw over Guyi’s claw and shook her head. “Oh, young Guyi Mohryi, you are trying to flirt with my pretty daughter with me around? That’s a serious no, no! Sit right here on this chair while we girls go to Lodon’s room to make ourselves look pretty. I hope you can be an impartial Judge because I will be very angry if your interest in Lodon makes you give her more points than us!” That was Guyi’s limit. He laughed so hard that he began to cry. Tarya tilted her head, puzzled. “I don’t know what is so funny. I was never the one able to tell a good joke. Do you mind telling me why you are almost fainting with all that laughter?” “Hahaha! I am sorry, Miss Tarya, but the idea of me being interested in Lodon is so funny that I can’t stop myself from laughing! Hahaha! Every time I see him… I mean her, I just want to bite her head off! There is no way for me to be interested in Lodon, believe me!” Tarya looked at Byia puzzled, just to receive an awkward smile, and she then faced Guyi again and asked, “Why did you come, then? I thought you were Lodon’s friend, but you don’t look very friendly right now!” Guyi took a deep breath and answered with a slight smile, “I am sorry if I misled you, Miss Tarya; that was never my intention. I am Byia’s friend, but I truly hate Lodon. He… I mean, she was very mean to me and Byia while we were growing up, but Byia seemed to forgive her, and she began to see Lodon as a friend. I need some time to get used to the idea of the mean Lodon being my friend. I thought about giving her a chance to show me that she can be a good Water-Dragon when she wants to, and maybe I can one day call her my friend as well.” Tarya had one eyebrow raised while listening to Guyi’s explanation. She then made a slight smile and spoke, “Thanks for giving my sweet daughter a chance. She is not mean; probably a bit rude sometimes, but not mean. I am perfectly aware that she doesn’t have many friends because you two are the first she invited home.” Guyi nodded and answered while looking at Lodon with a serious look that made Lodon open his eyes wide while hearing him. “No, you are mistaken, Miss Tarya. Lodon has a bunch of friends, especially the ones in her g**g, who like to torment us so much. The strangest thing is that Lodon reached the weird conclusion that Byia and I began to swim away as fast as we could every time we saw her because we were afraid of her, when in fact we were just afraid of killing her and her entire g**g. I am not sure how her childhood was, but mine and Byia’s was very different from most Water-Dragons out there. Our fathers have trained us in all sorts of weaponry and unarmed fighting since we were two Tides old. If any of us wanted, we could slice into tiny little pieces Lodon and his g**g with our eyes closed, and both arms tied up behind our backs. But you don’t need to worry about Lodon’s bad companies anymore because, after today, she will never see them again, and she will always be with us. Right, Lodon?” Guyi waited, and after seeing his mother watching him very seriously, Lodon stuttered, “Me… with you two… always? Why… You know that Byia… I mean, I…” Byia looked at Guyi, completely dumbfounded. “Yeah, him… I mean, she with us, always? Why?” Guyi stared at her with an expressionless face and answered, “All part of my plan, Byia… You wanted to come here to have fun with her and her mother. I want Lodon with us to make sure she is not misguided again by her g**g. Now, if I recall correctly, you girls were supposed to make yourselves even more pretty, if that is even possible, and I was supposed to be the Judge of that beauty pageant. Go. I will be right here with Rodhy, eagerly waiting for the funny sight of Lodon showing off her girly beauty.” Tarya Lunn gently pushed Lodon while wondering what all that talk was about. Byia stayed behind and whispered before following them upstairs, “You have a lot to explain, Guyi… That was a stupid idea. Lodon following us around? Are you nuts? What about our side job? He will go with us as well?” Guyi answered with such a serious look that Byia blinked her eyes in surprise. “I know what I am doing. He will go with us because we could use his strength and inability to run in the face of danger. I bet he will be good bait for any wild animal that tries to eat us. His stupidity can also come in handy if we ever need someone to blame for a mistake or a failed job. I will use every single opportunity to annoy him, and with some luck, he will get angry, and he will try to hit me, and I will teach him a lesson. I told you, I hated it when he slapped you last time. I am going to make sure he never tries anything like that ever again. Who knows, he might even prove to be someone worthy of being by your side as your bodyguard, friend, or confidant. Besides, your mother wanted you to make more friends besides me, remember?” Byia frowned while leaving and whispered, “You are plotting some weird things, Guyi…” He mumbled in a very low voice when she was already heading through the exit to the rooms upstairs, “Yeah, I am really stupid… I shouldn’t t*****e myself like this. This is going to hurt so much if they end up dating. The things a guy does for love are unbelievable.”
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