CHAPTER 11 – Danger (Part 2)

1454 Words

Aria He fell backwards with a surprised look on his face. He was double my size, yet I had sent him flying and he landed next to his accomplice. The next minute he was up on his feet, swinging a silver dagger towards me. “You are finished, bi.tch,” he growled. “I’ll bathe my knife in your blood. And in the middle of his speech, he lurched at me. I jumped to the right and avoided the knife but he was fast. He turned sideways, sank, and twisted the blade in my thigh. I growled in pain but that didn’t stop me from kicking him when he launched at me like a rocket. “Keep fighting, Aria. Daniel and the others are close; I can feel them,” Tania cheered and relief washed over me. My kick sent him right next to Andy and a vicious smile revealed his intention. He lifted the knife and before he c

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