Chapter 31

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BRIELLE It had been weeks since the remnants of Zayden went missing in the sepulcher. The camp also ended yesterday, and after resting, I had decided to go to the police to check on the update of their investigation. Since I was outdated for how many weeks, I drove as fast as I could because I could not wait for more to hear data from the police. I was driving my own car going to the station. Before leaving, I told my dad that I would just be going to the mall to unwind because I had been so stressed out these past few weeks, also tired of the camp. I was glad that he permitted me to go out because he said that as long as I was doing things for the stability of my mental health, then he would not restrict me, but little did he know that I was still working on Zayden's case. I somehow felt guilty because I promised him that I wouldn't give him headaches anymore. But as long as he didn't know, he wouldn't be stressed. And that was why I didn't even tell Queen that I was working on this, or else I would be in trouble again. Speaking of the camp, it just ended yesterday. There was so much fun there because there were lots of activities. Our team did not win in overall games because our points for the second game got deducted after the prank that they had done. Because of that, we had a hard time gaining points again because, in every task, the point was increasing. Nevertheless, the most important thing was that we had learned from there and we had improved our social life by interacting and making new friends. Also, the camaraderie and sportsmanship among the members were built up. Leadership was also emphasized there. With the camp, I was also able to get to know more of Cheveyo. I had seen how passionate he was in leading his team that even though something went wrong, he was able to manage it. Though I did not have much connection with him during those days, it was just fine because I got to know him by observing him in the way he spoke and acted. As heading nearer to the station, I was taking deep breaths, preparing myself for what I would say to the police. I had trained myself to calm in any situation because I had an epiphany that panicking wouldn't help at all. Also, I had learned to act professionally in any matter, because if not, I might not resolve this issue again. This time, I would not let things be hanging again. Minutes after driving, I finally arrived at the station. As I entered there, a warm greeting from the polices welcomed me. After giving back the pleasantries to them, I went straight away to my agenda. "Mister Garcia went here yesterday, Miss Mayton, and we've told him that the case about Zayden's remnants is still unknown. We are doing anything to solve this case, but things just happen mysteriously. We've checked the footage for hundred times already, but we can't see any person there who stole the jar." The police were actually right. In the CCTV camera, the jar was there in the sepulcher but in just a blink it went missing without someone entering the sepulcher or touching the jar. It was unbelievable to the eyes and even when I first watched it, I could not imagine how did it happen. There must be really something supernatural or paranormal happening inside the sepulcher. If it wasn't because of a human, there must be something else that had done the stealing. "How about his death, Sir?" I asked. "Have you found the suspect?" "I'm sorry, Miss Mayton, but the case is closed already. There is really no other suspect at all, so we concluded that Zayden killed himself. Besides, in the sword that was used to stab him, later on, we've tracked a man's fingerprint, and it appeared to be his." My eyes widened. I wasn't able to speak after hearing that from them. I wouldn't know that was the reason why they closed it already until I questioned them about it. "Maybe Mister and Missis Garcia haven't told you about it yet, Miss Mayton, since you didn't show up for how many weeks. That's the update this week. Remember that the case had been closed a month ago because we already have the conclusion that the victim is also the suspect. But after weeks of studying the sword, we've found out that there was a fingerprint there, and as we've told you, it's Zayden's fingerprint." I did not speak still. "Maybe you are wondering, Miss Mayton, why the fingerprint wasn't tracked immediately. But actually, we are also surprised about it. We did not stand to be this slow in investigating, but what's happening was just unexplainable. You've seen everything, Miss Mayton, and even you can't point out a suspect to this case. Even the mother and the father of the victim cannot see an answer to this problem. "But another is that we've found out a proof again that Zayden was the one to kill himself in the Abbey Street using the sword. Weeks ago, we've found out that there was a CCTV that caught the scene during that night. The manager of one of the restaurants that were built near the spot where the incident had happened, went to us one day and invited us to watch the entire footage. Even Mister and Missis Garcia have seen it. If you can't still believe, then we can show it to you." I was totally speechless. I didn't know how would I react to the information I just heard from the police. I had doubts in believing them because, in the first investigation, they told me there were no signs of the suspect who killed Zayden, but after weeks, they would just find out that the sword had the fingerprints of Zayden? How did it even happen? I would think it was manipulated, but hearing of the video record, there was something pushing me to believe that Zayden really killed himself. Nevertheless, there was no reason for Zayden to kill himself in Abbey Street, unless there was something he hid from me. He was at peace when he was still alive. His life was in serenity. He didn't tell me about having a mental illness, so I didn't think he would commit suicide. He was joyful each day and bitterness could not be seen on his face. If those emotions were all fake, did that mean I failed to protect him? Before blaming myself again for what had happened, I told first the police that I wanted to see the recording. I wouldn't believe it unless my eyes saw it actually. As far as I could remember, my last conversation with Zayden was like he was in an intense situation like someone was stalking him because there was a hurry in his voice. I also knew he was not that stupid to kill himself in public, he was not out of his mind! I wanted to prove myself that the information coming from the police was manipulated just for them to not get difficulty anymore in resolving the case. Because if there was really proof since then, they must have figured it out immediately. As we arrived in the room where they would be going to show me the whole record, my heart was beating rapidly. I wanted them to be wrong about what they had told me because I could not accept it. If ever in the video, Zayden would be shown killing himself using the sword, I could really think it was manipulated. The human world was advanced in technologies, to the point that they could manipulate everything. It was now difficult to recognize if a video or a picture was edited because humans were just great, wise monks. There was also the possibility that Zayden's video recording had been edited by an expert just for this case to be closed already because perhaps, it had been so difficult to resolve already. While they were preparing the record, I already set myself ready for whatever I would see. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes for some time before watching the video. When it was now ready, I opened my eyes again and started witnessing everything that was happening there. At that point, the downpour in Abbey Street was so heavy that to be caught unawares meant being drenched to the skin. Each drop was as large as a cartoon tear and they fell like gravity had been turned up a notch. Every person able to run picked up their pace holding futile hands skyward to fend off the worst and the world was cast into more somber tones. While everyone was running and looking for a place where they could cover themselves, Zayden was at the center of the road, holding a phone while letting the big drops of rain touch his skin. His reaction during that time could not be really recognized since his back was facing the camera, however, in his gestures, there was a rush. Perhaps that was the time he was calling me and telling me to come faster because it seemed that something wrong would be going to happen. I was teary while watching the video for not being able to be there the time when he needed someone to cover him. I was always telling him back then to always bring an umbrella whenever he would go out, but he wasn't listening. However, that wasn't what I was pointing out. It was just saddening me that his death became so tragic that even the skies cried for it. It was turning dark there and the people were leaving one by one while Zay was still on the road. But after some time, he dropped his phone, which made my dears run down as well. That very moment, a sword came out from his side with a hand holding it. It seemed that it was his hands at first look but at closer perspective, I knew it wasn't his hands. Right after seeing that scenario, I didn't blink my eyes. And in just a second, everything seemed to turn black. That was also the moment I became emotional because I had seen in my two eyes how the sword had been stabbed and sliced at Zayden's flanker. I swallowed my saliva and wiped my tears to control myself even though I had seen in the record as well the moment he fell down and became unconscious. The blood spread on the ground and the sword that had been used was also dropped. There was no one there to do it aside from Zayden himself, which was really making me wonder. That time, the people started walking towards Zayden and asking for help. The ambulance followed after minutes only. "Just pause it," I told them because, at that time, I was already there witnessing the incident. When I was frustrated to the point of exploding, I took a deep breath. Like a toddler, I wanted to scream, throw a tantrum, and beat my hands on the ground. I wanted to vent and get it all out, but I didn't want to say nasty things or say things I didn't mean. It was so simple to be nasty at that moment, and the damage was already done. So many times I had wished I could take back what I'd said. I was slowly learning how to deal with it. Emotional development was akin to physical fitness in that the more you practice being empathic and compassionate, the more you do the right thing even when it was difficult, the simpler it would become. But it was also a case of "no pain, no gain," since you had to be willing to look at yourself with a "no excuses" mentality and make the necessary changes. After giving gratitude to the police, I had decided to leave the room already and go somewhere else where I could think clearly because I really had doubts about the video recording. If I would choose to stay there, the police would just insist that what I had seen was real and that the suspect to Zayden's death was he, himself. When I was driving my car again, the video I just watched was playing inside my mind. Every detail that I had seen, I had remembered. Even the very smallest information of the simplest clip was programmed in my head. Zayden's death was indeed suspicion, and now I understood the police why it took them a hard time to figure out everything. In fact, his death case was recorded as the case to be closed in the longest time. Even his remnant that had been stolen in the sepulcher remained a question to the entire country. Now that I had set myself updated again to the news, I had found out that it was still hot. I wouldn't be surprised if every person I came to meet on the road would look at me as if I stole their kidneys. I wouldn't mind as well if they would gossip around me because I'd been used to it. I wasn't being hated by the people actually, but they saw me as a wretched lady, an emotionally-weak one. But now that I stood straight to them while passing by the road, I could sense they could find me as a stronger woman, that one who could surpass even the hardest battle in her life. However, I wasn't ashamed that I was once a weak lady. I was still vulnerable in some areas of my life, but I was proud I was able to overcome that fragile heart time by time. Especially I knew that getting over that loved one you lost, was not an easy task. I just got out of my car and went to one of the cafeterias in the city. The moment I entered there, I was welcomed with the sweet aroma of the coffee. I was glad I came to the right place because there were just a few people staying there. When I took my seat, a service crew approached me and asked me for my order, and while waiting, my phone vibrated in time. I took it out of my pocket and read the message I just got from my dad. "Hello, dear. How are you doin' there? I hope you're having quality time with yourself. Don't forget to buy me toasted bread when you get home. :D" A beam touched my lip after reading that sweet message from Daddy Sy. I could not deny that he really loved toasted bread and when he'd eat it, he would smile in excitement like a toddler. How cute! I closed my eyes and thought of the hand and sword I had seen in the video. I knew Zayden well and even though the angle was wide, I believed it wasn't his hands. And the sword? I had never seen him hold a sword, not even once. The hand was as masculine as him, but it was a little different to him. At a closer look, that hand proved even more that it was not Zayden's. I could not explain it, but I knew my assumption was right. I could not tell it to the police because I knew they would not believe me since the difference I had seen in that hand between Zayden's hands wasn't that too strong to be proven true. If I told them he didn't even own a sword, they would just tell me, "You're not sure with that, Miss Brielle." I was talking with the police and experts, therefore scientific investigation and reasons should be focused on more than believing in the paranormal and supernatural. If I would mention the thoughts running inside my hand, they would just name me crazy. If I was another person and I was seeing Brielle, I would also think she was crazy, especially since I had never seen magic in my life. Every perspective was important. Every side should be considered. I was busy thinking, looking outside the glass window when my eyes caught a familiar guy walking through the shop. I could not see him well since he was still meters away from me, but I could sense I knew him; and when he entered, my jaw just dropped. My brain stuttered for a moment and my eyes took in more light than I expected, every part of me went on pause while my thoughts catch up. The situation was incredible, to say the least. My mind was thrown for a loop, unable to comprehend or digest the images that my eyes were sending it. I took a step back and checked to see whether it was still there. That was the case. Then my training kicked in; I was prepared to handle this type of situation. As the guy nearly came to me, the world seemed to be rotating slowly. It was as if he made everything stop from its place. He was the center of my attraction and at that point in time, it was all him I had seen. "Ma'am, here's your coffee..." My heart jumped a little, and my face turned red as I received the cup of coffee. When I heard those giggles from the guy who was just now a meter away from me, I set my mind focused and turned my gaze to him then. I thought I would be able to speak again, but because I was still overwhelmed, I remained silent for some time. "It's so nice seeing you again, Brielle," that guy spoke, breaking the silence. I guess I had found myself dumb, in the sense that my words had stopped flowing because I wasn't able to respond right away. Where did my training go? I thought I could be ready for anything, but things just came so unexplainably. "Prince Valor..." I whispered. Right, it was Prince Valor who was standing in front of me, but not in a prince's attire. He was just casually looking good in a plain white shirt and also plain black shorts perfectly fitted with his white rubber shoes. He got me looking at him from down to the top because I could not believe his presence was with me at this point. "Call me Valor," he grinned.
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