Chapter 7

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CHEVEYO "Zarmeda!" I slashed my sword on the black spirit who had been following me since I entered Serinokuni. With just a single hit, I was able to kill him. And before I could get to the palace, I beheaded him first which made him disappear completely. A deep sigh was released as I put the sword back to its scabbard. Before continuing to walk, I wandered my eyes all around first to assure that no enemy was there any longer. When I was certain about it, I kept on, but still with a disappointed look. Serinokuni was not secured yet and everyone still managed to lower their guards even though enemies were invading us in our own place. It had been a problem for decades, but a resolution for this wasn't made still. For the past few years of living in Serinokuni, I didn't feel safe, not even once. I only felt secure with my own hands, but not with the governance in this place. I could tell it was so poor and it lacked so many things that were hindering us from having the best of this land. Heading to the palace, where the king and queen were sitting on their thrones, I prepared myself to address my perspective about the unending dilemma of Serinokuni. I had been doing this almost every day, and in spite of not getting an answer, I didn't give up voicing out my opinion and my rights as a member of this community. I stood for all the Nokunis who could not speak up about themselves. "Madame," I bowed my head to the queen who was sitting on her throne. Finally, after an errand, I was now able to arrive there. The queen expressed hesitations. "What can I do for you, Cheveyo?" I raised my head and looked at the queen. "Madame," I uttered, "I am sorry for the disturbance, but I would like to speak again about the security of our land." "Will you mind telling me what had happened again, huh?" I hemmed. "Another Baspiritu just invaded us and tried to attack me. You know how much I am dedicating myself to this duty, but Madame, I would not be able to do this all alone. I need your action regarding this matter. The Baspiritus will continue attacking us if we will not do anything about it." The queen stood and looked straight at me. "I know, Cheveyo, but it isn't an instant solution to the problem. I've been working on this as well, but it isn't just automatic. We have to wait for the results of the action." "But I cannot see any action, Madame. How would I see results then? It is cliche to say that action speaks louder than voice, but I think you have not heard about it yet." Madame raised her brow. "Are you trying to disrespect me?" I bowed my head. "I uttered them with due respect, Madame." I lifted my gaze at her again. "We are now talking about the sake of the entire Serinokuni. I cannot just shut my mouth here and speak good words to fake you," I told her. "Madame, if you will allow me, please, let me help you with the plan. Not just me, but let the whole Nokunis participate in this matter. We cannot dare more to stay in this kind of living." Madame did not talk for some time as it seemed she was thinking of what she could say. Meanwhile, as silence ruled over the place, and while waiting for the queen to respond, my heart was beating rapidly for the thought of receiving a judgment from her. It was as if I was being threatened by those black eyes of her, but knowing Madame, I believed she would not harm her family with her own hands. "Cheveyo," Madame spoke after some time, giving off a firm hem. "I fully understand your care about the family, but please, give me some time to think. I will tell the plan to all Nokunis once I am sure about it. You don't have to worry, this will come to an end." I swallowed my saliva, still doubting with the high hopes I programmed in my mind with the queen's words. It might have seemed impossible to me now, but I was still setting high standards when it comes to the queen. And so to show I still believed, before I could be left the place, for the last time, I mouthed, "Zaraswati, Madame." I left the palace and went to the garden to see the exquisite landscape and to hear the chirping birds to find inner peace. When I arrived there, the first thing I noticed wasn't the colorful flowers, but the smile of the woman who was standing at the center of the path I was walking to. "Hey, Cheveyo. What is up?" As usual, Verena had those smiling eyes that possessed the color of nature. Her hands were swinging as she asked me that question and while grinning at me. "I am good," I responded to her, "and you?" I asked her back as I continued walking without looking at her. "Good, too! But by the way, where are you going?" Verena questioned, following me. "At the swing," I answered, "will just find inner peace there." "Alright, I'll go with you then-" I stopped walking and slowly turned my gaze at her, giving her an unsatisfied look. "How would I find peace there if your loud voice will go with me?" I asked. Verena frowned. "That's too much, huh! I'm not that locquacios, eh. In fact, I talked modestly and I have a sweet voice. I just don't know why you hate it," she shrugged her shoulders. I let out a sigh. "You are really stubborn, Verena." "Stubborn when it comes to you," she said, blinking her eyes sweetly at me. I turned my back at her and continued to step my feet going through the swing as I coughed a laugh. The strong yet delicate wind caressed my skin as soon as I reached the swing; it was a dancing breeze of hope. The tress that surround me gave a refreshing ambiance that seemed to wash away all the knotted thoughts inside my head. Indeed, the garden was the most beautiful place in Serinokuni. Different kinds of flowers bloomed there, giving a good scent and a colorful view of the rainbow. The swing was also the visited spot inside the garden because there, the hill below could be seen as well as the reflective greens of the landscape that were glowing brighter in the strengthening light. The whole panorama was there, making the view sing her lullaby in sweet nostalgic hues. "Why are you wearing that frowned face again?" Verena asked as she sat beside me on the swing. "Is it about Madame again?" I let out a deep sigh. "Probably yes," I mouthed. "Another Baspiritu just came here to attack. I have been asking for the queen's action for a long time regarding the invasion of the enemies, but until now, I cannot see a response." "Did you come to the palace?" I nodded. "What did she tell you?" "Nothing but a promise again." "Oh... she might be having a hard time about it," Verena said, letting out as well a deep sigh. "These Baspiritus are really that eager to win souls." "But we will not let them win." "Yeah, but... I don't think so our strength is enough to defeat them. We've already lost many members of the family." "And we can't bear to lose more." "Right, but..." "CHEVEYO!" Disturbed by those tiny voices that called for my name, Verena turned around to see them and rolled her eyes as soon as she saw the girls stepping forward to us. "Cheveyo, we've been looking for you. Where have you been?" the girls asked. "Just here, walking around," I answered. "Why are you looking for me?" "You don't need to ask them about that!" Verena said, still glaring. "They are looking for you because they feel like flirting again with you! What do you expect?" "Verena is really bitter," one of the girls said. "Forasmuch as Cheveyo doesn't like her, she always smelled awful." And her company laughed. "Will you just please stay away from us? You are all destroying the serenity here! Get out from our sights!" All the girls laughed and said, "Bye, Cheveyo," as they walked away. Verena, on the other hand, went berserk. Her nose smoked in anger. She could not get away from her temper tantrums, particularly towards those girls. "I told you when you see them, you don't have to argue with them," I said. "And how will I do that?" Verena asked as she turned her sharp gaze at me. "They are always annoying me! I can't just let them bully me, huh!" "They didn't tease you actually, not until you tried disputing with them." "Fine! It's my fault again!" Verena sighed deeply again. "But going back to their question, where did you go, really? Do you have a class today?" I shook my head. "Oh, I see. So, how is it in your new environment? Are the people there good to you?" "Really good." Verena grinned. "That's great!" "Everyone there seems to be always cheerful, except for that girl who sits in front of me." "Uhm, you're talking again about another girl," Verena created weird movements on her lip. "That's kinda disrespectful, especially that you're talking with me." "I can't see any rudeness in that." Verena moved a little away from me. "I'd like to ask about that girl you are talking about, but I wanna distance myself first 'cause it's so hard to get attached with you." The gloominess in Verena's face contradicted the cheerful sun that was fascinating through us. She worried her wrinkled lips together. And for some time of pouting, she gazed at me again, but still with that face that could not be painted. "You should smile again," I told her, "'cause you look better when your teeth are peeking through that rose lip." Verena lowered her lip even more. "That's the problem with you. You can easily make a woman fall for you with your words, but you can't catch them." "Well I didn't say those for a purpose, but because they are true." "Fine!" Verena crossed her arms. "But who is that girl you are talking about?" A smile flickered across my face like a hologram. It was like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room. And with that smile playing on my lip, I looked straight at Verena and said, "She's the girl I chose to protect."
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