Chapter 37

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BRIELLE Prince Valor created water waves using his hands and blew them to the men which made them all knockdown. It was a swift happening, that I did not notice how he put the five men inside that water wave and threw them like trash in a shining green portal. At that moment, he made the surroundings noisy, but it only lasted for about a minute. But how was he able to do that? He was only one, compared to the five tough men. It took a second or two for the new information to sink in, even though it was right before my eyes, larger than life. Then I felt my lips stretched wider into a gaping grin and my eyebrows arched for the sky. Amazement did not quite cover it. I felt like someone just took my spark of wonder and poured on kerosine. The smile I showed on the outside could not adequately reflect what I felt inside; it was like every neuron of my brain was trying to fire in both directions at once-- the best kind of paralysis. I was still in great surprise when I heard a sound from my back. When I turned around, my eyes caught the prince fixing his posture-- perhaps he climbed the window and jumped over there. I ran to him with a smile and congratulated him for what he had done. The prince's smile was one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. It could be seen how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. A person would smile with more than their mouth, and it could be heard in his voice, in the choice of his words, and the way he relaxed. His smile went viral around the room. It was beautiful. "How could you do that?" I asked him. "Well because they are not on the right track to do this to you. I'm glad you called for me because I'm really worried. You know when you rejected me to protect you, I think I am not more than enough 'cause I can't do enough thing for you." I remained silent for some time. I didn't know I made him feel that way because when I talked to him, I made sure my words were according to the situation and that it would not hurt him. Nonetheless, even though how decent I was at telling him that I did not need his help, I still made him unhappy. And now I felt guilty for doing this, for asking for his help after refusing it in the first place. Guilt was a delicate balance. It would show you how to become a better person, less rotten, and healthier when you need to feel guilty. When you let guilt get the best of you, it would become a heavy sack that you were intended to throw down once you'd learned whatever lesson it was trying to teach you. It was vital to forgive yourself in order to continue to grow as a person. This was what it means to be human. This was how our brains work. So, on the same side, I did not really feel bad for being guilty, because in this way, I had learned that not all the times you had to depend on yourself for there would still be things that you would not be able to do alone. There would still be times that you would be needing someone's help and just lower your pride. And this was what I did. Still, on the same side, there was the thought of making the prince be bothered. At this point, I called him, not giving him the rest that he needed for him to regain the strength he released for the rest of the day. And so, I asked him for pardon about it. "You don't have to be sorry," the prince told me. "I'm actually glad that you've called me because I know I would help. Just don't hesitate to call me when you're in need. And I guess... we have to forget the decision you first made. Will you now let me protect you?" I did not talk right away because I was thinking thoroughly of what I would tell him. However, I could not point out the proper words to say since the question was brought out all of a sudden. So what I did, was to segue. "You didn't talk about the men," I said. "How are they? And where are they now?" "Don't worry, they are not dead," Valor said, having no emotion at all. I swallowed my saliva seeing that face of him. I knew he was not numb and dumb enough to not notice how I changed the topic and tried to avoid his question. I was not surprised about it anymore, but I'd like him to see more about how I was protecting myself too with my own hands. I would not let someone guard me at all times, especially since I still did not know him that much. Was it shameful? Yes, especially that you bother them in their most precious time. Was it scary? More than scary, because you still did not know someone's real intention for giving you a favor. I let out a sigh of relief and said, "I thought they are dead. I saw how you blew the waves to them, and that disabled them to move again. You're too powerful for them, I'm indeed amazed." "Thanks for the compliment, Brielle. Actually, I'm a little sad for them for not fighting back. Soon we will be facing the Baspiritus, and seeing their little potential, makes me worry. If they can't defeat me with that simple attack, how will they win against the enemies?" "Oh..." "That's the main problem," the prince added. "My mom is sending the men here to find you, not knowing that there's still the battle we needed to face. We need more training so we could win against the Baspiritus, but look what she's doing. But anyway... I didn't come here to make you worry about that." He looked around as if he was finding something. "What's the matter?" I asked him. "Where's the clock?" After pointing out the clock to him, he told me he would be going because the king and queen or anyone in the palace might notice that he wasn't there. But before he could leave, I had taken the time to thank him for saving me again. And right after he departed from my place, in time, there was knocking on the door. "Brille, will you open the door, please?" I immediately ran to the door and opened it because I knew it was my dad. "I knew it... you're still awake," Daddy Sy let out a sigh. "What's happening here? I heard noises a while ago, so I come here to see you. What was that?" "U-uh..." I stuttered. "I was actually playing games, Dad. But I'll be sleeping now." "When did you learn playing games, eh?" Dad creased his brow. I wasn't really into games, but it was the first thing that came to my mind. Yet, I didn't think so it was a bad idea because it was a good excuse aside from watching action movies. I just told my dad that I started learning it because of my classmates and because I knew it would help me battle social anxiety. I was glad I was able to make him believe it. After telling me to take a sleep, Daddy Sy left already and went back to his room. When he heard my excuse, he actually smiled and told me it was a good thing that I was spending leisure time. So when he walked away, he was holding that smile with him. I also went to my bed but didn't think I would be able to sleep right away after what had happened. However, when I closed my eyes, I did not notice myself getting already the sleep I needed. And when I opened them again, they welcome the sunrise, that iris of fire so pretty in its mascara of pure light. The sun bloomed on the horizon, golden petals stretching ever outwards into the rich blue. It was the brilliant flower of the sky that warms our days. It was the invitation to a new day, that sunrise so ordinary extraordinary. I looked at the clock and knew it was past eight already, which meant I was so late all ready for my first class! So I hurried to go down to prepare myself for school without having my breakfast. I had no one to insist on me eating before leaving because my dad and my little brother were not in the house anymore. However, thinking that they left the house without me made me worry for them. After the scenario the last night, I could not be complacent now even though the prince threw the five men already; as long as the chasers were not dead, I was not safe. When I arrived in the classroom, I was breathing hard, not until I saw my classmates doing nothing. I didn't even see an instructor discussing in front. So, I approached Queen and asked him if the first class was done already, but he told me, "b***h, our first class for today is ten in the morning. I bet you're still dreaming. What happened to you? And with that face... you didn't seem to fix it. You look pale." I rolled my eyes. "I'm just asking about our first class. I didn't tell you to judge my look today." "Oh, I'm sorry, b***h," Queen laughed. "You just look funny today. Would you mind putting powder on your face? Because that look is damn bothering me." "You don't care at all," I glared once more. "I didn't judge you with your hoe red lipstick, so stop commenting on my look." Queen's eyes widened. "Damn yah... did I look like a slut with my lipstick?" "Uhm... yeah, but I guess you look more like of a clown." "Whatever, b***h!" Queen said, crossing his arms as he glared at me. I was still about to speak when the girls in the room greeted someone who just entered. When I turned around, it was Cheveyo, so I immediately turned my back again for him to not see me. I was still shy about the last night he had saved me. I didn't know how would I face him again after bringing him to the trouble I made. When I had seen him go to his chair, I took a deep breath and went to him. "Can I talk to you?" I asked him, trying my best to not show him how I really felt. Cheveyo lifted his stare at me and asked me, "About what?" "About the night you saved me." Still looking at me, Cheveyo stood and started walking while his hands were secured in his pockets. He stopped at the side of the doorway and told me I could tell him there what I wanted to say since all of our classmates were inside. When I was about to speak, noises rang in my ears which came from my classmates who were already lying on the floor after falling down from peeking over. Cheveyo removed his right hand from his pocket and held my hand with it. "Let's talk outside where there are no gossipers," he said as he walked while pulling me away from the place. The wind in the park where Cheveyo brought me, greeted concrete and skin just the same, yet I was blessed to feel it. Its giddy currents flow through woodland canopies, unaware of how its song soothes those who could hear. I had always thought of the wind as so free, chaotic even, yet it too has its path, even if there were infinite possible destinations. It was the air with passion, a drive that powers onwards, every direction an option. "Now you can tell me whatever it is," Cheveyo told me when we were finally seated on the bench. "Nothing really informational," I told him. "I just want to thank you for saving me the other night. I didn't have the opportunity to show my gratitude to you that time, I feel sorry." Cheveyo didn't speak right away. He was just staring at me with no emotion at all. But in those blue eyes... there was really something left unspoken. Those eyes that of ocean waves, seemed to tell many things... the hidden ones.
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