Chapter 17

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BRIELLE "I am not a Baspiritu." The man looked at me with a creased brow and with his eyes that were the deepest shade of the richest earth. "I didn't tell you are," he said. Letting out a deep sigh, I turned my gaze at the exquisite little mountains in front of me. As I was preparing myself to speak again, I let the soft wind coming from the tall and purely green trees that surrounded us, touch my skin. The landscape was a marriage of rainbow hues congregated with the greens. It rose to meet the rising sun as a proud child shows a parent their achievement. It was also taking in mighty breaths of country-pure air. However, those good qualities of the verdant landscape did not give me a hint to be relaxed 'cause I completely knew I was in an unknown world, and it was something to be worried about. "The first time you saw me, you had accused me already of being one of the Baspiritus," I told Prince Valor. "Is that because you are the prince of this kingdom and that's why you are brave enough to tell someone something that is not even real?" The prince breathed in and out. "That was a bit hard to swallow," he said and chuckled. "But look, my status of being prince here does not have something to do with my accusation towards you. In the first place, I didn't know and I was just being aware. If the enemy had attacked again without the knowledge of Nokunis, one of us might be won by them again. So, I hope you understand. And... I'm really sorry." I tried fixing my scathed face because of the humility he showed, but I just could not take that look away knowing that he had almost killed me. "Well, I can't do anything if you're really that mad at me," Prince Valor said. "I can't blame you after all 'cause if I was also in your position, I will feel the same way." "Sure you will do!" I said, turning my gaze again at him. "Who won't be mad if someone almost gets killed by someone she didn't even know. And because of what? Because of false accusation!" If I were to choose, dying would not be hard to pick, knowing that when I'd die, I would meet Zayden again. However, was it too selfish? I had people who loved me so much and hurting them in that way, by letting myself be killed, would be an unfair response to their goodness to me. Besides, I wasn't done yet fighting for my boyfriend's death; justice wasn't attained yet. Before a tear could land in my cheeks, I held it back first before speaking and before Prince Valor could notice it. "Prideful." "What did you say?" I asked as if I did not hear him. "Humans are prideful. They don't even understand themselves." "And now you're accusing me again?" My nose smoked in annoyance. "You are a human as well, and you are just what you've said. Don't me." "I won't deny it," Prince Valor smirked. "But unlike you, I have some consideration." I raised my eyebrow. "So you are saying I don't have consideration? Is your way of accusing me and almost killing me something to be considered?" "I've explained about it already. Do you want me to repeat what I've said? I'll be willing to do so, just for you to forgive me. You know I won't help you get out of here if you don't pardon me." "Forgiven. You are already forgiven." The prince giggled. "You are that eager to leave this place, eh?" "I missed my home! And I don't want to stay here any longer." "The question is, how did you enter in here? Who brought you here and why?" "Do I have to answer all your questions? Because I didn't even know." Prince Valor crossed his arms and looked at the view as he seemed to be thinking of the possible reason why I was lost in their place. While taking the time, he placed his right hand to his lower chin as if he was examining things thoroughly. On the other hand, while waiting, my eyes were just stuck on Prince Valor. I was actually a little shy to him for finding out that he was the prince of this big society, yet I could not even bow my head to him. If in the first place I had realized about it, I would not act this way, but what he did to me, was still something disrespectful. I was trying to understand his side, but most of all, I was thinking of myself, for my sake. After some time of being quiet, Prince Valor turned his glance again at me, saying, "Someone might bring you here." I folded my brow. "And who the hell?" "That's still a question. It's impossible that it's a hum- I mean, someone out of this land." "So you are saying that one of you, guys, brought me in here?" The prince nodded. "But I don't know who." "Maybe you." "Why would I? I don't even know you. If ever I know you, I won't bring you here because you don't belong here." "Uh-oh. That's foul. But who knows? Maybe you have a crush on me." Prince Valor laughed his ass off. "Are you damn serious?" "Do I seem like joking?" "With that face, I could tell you are not serious about it. I won't laugh like this if you are not kidding," the prince giggled. "But at least, your confidence is not a joke." "Enough," I said. "Would you just help me exit in here now? As in now. I still have many things to do. The camp is ongoing and I must not miss it or else, my dad will scold me." "Why would he?" "He forced me to join the camp. If I didn't tell him anything about my experience there, he would think I didn't participate in any of the activities." "Alright, I will help you. But I won't promise it will be easy since I won't ask for any help. The Nokunis, especially my mother and father must not know that a stranger is in here." "What will they do if they know I am not one with you, guys?" "They will kill you," Prince Valor said firmly. "So, be thankful because I am the one who saw you here. You must be really grateful." I let out a sigh, knowing that my life was at stake here in this place. As long as I was in here, I wouldn't be safe; unless this guy wouldn't betray me and tell the members that I did not really belong to them. It was hard to have trust issues, but it would be more difficult being complacent with a person I didn't completely know. Studying thoroughly the culture of the place, I could say that they had also strong norms. The people were brave enough to obey all the regulations that were implemented by the rulers and or the people at the highest ranks. They were even eager to kill others, and their ability to do that crime could be seen in the swords stuck in their scabbards. Even the women have their swords with them. This kind of setup wasn't new to the human world, and so I was ignorant of this place. Everything seemed new to me, that even in the people, there was something that I couldn't explain. I mean, they were humans as well, but their beliefs and the terminologies they were using were out of my knowledge; I wouldn't know something existed not until I heard it to them. The sword, especially, was making me confused about things. This was the only place I knew that normalized the bringing of the sword in casual days, that even the ordinary people could carry it with them. Perhaps because they were facing trouble right now with their enemies, and that was why they all appeared to be warriors. The time I entered the place, I did not notice that I also had a sword in a scabbard hanged in my waist. Until now, it was still with me. While taking a look at it, I mouthed, "Haven't you realized why I didn't fight back when you pointed out to me your sword?" "I didn't realize at first, but now I just do," Prince Valor said. "You have your sword with you, but you didn't use it to fight back. Guess you don't have any skill in fighting. But who knows... you might just be fooling me?" I let out a soft chuckle. "I wasn't wrong for doubting that you believe me saying the truth. You still have hesitations, and I can't blame you for that." Yet, little did he know, that I also doubted him. "The Bastipuris probably made you like that," I added. "Baspiritu." "Oh, Baspiritu." "The Baspiritus are actually our friends," the prince said, heaving a sigh. "But because of their greediness to power, we've separated our ways. Now, they continue winning souls of the Nokunis to become one of them. The more that they are many, the more that they are powerful." "How do they win souls?" I creased my brow. "It's a process, and even though I tell you, you'll not understand." I swallowed my saliva, thinking he was right. However, the way he told me things, made me more interested in knowing them. Prince Valor directed his eyes to the greens as he paused speaking. His black eyes spoke the bravery in him, that no matter how harmful the situation might be, he was willing to fight and sacrifice his life to his people. "Since when you guys separated ways?" I asked the prince. "It was a decade ago already," he answered. "And within those years, we've suffered from them. They had taken advantage of us for not being capable and knowledgeable enough in fighting. Now I know why they have been spoiling us with light activities before because, in the first place, they had planned for it." "After all, you've got fooled?" The prince nodded. "We didn't see it, and that was a big failure. All we thought was they were good friends to us. We didn't realize they just acted kindly to us in order for them to study our strengths and weaknesses that they could use in winning us." I frowned and didn't speak anymore, because even I, was being mad for what I was hearing. "Betrayal just comes... with the closest ones."
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