Chapter 33

1917 Words
BRIELLE The melancholic atmosphere inside the sepulcher gave away the exit even as it pretended it wasn't there, softly calling me away from all that could bring real joy. It told me that I could not ask for a hug, reach for the sunshine, or take a walk among the soft hymn of trees, hearing how the wind played in the leaves. I clenched my fist, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath to fight pessimism. In the first place, I did not come here to mourn but to investigate how the stealing could have happened. I just could not take it anymore. I could not sleep well knowing that justice was not properly attained yet. I lighted the candle I was holding, but it died when the air blew it, so I tried lighting it again. As I attached it to the ground, I covered it with my hands so it would not be blown again. Prayers then came out of my mouth, a firm declaration as well that after this, I would be able to find something helpful in bringing back the ashes of Zayden. As I looked at the carved name of Zayden on the tombstone, I was reminded again of his love for me. I was the luckiest girl back then until he was lost in my arms. However, I could not bring back something that was done already. All I had to do was to accept it, but not forget about it. The candle died again when the wind blew it. It was gloomy, it seemed to be raining in just a few minutes. And when talking about rain, the death of Zayden could not slip in my mind. It was like the rain had been programmed in my mind like a curse, and starting that incident, I started hating it. I moved from my spot and went to the gate of the sepulcher to look closely at it if there was something suspicious there that I had missed when I first see it. However, the second time around, I failed to see something that could serve as proof that the sepulcher was forcedly entered. I could not see any dents in the padlock and in any part of the gate. Did it mean that the invasion was just done cleanly or there was more than that? Even on the ground, when we first observed it, there was no footstep of other people that could be tracked. To think about it, it was really impossible that the jar would be stolen without any malicious activity that had been done inside the sepulcher. What did the thief do? Did he or she fly? Did he or she float? Did he or she use tricks or pure magic? No one could answer the problem, even the experts. I roamed around the cell and wandered my eyes all around. It would be not hard for me to see something wrong inside because the tomb that was of white rock was just small. I looked closely at the walls, hoping to see a mark there. I could see specks of dirt there, but I didn't think so they were part of the incident since they were already there just before the stealing had happened. Nevertheless, I took a picture of them, thinking that they would be useful one day. As I zoomed in on the camera of my phone, I had noticed something which made me freeze for some time. I did not move nor blink my eyes because I was stuck staring at that little thing attached to the wall. I got my phone out of my sight so I could actually see it in a closer look. However, I could not see it; was it too small or I was just hallucinating again? For the second time, I placed the phone right in front of the sign I had seen, and I was surprised to see it again. It was the same sign I had seen in Abbey Street the night when Zayden died. And now, it just showed up again, as if it was telling me again of what probably had happened to his remnants. Nevertheless, I could not still tell because I didn't yet figure out the meaning of this sign unless it had the same message as the text that I had received: "THOSE WHO SEEK TO HARM ME AND MY LOVED ONES HAVE THEIR INTENT TURNED BACK UPON THEMSELVES." I tapped the capture button so I could use it as one of my tools in finding out the answer, however, it could not be saved. I had tried to capture it many times, but it could not really be saved until it completely disappeared. I brushed my eyes, making sure that the sign was not there anymore, and I was not mistaken. How could it be lost from my eyes? The confusion came as the scattering of thoughts, as a flower scattering seeds in a strong wind, hoping that they would find soil and grow well. The feeling of being conflicted had built even more because of the signs I was encountering from different situations. Where did those signs come and who could give all of these? Few minutes after investigating, little drops of rain started to touch the ground. For the others, if there was one drop of rain, there were millions, falling from a confident sky. It was the kind of weather that would wipe everything clean and would create deep puddles for kids to splash in. And there was a sense of being alive in that wonderful confluence of water and air, that everything we loved, the flora and animals, the very essence of nature, derived from such lovely simplicity. But for me, the rain was different. I sat on the chair and took the sandwich in my bag as I watched every drop of the rain washing the ground. I looked at my wristwatch and didn't realize it was getting late already. However, I did not leave yet because aside from the rain did not still subside, I had not proven something yet. Until the skies became black already, I was still there, waiting for something that could dump a little smile on my lip. While having my sandwich, I was trying to figure out things but I just could not think clearly since I had been so exhausted-- physically and mentally. The whole day had been tiring for me again, and I had not taken a rest yet starting when I visited the police again the last day. And since I was always outside, I was becoming more aware of my surroundings because I didn't know what could happen to me. Before Prince Valor left me in the coffee shop the other day, he had warned me to be very careful especially since I rejected his will to watch over me at all times. He told me he understood it, but when I was in need, I could call him through the bracelet that he gave me. I actually removed already the bracelet from my hands for I did not want to bother him. I wanted to stand on my own feet at all times and be dependent on myself because it could be the best thing that I could do as I lived. Being strong enough without bothering anyone could help me become more courageous in bigger bricks that were going to hindrance me on my way to victory. Still facing the mad rain outside, I hugged myself as the cold air breeze touched my skin. The cold merely came in to meet the warmth of my blood, which served as a defense against such ice. It washed over my skin over and over, only to be met by the pounding of my heart each time. It was good to feel as if only I had brought a jacket with me. But since I was just wearing a plain black sleeveless and denim pants, the cold had been overwhelming. While looking at the trees outside that were swaying with the hymn of the rain, my phone vibrated and that was why I was distracted. Although I had not seen yet the caller's ID, I knew it was my dad. I wasn't mistaken though because it was really his name I saw the moment I took my phone. "Brielle, where are you?" he asked. "I've been waiting for you here with Akie. It's raining heavily here. Are you driving home now? 'Cause I could hear the raindrops there." "I'm actually not driving yet, but I'm inside my car, Dad," I lied. "I can't drive now since the rain is so heavy and the road is damn slippery. You don't want me to die, right?" "Oh god, what is my daughter talking about?" Dad's sigh reached my ears. "Alright then don't drive right now. Just wait for the rain to subside a little. I'll be contacting you again after a few minutes. Stay put!" "I will, Dad." When the call ended, I took my bag and had decided to leave already when the strong wind stopped me. It was like there was something different from that heavy blow. As I turned my gaze at my car, an eye stared at me, but it disappeared in just a blink. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was just hallucinating, but thinking of the similarities of the eyes I had seen for the past few days, I could not doubt anymore about it; I wasn't dreaming nor hallucinating. I took the key from my pocket and leave the sepulcher to find for those eyes again. I proceeded to the back of my car but failed to see it there. I wandered around the cemetery, but since it was so wide there, I didn't think I would find those eyes right away. I even looked inside my car if it was there, but none. So, I started my car and as I drove it, I roamed my eyes all around. The rain was still heavy, making it more difficult for me to see the way. When I reached the main gate of the cemetery, I asked the security if ever he had seen someone enter the place except for me. But when I heard him say "none," I puckered my brow. I even asked him the question for the second time, but he gave me as well the same answer. I planned on getting back, but the security told me to go home already since it was getting late and he would be going to lock the gate. That was kind of disappointing for me, and all I could do now was leave. But before I could depart from the place, I turned around again at my back, hoping to see those eyes again, but it was not there. So, I just decided to go home already. Minutes after driving, when I reached the center of the town where the road was completely cleared, I was astonished at what would cross on the road. It was still raining heavily, but I could recognize who were they, which gave me a stench of fear indeed. I wasn't able to move. I could not even continue driving because they were still crossing and when I moved in haste, they might notice me. When they finally reached the other side, I continued, taking deep breaths. The men of Serinokuni... just found me.
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