Chapter 35

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CHEVEYO It was early in the morning when I went to the palace to meet Valor. In the daylight, my mood was not as brilliant as those sunny rays and my soul did not take on a lightness, did not have a will to float and play upon the clouds. After what had happened the last night, I could not dare to smile. I was not mistaken with my assumption, that the queen would not stop to look for Brielle until she found her. I was thinking of talking to her, but that would not make a change. I would not be able to change the mind of the queen, especially when she was really mad about a thing. But this situation really alarmed me because it was not Brielle that would only be affected but the sake of the Nokunis, especially those men. I knew the system of the human world, and once they caught those men, they would not be able to come back again. These enraged eyes were my shield and weapon, the gathering of clouds for a never-to-be-seen downpour. Perhaps one day I would show that torrent, that release that would feel like a downfall. I had been so mad for too long, I was just waiting for the right time to release it. Especially now that I knew that the queen was sending Nokunis to the human world, it was a pill that was hard to swallow. I could not dare any of the members of the family to be lost in a world that they were not familiar with. I was sometimes frozen within. That was all. Right after I took Brielle home, I went back to Serinokuni to talk with Valor; however, everyone was asleep already, and I was not allowed to enter the palace. So, I waited for the sun to rise so I could meet Valor. Because I was bothered, I did not have a sleep or even a little rest. I wanted when the morning came, it would be Valor I would first talk to. I knocked multiple times on the door before Valor's voice came to arise. "It's Cheveyo," I told him when he asked who was outside knocking. "What are you doing here again, Cheveyo?" he asked. Before speaking, I wandered my eyes first around to make sure there was no one listening to our conversation. When I was certain enough that no one was there, I told him, "Where are you when Brielle needed you?" There was silence for some time because Valor might be still registering in his mind what I had told him. "What happened?" he spoke after a few seconds. I let out a soft chuckle. "You didn't know?" "How would I know? I am damn locked in here!" "The group of men found her last night. Now that they know her location, she's more in danger. I told you I'll be helping you get out of that room, but you can't lower your pride." "Anyone can help me, except for you, Cheveyo." I could sense Valor was smirking but I tried to not mind it anymore. Instead, I asked him for the last time the help that I could offer, but when he refused, I left him already because talking to him would not make any sense. But when I was about to leave, someone came on my way and told me that the king and queen were calling for the attention of everyone. So, I immediately went down and proceeded to the venue where everyone was gathered. I took a seat with the group of men who were also my friends. And while waiting, they asked me why Verena was not with me. "We're not always together," I clarified to them. "Maybe she's just around. By the way, why is everyone gathered here?" "We still don't know," Drystan said, one of my childhood best friends, more serious than me, but he could still laugh when our circle was hanging out. "But as I could hear, the king and queen would be talking about the Baspiritus." Speaking of the Baspiritus, I had not heard a piece of information about them for how many weeks now. I could think they had known about the plans of the Nokunis, and that was why they were also preparing something. The last time I had seen one was when I was roaming around In Serinokuni, and the last time I complained about their invasion was on that very same day also. And to know that after that approach to the king and queen, they finally made a step to refrain the enemies from entering our world and winning the souls of the Nokunis. Also speaking of Verena, I could not see her around. It was strange that at this moment, my eyes could not catch her because she was everywhere. Whatever I'd do and wherever I go around Serinokuni, she was always following like a dog's tail. So, I did not doubt that the majority of the Nokunis thought that something was between us. Nonetheless, I could not give her more than a relationship of two best friends because that was what I had known her ever since-- a best friend that would always be there for me even though sometimes, she was having a hard time understanding my side. When the king and queen arrived, everyone inside the palace became quiet. With respect to them and to their presence, everyone stood and bowed its head to them. When the two told us that we may take our seats already, that was just the time we got back to seats. Before going to their real agenda, the king and queen gave first their warm pleasantries to all Nokunis. "Maybe all of you are wondering for the sudden call of attention," the queen said. "The other day, if you have not noticed, Verena left Serinokuni." All eyes widened. The shock brought silence to the palace. The moment I heard that I was also surprised. Now that I knew the reason why Verena was not around, I thought I would start wondering unless the king and queen told us the reasons for it. "Where did she go? Do you know?" Drystan asked me. "Neither I did know," I told him. Drystan was still about to speak when the queen uttered again. "It's surprising, we know. But it isn't as what you are thinking right now, my dear Nokunis. Verena didn't actually leave, I'm so sorry for that. The other day, I talked to her and ordered her to spy on the Baspiritus. It will be getting harder for us to not be receiving any information from them, so we better take the risk now. It's dangerous for her, but I believe in her. I had given this task to her because I know her potentials." I took a deep breath, trying to concur with the queen's statement. I knew that Verena was strong and fearless, but she was just one compared to the number of the Baspiritus there; anytime she could be harmed. I could not stand it, so I raised my hand to say my concern. The queen moved her gaze at me and asked me what was the matter. "Is Verena the only Nokuni you sent there, Madame?" I questioned her. "Yes, only her. Sending two Nokunis would not make a big difference. Instead, it will cause us harm because the more Nokunis are there, the more the Baspiritus will notice something wrong there." I remained silent a few times, thinking that the queen had a point. Nevertheless, I could not be complacent because what Verena was facing, was a harder battle than the actual. If only I could volunteer myself to spy on the Baspiritus, but I had other tasks that I needed to accomplish in the human world. After giving gratitude to the queen, I got back to my seat. I was still dumbfounded that I was not able to answer the questions of my friends. But I focused myself again on the matter as soon as the king spoke. Everyone in the palace was carefully listening to what the superiors were telling in front. At the same time, the worry on their faces could be seen, but despite that was the willingness to sacrifice their lives no matter how would it take. "The training would be tougher now, so we are dearly asking for the diligence of everyone." The king stood firm in front of the Nokunis. For the last time that he could speak on this day, he said, "The battle... will now begin."
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