Chapter 4

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BRIELLE "To the man who I love the most..." After a six-day wake, finally, it was yet Zayden's funeral day. Every special person in his heart gave a special message for him. Everyone had a memory to share, a favorite hymn to sing. I took a deep breath before I could even continue my first sentence. "...I hope you're lending your ears to me. Though you're gone already, I still believe you can feel and hear every word that's coming out into my mouth." I wasn't able to continue on time because the tears started to fall through my cheeks. I was hurting even more especially that I would no longer see him personally. It was crazy how things turned upside down for me. I see the person every day and suddenly, he was gone and when he would go, a part of me would go with him too. "Here's a water, drink it first, Hija," Tito Hernan said as he walked towards me and held me a bottle of drink. I accepted it and drank a little before I speak again. "I'm missing you damn much. I want to hug you, but I can't. I want to spend more time with you, but you're so unfair. But still, I want to thank you for everything, for the happy moments we've spent together, and for the bad times as well. I will treasure each of them and I promise to not forget you. I hope you're happy now wherever you are, and please guide us every day. I love you so much. I promise to find justice for you." I wiped my tears and stood strong as I ended my speech. I wanted to say more, but I would just say them in my prayers. Tito Hernan and Tita Yadora escorted me going through the seat and asked me if I was alright. I thanked them and told them I was fine. For the last time, the father blessed Zayden's soul and spoke prayers for him and his family. We stood at the front of the funeral. Everyone's heads were down. Perhaps it was them showing respect or maybe they were too afraid to look at what was coming. The coffin was pulled from the hearse by six strong men, all wearing suits. The coffin was dark and it was perfectly polished. It had a cushioned and silky lining. It seemed inviting. It was good to know that at least my boyfriend was resting in a comfortable place. Before they could tamp the hole, everyone threw white roses into his coffin. But instead of a rose, I threw a pink tulip so he could always remember me until in his next life. When he was still alive, he used to give me pink tulips since pink was my favorite color, and tulip was my favorite flower. When the ceremony ended, everyone went home. I wanted to go back to Abbey Street to continue investigating, but Dad invited me to go home already. "Can I please stay here just for a moment, and I will follow you after some time," I said as an excuse. "No, Brille," Dad said. "You're so exhausted, you need time to rest. If Zayden was still alive, he would surely be mad at you." "But, Dad, I just want to-" "No. When I said no, no. Did you understand me?" I looked down and nodded a bit. I got into the car with him since I couldn't argue anymore. Besides, I thought of Zayden. Dad was right, he would be mad at me once he knew what I was doing to myself. When we got home, I proceeded right away to my room. Little did I know that Dad followed me. "I will not leave here until you sleep," he said, standing at the doorway. "I'm worried you might do something again and not rest." "Dad, I'm alright," I sighed as I lay down on my bed. "Promise, I will take rest now. I will sleep already and will not do anything. Swear!" "I know you, Brielle. You're a stubborn kid, so I have to guard you always." "I'm not a kid anymore." "You're only twenty-two and still in an unstable financial status, which means you're still a kid." "Okay, fine," I glared. "I'm. Still. A. Kid. So, I will close my eyes now, and... sleep." I covered my whole body with a blanket and closed my eyes without changing my clothes. I didn't even remove my socks because Dad was so stubborn. I guessed I got from him that unending attitude. When I opened my eyes again, I looked right away at the door. Fortunately, Dad wasn't there anymore. I turned my gaze at the top of the door wherein the clock was placed; it was only four in the dawn. How long did I sleep? Ah... perhaps I just took a nap. I went to the bathroom that was just in my room and took a quick shower. When I was about to exit, someone seemed to whisper in my ears. I had a goosebump. I was scared, but when I thought it might be Zay, I was just overwhelmed. Was he visiting me because he missed me the way I do? Holding a wide smile on my face, I proceeded to the closet. When all was well, I was silently escaping from the house going to Abbey Street. I did my best not to make any noise because if Dad catch me, it would be my end. My goodness! Until when I reached the gate, there was silence in every step I made. I was about to raise my right leg to climb on the grills when a voice from my back appeared. "Where are you going, Brielle?" I slowly turned around with my hands shaking. "What are you doin' here?" I asked him— Akie, my younger brother who was only seven. "I just woke up, so I went to your room because I missed you. I haven't seen you for a while," he explained. "But I didn't find you there, so I went out and I found you here." I face-palmed. My brother had always been like this. He was like a younger brother to me whenever he would talk, but behind it was a cute voice I couldn't resist. I walked closer to him and sat down so I could level his height. "Go back inside and continue to sleep. It's too early," I said. "But, Big Sis, I just woke up." "Yeah, I know. But it's not a good time to wake up for kids like you." "I can't sleep anymore," he sighed. "I'll just go with you instead." "I'm not going anywhere. I-I'm just waiting for the sunrise." "You don't look like waiting for the sunrise. You're well-dressed, where's the trip?" "Akie, don't be so stubborn, please. I swear I'm not going anywhere. So you better go back inside now or else, a monster will hit you here." "W-where's the monster?" Shock registered into his face. "The monster is just around, looking at the kids who are not listening to their elders so they could eat them." "Let's go back inside, Brielle!" he shouted as he held my hands. "Why? I'm not going with you, Akie." "Brielle, you're also not listening to Daddy whenever he teaches you a lesson!" Again, I slapped my face. He was on point, so I kinda was guilty. He continued pulling me going back to the house, and for him to not be in labor, I just went with him. I was in a hurry on my investigation because I wanted to know the truth as soon as possible, but because of Akie, I was forced to do it when the morning comes. We we're in the room, sharing breakfast and stories when Daddy entered. "Looks like my children are having fun in here, huh?" he said with a grin. "What's with the early rising?" "Daddy, I caught-" "Akie woke up early because he thought of me, Dad. He told me he missed me so much so he went here and woke me up. It's a bit annoying, but you know... since I love my cute brother," I turned my gaze at him and pinched his cheeks, "I got up early for him." He puckered his eyebrows. He knew I was telling a lie, so he was confused. He was even about to oppose me, not until I widened my eyes at him. Dad was just about to speak when my phone vibrated. I got it from my pocket and excused it for a while. I went outside of my room so I could read the message privately. "BACKWARDS." I puckered my eyebrows as I read the only word sent by a hidden number. I assumed it was the same sender from the last time. I opened the first message the sender sent to me, and I couldn't believe I came up with an idea. I took a hard time arranging the jumbled words sent to me. I actually didn't have formed any sentence yet, but I had a thought on what did it want to convey. Not until I read the last message, the thoughts became even stronger. The word backwards could have many implications, but I guessed it was telling me to read the message backwards, wasn't it? Since it was a given tactic and nothing would seem to lose if I try it, and so I tried it. I typed on my notes the words and this was what it looked like: "THOSE WHO SEEK TO HARM ME AND MY LOVED ONES HAVE THEIR INTENT TURNED BACK UPON THEMSELVES."
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