Chapter 3 - Family

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Cory POV Jo called us during lunch and asked us how the meeting went. He was certain that Mr. Roswell would retire, as he had plenty of funds to do so, but I was counting on that temptation to have a blank slate to play with to convince him. His wife wasn't planning on retiring anytime soon, so I knew it wouldn't be too much of a sacrifice for him to stay. “How do you know people so well?” Jo asked when James told him he'd lost the bet. “I pay attention.” I simply said. I have spent many years looking at my elders in the hopes of learning to be a good leader. I don’t mention that I spent a good chunk of my teen years worrying that if I didn’t pay attention, I would disappoint everyone around me and bring nothing but misery to the pack. It is something that still haunted me to this day, but I know that all I can do is try. And try I do. We went home after lunch, and I walked into my make-shift office. I had an email from Mr. Roswell already. I opened it and looked it over, and I had to say, I was impressed. He already had a testing environment with the application and back software written out for us to test and adjust. I called James back over. “What’s up?” He said, coming over with a cookie in his mouth. “Dude, do you ever stop eating?” I asked. “I’m a growing boy!” He defended. “You’re twenty-five. We literally just ate.” “Not dessert. This is dessert.” He motioned to the napkin in his hands which contained another five cookies in it. He sat down next to me with his laptop open. “Hey, it says I don’t have access. What the hell?” He grumbled. “Just come look on mine.” “Well, duh, but like… I’m trustworthy. It was my idea to do the blind resume stuff.” “He probably just isn’t sending it out to anyone but me yet. Calm down.” I told him. Sometimes James could be such a dramatic wolf. We went over the application process and took notes on what we wanted changed. I could see a few of the questions that would lead to trouble. There were a few questions that I was assuming were in there as something he considered important for the interview process, and made a note to ask him about it. They were not offensive, but they were also strange questions, and I was interested to know why he thought they were important for this process. The back-end process for us needed a bit more fine-tuning. We wanted to make sure that we couldn’t tell anything about them. Gender, age, or anything that gave us an idea of who it was. At the same time, we needed one question that would be added into the mix that would allow us to filter human applicants from magical ones. From Mr. Roswell’s email, I could see he was stumped as well. It was something we would need to figure out soon. The dining room was packed tonight. It was one of Mom’s nights that she cooked, and everyone wanted a piece of it. She’s always been an amazing cook and has been cooking once or twice a week since I was born, and according to my father, long before that. “Hi, love! I made your favorite. Dad told me you did well with Evergreen. I'm so happy it's going to work out the way you wanted.” Mom chirped as she whipped the egg whites for chiles rellenos(Stuffed peppers). I came around and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You're the best, Mom, and yeah, it went pretty well. It's just the start, though. We have a lot of work to do before we can say if this is going to go our way.” She patted my face a bit before she went back to cooking. “I know you'll make it happen.” “Te quiero, ama(I love you mom).” I told her. She was always so sure that I had this. I wish I had her confidence in myself. “Yo mas(I love you more).” She said, and I left her to continue doing the miracles she does in the kitchen. I went upstairs, showered and changed. When I came back down, everyone was filing into the dining room, eager for a seat at the table. We always set up a few extra around the sides around this time since we even get people that don't usually eat at the pack house wanting a taste. I approached the table to grab a plate, and Mr. Roswell came up to me. “I think I figured out the resume sorting issue. I'll have it to you by mid-day tomorrow.” He mentioned while he loaded up a Tupper wear and his plate. His cheeks flushed pink a little when he saw me smirking. “Valerie is on evening shifts. She asked me to sneak her some.” He said quietly. “Maybe we should ask Mom to take a night and cook for the hospital staff specifically.” I mentioned. She might actually go for it. Once she steps down as Luna, she's going to have a lot of time on her hands. “I upgrade the hospital staff computers personally. Does that mean I can show up?” Mr. Roswell smirked. “I'm sure she will be more than happy to feed you as well.” I laughed while I loaded up my own plate with chile rellenos and Mexican rice. I love when my Mom cooked Mexican. Well, honestly, I love when my mom cooks anything, period. I've been spoiled with good food all of my life. I went and sat down by my friends. I greeted uncle Helios and Uncle Lalo when they walked through with bags in their hands to say hello to us before heading back to their pack. Uncle Helios is the Alpha, and uncle Lalo the Beta of Guardian Moon. but we see them so often we may as well be one pack. It's not usual for packs to be as intermingled as ours are, but then again, our packs are not normal, and I actually loved it this way. We had their back, they had our back, and when s**t hits the fan, we always come together as family, and fix it. It's the same with Blue Moon, about an hour and a half away, to a lesser extent. Recently Retired Alpha Rhett was one of Dad's best friend, and his mate, Kelly, was Uncle Gillian's sister. I was talking to James when a couple of his friends came around the table. One of the girls sat next to him while her friend looked around for a seat. When she found none, she decided to come my way. “Want to share the seat?” She fluttered her eyes at me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. As beautiful as she was, the novelty of she-wolves flirting and offering themselves to me had long ago lost its appeal. Not that I'd ever done anything. I respected my future mate, where ever she may be. “You can just have my seat. I'm done eating.” I answered, taking the last bite of my plate and rising with it. I saw her disappointment and embarrassment at being turned down, but that wasn't my problem. I didn't encourage anyone. Everyone in the pack knew I would take no one but my mate. 'Dude, you totally crushed that girl.' James mind linked while I walked up to my room. 'She will survive. You know I'm waiting for -' 'For your mate. I know, but at least have a little fun. I'm not saying go all the way, but there's other stuff you can do.' He answered. 'And take some of the fun from you? How could I live with myself?' I taunted. James had been waiting for his mate with me for a while, but after we'd hit twenty-two, he'd given in. Jo and I hadn't, but we understood why James did it. Although, if I'm being honest, it wasn't too hard for me to hold back. I had never had much interest in women. I didn't feel a pull, and once Tenoch came to me, I knew that it was because I wouldn't feel anything for anyone but my mate. I and all of my siblings got our wolves early. Not by much, only a few months, but long enough to understand that our connection to our mates and wolves would be so important in the battles ahead. Our connections had to be strong. Defeating a god was no easy feat. It was disheartening at this point. We were supposed to make strong bonds and connections to the closest people in our lives, but the most important person in my life is hiding herself from me. I got to my suite, showered and changed. I lay in bed and got my laptop out. 'Hey, brother. How goes it?' I smiled. Happy to hear her voice. Despite the distance, our twin bond allowed us to communicate with each other. When she was leaving, we promised each other that we would talk at least once a day. Even if it was a bad day, even if it was short talk. So far, we've both kept our promise. 'Hi Bells. My day was OK. I got Mr. Roswell to agree to head up the expansion. How was your day?' 'Boring. I hate studying.' She said. 'You're almost there. Another semester for your bachelor's?' I wanted to confirm. Bells found her mate on the very first full moon after we came of age at nineteen. She went off to Montana with her mate and has only managed to return to school part-time because of all her duties. I'm thankful I was burden free for as long as I was. 'Ugh yeah. Unless I decide to be an overachiever like you and go for a masters.' 'I don't know that it's worth it. I can't remember anything I've learned. I finished it mostly so I could have some fancy letters next to my name so none of the humans would doubt my ability to become CEO.' I reminded her. 'True.' She was quiet for a moment. 'Are you excited about your ceremony? I'm sorry I'm going to miss it. If I could reschedule these damn exams...' She said. 'I'm proud of you for sticking to it. If Dad had made me take the title before, I never would have finished. You'll come by for a visit soon, though, right?' I asked, not wanting her to hear the longing in my voice. We were together for nineteen years. I still missed her like crazy, even though she'd been gone for seven years. 'Yep. Right after finals. I promised Mom I'd be coming round for a couple of weeks close to the end of summer.' 'How's Brandon doing?' 'He's fine.' She said, hesitating for a moment. 'Everything OK?' 'Yes, he's just grumpy because he wants to try for a baby, and I told him I wasn't ready. I want to finish school, Cor. If I get pregnant, I know I won't finish, and I'll regret it. I've worked so hard.' 'You're almost there. Just explain what it means to you. I'm sure if he's waited this long, he can wait another six months.' 'I'm trying. His mom is meddling again.' She pouted. 'Just remind him who his Luna is. It's not his mom.' 'I love you, Cor. Thanks for talking things out with me all the time.' 'Hey, I told you we'd make this work. You're still my best friend, Bells.' 'Alright. I should go back to studying. Talk tomorrow?' 'As always.' I read some emails and went to bed. Something always nagged me about Bells. I know she wouldn't outright lie to me, I could always tell, but I could always tell when something more was bothering her. I know she's lonely over there, and I really hope that's all that's going on. Some days, I wonder why our moon goddess would send her so far away when our wolves said we needed to keep our bonds with our family and friends strong. I even asked Mom that once, but she said her gift doesn't show her our future often. She's had the gift of foresight since she was a little girl, but when it came to us, it never cooperated. I went to bed and tried to sleep. Some odd dreams plagued me, and at one point, I thought I smelled my mate and it felt so familiar, but I woke up alone as usual. My room had no one's scent but my own, and the other side of my bed was cold and empty. I sighed and got up, briefly wondering if I would ever find her at all. The moon goddess wouldn't be so cruel. - Tenoch said as we got ready for the day. It may not have been up to her. What if something happened to her? - I said. The woman for us is out there. I can feel it. Sometimes I feel the pull so strongly like she's somewhere close, but I just can't see it. I can't smell her. I can't tell which way the pull is going. It's there, though. I promise you. Someone is waiting for us - He said. You've smelled her? No. But I can feel there's someone waiting for us too. Then I guess we're back to hoping she shows up during the Alpha inauguration ceremony - I sighed. “Morning, Mom,” I said, kissing her on the forehead and sitting beside Dad. “Morning, Dad.” “You look sad. What's wrong?” ever the observant one, Mom looked at me with a bit of worry in her eyes. “I'm fine. Just having a forever alone moment.” I tried to smile. “What's a forever-alone moment?” She asked, really making me smile this time. “It's when we start a pity party about being single. I'm OK. I gotta get to work, though. I'll see you tonight.” I said, chugging my coffee and grabbing my bagel to go. “Cor! Hey, are you still going into town today?” Areli, the youngest of all five of us, called down from the second floor. “Yeah, but I'm going to work. If I give you a ride, I can't give you one back until late in the afternoon.” I told her. “That's OK! I want to go to a movie with friends and then shop for your ceremony. My car is still in the shop. Dad won't let me borrow another.” She pouted. I rolled my eyes. “That's probably because that's the second one you broke, Areli.” “I didn't know I was supposed to be changing the oil. Now I know, and it won't happen again.” “Fine, but call Violet or Lucien if you need an early pickup.” “Violet is mad at me, and I'm not calling Lucien. He's been holed up in his house with his mate. Last time I tried to get him to help, I thought he was going to strangle me for interrupting his 'activities'” She gagged. I laughed, but a pang of wistfulness went through my heart. Lucien had found his mate three months ago when he went on a mission to Mexico with Uncle Helios. Before he found his mate, he'd been one of the people that spoiled Areli more than anything. Now that she's almost twenty-one and he's found his mate, she's realizing she has to figure things out herself. She's been struggling a little, but she's a good kid and good at her studies, so we all have a soft spot for her. “Fine, but I am not running to get you, and you'll have to sit in my office until I'm done working. Deal?” “Deal!” She said, then stopped. “Wait here. I'm going to go get my biology textbook. I have a final on Monday, and I can study at your office.” 'Thank you. I hate being the bad guy, but she needs to be more responsible.' Dad's mind link made me chuckle. 'How close were you to caving?' I asked him. 'Respect your elders, and don't ask questions that will embarrass them.' He said, making me chuckle. 'Dad, you have like two grey hairs. That hardly qualifies you as an elder.' Aside from werewolves aging slower than normal humans, Dad was also graced with good genetics. Grandpa barely looked fifty when he was almost eighty. 'It counts.' He insisted. I rolled my eyes when I knew he couldn't see me and waited for Areli to arrive so we could head out.
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