
1496 Words

This chapter is more laid back im getting sick i wasnt going to write today but i decided to anyways enjoy LILLYS POV After the ceremony me and cloe went to change i put on a short shirt and a top that basically looked like a bra me and cloe wear the same thing hell she was staying in my room for a while aiden was on the couch soo. we headed back to the ball room most of the girls changed into for slutty clothing the guys just took their jackets off. "lilly we are so gonna be in s**t" i giggled at cloe "eh the guys are already in the dog house oh welp" i pulled cloe to the dance floor i didnt see aiden or leo probably of doing alpha s**t but who cares i havent had fun in a long as time aiden was not gonna wreck this. After sometime of me and cloe grinding on each other, we decided t

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