Secret Mission pt two

1025 Words

LILLYS POV  After blake woke us early we got are stuff and headed down stairs got food and left "blake be sure to cover for me i dont need trouble from aiden and please keep cloe quiet" i hugged him he nodded and me and mia left Mia was more excited about the mission and us being on a mission together.  "come lilly let loose some we dont have to kill till tonight at like the butt crack of dawn" she was jumping around kicking leafs.  i chuckled at her "eh im just going over the plan in my head, try to remember killing people is all ive known never having fun or anything my childhood was taken from me remember" i c****d  an eyebrow at her  "oh come on your never to old to have fun come on live a little girl" she throw leafs at me catching me off guard.  i was covered with leafs i laughe

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