
1373 Words

LILLYS POV  Its been a few weeks since ive been here with aiden. the past few days i havent seen him much of his thank god, ive made friends with his sister cloe she not as tempered as aiden thank god, Cloe was my age she had a mate, she is short like me blonde hair blue eyes, her mate was leo i have yet to meet him hes been gone for a while doing pack things or something. Id go to bed and then wake up but aiden was gone not gonna lie i did miss him or well luna did i was still just i dont know. i was sitting in my room when i heard a knock "lilly"  "Come in" i turn to see clo all excited "what"  "WEEEE ARE GOING SHOPPPING" she ran over to me pulling me from the bed. i failed to mention cloe LOVES shopping  "i really dont want to" i groaned i was still tired  "come on it will get you

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