Pain of a mate

1733 Words

LILLYS POV I finally woke up with aiden next to me he had a tight grip on me honestly i was fine with it. I just watched him sleep for a bit we was quiet cute, but he did let him self go a bit he was growing a beard. im not one for facial hair but he looked good with in. "see what you like" he smirked at me i blushed looking away, he growled as he didnt like me looking away from him "dont hid from me" he grabbed my chin and kissed me on the forehead. "ill get the doctor" he left i just flopped back down i really didnt feel like doing anything but being lazy, a few moments later aiden came back with annie. "good morning luna" she bowed her head to show respect "how are you feeling this morning" "i feel fine" "well let me take a look at your wounds, ill change the bandages then

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