Chapter Six- Goodbye, Hello

4395 Words
The countdown was over. It was the night before, or I guess morning of the day we were to leave. For some odd reason I couldn’t sleep. I think it had something to do with the ongoing howls of my wolf inside my head. Instead of screaming mate, she was ecstatic that we were almost on our way to find him. Also, my mind was restless. I couldn’t stop thinking of ways to dodge and never look at my mate. I only knew that I had to stay away from powerful alphas, probably ones who controlled a state pack, any type of rare wolf, and if I see a red sports car with black lines, I was going to run like the wind. Finally I had gotten most of my clothes in a large suitcase, and I had a smaller bag with small necessary items. The plane was leaving at 8 in the morning, but it was two hours away from the pack house. More than 80 girls were going. The few, who had refused to go, were being forced to go. So I had a few girls who agreed with me. Finally I felt my body relax and I drifted to sleep. Suddenly I felt someone jumping on my bed. “EVA!!!! Get your lazy ass up! Time to go!” Valentine was jumping up and down on my bed like a 5 year old. “No.” with that I pulled my covers as hard as I could, causing her to slip off my bed and land with a loud thump on the floor. She recovered quickly and got up while rubbing the back of her head. “What did you do that for?” she asked still rubbing her head. “Don’t disturb me while I’m sleeping!” I responded with my eyes still closed. She flipped the light switch and the bright lights burned. I hissed at her and hid under my covers. I heard her sigh and then the covers began to slip off my head. I quickly grabbed the end and started to pull. “Eva, get up! You’re going to make us miss the flight!” she continued to pull the covers and so did I. “No” “Yes Eva” “No” I sounded like a little kid. “Eva, get u-“before she finished her sentence I let go of the cover, causing her to slam into the wall with another loud thud. I couldn’t help myself as I laughed at her as she pouted and rubbed her head again. “FINE! You win” I got out between laughs. She left the room with a pout on her face. I scurried to my closet and grabbed my favorite skinny jeans and oversized hoodie. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face fallowed by my teeth. I combed out the knots in my hair and let it flow down naturally. I didn’t bother to put make up on; I was planning on sleeping all the way there. I proceeded to my room and grabbed my black high top converses from underneath my bed. I could hear a bunch of people downstairs. I grabbed my luggage and dragged it to my door. I pushed the door open and then the large suit case. I was doing just fine until I got to the stairs. I instantly got an idea. “VAL!! Come here.” I screamed at her. She heard me and instantly appeared at the end of the stairs. “What?” she said slightly irritated. “I’m so sorry besty. I didn’t mean to make you hurt yourself.” I said and pouted. She uncrossed her arms and her expression lightened. “Fine, I forgive you.” “Oh great, will you catch this.” I squeecked and raised my large suitcase on the railing. “Eva what are you doing?” she asked a little too late. I pushed hard enough so that the suitcase would be fast enough to not fall. It worked just as Val caught it at the end. She made a loud huff sound and lowered it on the floor. “What is wrong with you?” she asked me as she sat on the large suit case to catch her breath. “Just doing things the easy way.” I skipped down the steps with a large smile on my face and the smaller suit case in my hand. She just glared at me the entire way down. “You’re so crazy!” she said shaking her head. “But you wouldn’t have it any other way.” I responded to her as I patted her off the case. I could hear a lot of cars outside. Everyone must be loading their cars. I began to slide my luggage on the hardwood floor, while Valentine did the same thing behind me. We were too lazy to pick them up. Finally we got to the front door and were forced to lift them down the three steps and onto the cement drive way. My mom was doing us the honor and leading everyone to the airport. She was going to drive me and Val their while everyone else followed. After a few steps Val and I got to my mom’s SUV. We went around to the already opened trunk and pushed the luggage into it. “Well, I better go say bye to my mom.” Val said as she lifted her luggage into the SUV and shut the door. I nodded at her as she turned and walked back into the pack house. I looked around and saw most of the girls with their moms talking. All of them looked sad but tried to hide it with fake smiles. Just then my mom walked out. She looked plain with faded jeans, and a grey t-shirt. Her hair was pulled up into a bun and she wore the same expression on her face that most of the other mothers had on them. “Ready?” she asked me as she walked up to the SUV. “I guess.” “Okay, let’s get going.” She nodded and then stepped into the driver’s side. Everyone else around us noticed and began to get into their cars after giving their moms long hugs and some even began to cry. I watched in the dark their good byes just as Val walked out with tears in her own eyes. “Okay, let’s go.” She said wiping away her tears. I just nodded and got into the passenger side while she got into the back seat. The car was entirely quite as we pulled out of the drive way. I promised myself that I would be back here as I slowly drifted to sleep. I don’t know where I am. It is completely black. There isn’t even any indication that there is a moon or stars. I feel like someone is watching me, and then I hear a hoarse voice. I can’t quite understand it, but I can tell it’s a woman’s voice. “There won’t be a happy ending for you.” This time I heard it loud and clear, just as if she were right beside me. “Eva, we are here.” My mom woke me. I was glad she did, whatever I was dreaming was creeping me out. I looked out the window catching sight of a plane leaving. A large building came into my view; it had most of the lights on. My mom drove into the parking lot after paying the toll booth. She parked as close as she could. Without a word we got out of the car and proceeded to unloading it. Everyone else did the same thing. We waited as everyone gathered around us. “So this is as far as I will go, from now on, Eva, will be in command of you. It has been an honor being your alpha, I wish you all a safe trip and good luck with you mates.” My mom’s voice slightly cracked at the end. One by one, the girls began to hug my mom. I waited as they finished. “Go ahead you guys, I’ll catch up in a sec.” I waved them off and the turned to my mom. She looked sad, I probably looked just as sad. I didn’t say anything, I just hugged her. After a few seconds she broke the silence. “I want you to call me when you land. You’re going to be a great leader to them, I taught you well. Don’t be scared, you can do anything you believe in.” She hugged me the entire time. “Don’t worry mom, I’m going to come back.” I reassured her. “No, sweetheart. There is something-“ “No, mom I will be coming back with you, I promise.” I said. Before she could say anything, I kissed her cheek and ran to Val. I didn’t look back as we walked in. “Don’t cry, don’t cry.” I repeated to myself as the doors closed. The girls were already in line to get their tickets so I joined them. No one was talking, everyone was sad. After a few minutes some began to talk. “You alright?” Val asked me as she elbowed my side. “Yeah, are you?” “I guess.” She said looking down. We didn’t continue the conversation. The line slowly proceeded and all I was doing was pulling on the elastic black rope dividing the lines. Finally everyone got their ticket as we walked into security. They made us take our shoes off and then walked through a metal detector. Some of the girls had to go through it twice because they forgot items of metal were on them. But after a while everyone got through. We got to the gate and sat in the waiting area. “Hey, let’s go get coffee.” Val said. I nodded and fallowed her to the coffee stand. We ordered out coffees while Val got a muffin and I got a large chocolate chip cookie. I was still sad about leaving my mom; this was going to be the longest time I spent away from her. When I would go away for Alpha camp it was for two weeks, not months. I sighed and tried to forget as I took chunks of cookie while sipping on my coffee. The announcement came on about our boarding, so we made a line. I handed her my ticket and walked into the tunnel. Finally I got to the end of it and got into the plane through the door as a small Asian woman greeted me. I continued to my seat. I got a window seat while Val was in the middle and Rachel at the end. Val put our carry on into the overhead storage. I looked around and noticed that there were not many other people except for the 80 girls. After everyone had boarded the plane and found their seats, a flight attendant began to show us how to buckle our seat belts and about the emergency procedures. When she was finished the plane began to move. I could feel the plane’s nose begin to rise and I looked out the window just in time to see the ground moving away. I began to get butterflies in my stomach and after a while, my ears popped. I let myself fall back to sleep. I’m at a large cabin, surrounded lush green forest. To my left there is lake and to my right another smaller cabin. The cabins are in a large clearing. I turn around and see a little girl in a purple sundress with a darker purple bow of ribbon on her head. She looked to be around eleven or ten. I realized something, I can’t move, or talk all I can do is watch. The girl is talking to a boy with dark brown hair. Then a few other boys join them and begin to talk to her. “Do you want to be on my team?” the brown haired boy asked the girl. “Yeah sure.” The girl response happily. “Let me just get out of this stupid dress my mom made me wear.” She said and walked into the large cabin. This time I fallowed her into the cabin. It looked like a family home. It was a little bit bigger than my pack house. I remembered this cabin, it’s from Alpha camp. This isn’t a dream it’s a memory. Then the little girl came back wearing jeans and a black t-shirt with her hair up in a ponytail. She skipped down the stairs and was about to head out the door but stopped when opened from the other side. A group of three boys who look around the age of 13 and 14 walked in. The boys walked right past her without a word. Then the boy who was still holding the door open leaned into her. “I liked you better in the dress. Purple is my favorite color.” He said and winked before leaving her alone. The boy had blond hair and blue eyes. He was clearly the boss of the other boys because they just stood there and waited for him. I slowly came back to the plane. I straightened up and looked out the window to see white everywhere. I turned to look at Val whose head was resting on Rachel’s shoulder as they both slept. I remembered the dream or memory. That was my first day at camp. The High Order had wanted the alpha’s to learn how to mediate things without violence so they created the camp. For some odd reason, the last part of the memory seemed new or I must have forgotten about that part a long time ago. I couldn’t remember that boy though. I distracted myself with the magazines in the pouch of the seat in front of me. I quickly finished with those, so I pulled out my iPod and listened to my music. I couldn’t fall back to sleep so I just stared at the white nothingness. I drifted in and out of a slight state of sleep for a few hours before the clouds outside turned into patches of green and brown. I could tell that we were descending. Val and Rachel had woken up and an hour earlier and were chatting. I wasn’t in the mood to socialize at the moment. For some odd reason, I couldn’t get that boy out of my head. “Hey, are you alright? You haven’t said much since we left.” Rachel said with a concerned look on her face. “Um, yeah. I’m just getting home sick.” It was a lie, but that was the best I could come up with at the moment. “Already? We haven’t even been gone for more than a day.” Val said calling my bluff. “I guess so.” I turned back around and watched the patches of earth zoom by. They didn’t try to start conversation with me. Slowly I started to be able to see cars, and houses. Soon after that the flight attendant’s voice was heard around the plane. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts we are starting our decent.” Everyone did as they were told and the plane began to slowly drop. Soon enough the tires began to skip to a halt. The plane pulled up to a tube leading into the airport. It took a while until they let us get out of our seats and lead us out. I grabbed my bag from overhead and walked out towards the tunnel. When I reached the end I was greeted by some of the girls who were waiting for me to lead them out. I stepped into the crowed and waited for everyone else. The waiting area for the planes was much larger than the one in Virginia, and was very crowded. They had small cafés set up around the areas. As soon as all the girls were gathered, I began to lead them away from the gates and into the airport to claim our baggage. We got to a large area with metal machines that spun luggage in circles. Everyone went to them and grabbed their bags. I grabbed my bag and began to drag it to the pickup area. The Order had ordered charter buses for us to get to the hotel, so lead the girls to the bus area. I continued to drag my bag when the scent of wolf caught my attention. I looked around for a while when I finally noticed a charter bus with Berton Inn in big letters printed on the back. And leaning on the back bumper was a male wolf around my age. He was tall, dark long hair that went to his chin. He was dressed in a regular dark red t shirt and loose jeans. His arms were crossed and he slightly sat on the bumper. He noticed me and stood up dropping his arms to his side. “Are you the Stardust pack?” he asked walking towards me with a grimace on his face. “No, we are just a bunch of girl weres looking for a ride. Of course dipshit!” I responded. His face lightened up at my response and picked up my luggage with one hand as if it weighed nothing. He turned and walked to the bus carrying my bag as if it was a small purse. “Is that our ride?” Val asked me. “ No Val, I just let some stranger take my bags.” I said sarcastically as she watched the guy put my bags into the bus storage. He turned around and gave us an “are you coming” look. All of the girls proceeded to him and let him put their bag in the storage; some even flirted a little bit, giving him a boost to his ego. I stayed outside of the bus as the girls filed in, I had to stay and make sure no one was left behind. When no one was coming I turned towards the bus, to see the guy closing the storage spaces. “Is that everyone?” he asked me. “I guess so, I’ll ask the girls if there is anyone missing.” I said and was about to turn when he stopped me. “I’m Royce.” He said. “Eva, Alpha Eva.” I said looking over my shoulder. “You’re not alpha yet, are you?” he asked me. “Pretty much I am.” I said and walked onto the large bus. “Is anyone missing?” I asked the girls who had all settled in seats. “Nope,” they all said. I looked for a seat and noticed Val sitting right behind the driver seat. She had saved me a spot so I sat in the seat covered in dark red carpet like fabric. “Where’s our driver?” Val asked looking up. “Right here.” Royce said as he jumped onto the bus. “This is Royce you guys, our driver.” I said loudly so that all the girls could hear me. They all got quite and looked up at him. His slight smile disappeared into a blank expression as his cheeks turned slightly red. All the girls said hi, and returned to what they were doing. Royce mumbled a hi back and relaxed. He then turned to me and glared at me. “I’ll get you back for that.” He said quietly while I just smiled up at him. He sat down in the seat and began to drive out of the parking lot. “So how long is it before we get to the hotel?” I asked Royce. “About an hour.” He said not taking his eyes off the road. “Alrighty then.” “So do you know what the party is ganna be like?” Val asked me. “I know as much as you do.” I responded. “You know you would know everything if you hadn’t refused to plan it.” She said to me. I just shrugged at her. “You can be such a pain.” She said. We continued to talk through the hour until we arrived at the hotel. Royce parked the bus and we got off. He opened the storage and let everyone get their luggage. I waited for them to finish getting their things before I got mine. “See you tomorrow night.” Royce said to me as I turned to leave. “Wait, you coming?” I asked. “Yup, and also to the one after that, and the one after that.” “Huh?” “I’m supposed to drive you all through the whole trip.” He said as a smirk appeared on his lips. “Lucky us.” I said with a fake smile. He just laughed it off and joined the girls. I lead them into the hotel which looked exactly like the one in Virginia. I went to the front desk and checked everyone in. They all got their keys and headed towards their rooms. Rachel, Val and I got to share a room. Every girl had roommates; the only one who didn’t get a roommate was Royce who looked kind of upset because of it. Our room was large. It had two queen sized bed in one area that was connected with a bathroom, and another queen sized bed in another area that lead to a small kitchen. We unpacked a few things, before the girls decided to go swimming in the pool. We spent the rest of the day there and most of the night in the hot tub. Most of the girls ordered pizza or subway to eat. The next day everyone was in frenzy. The downstairs ballroom was being prepped for the dance and the girls were prepping themselves. I spent most of the day playing some game on the internet with Rachel as Val got ready. At around 6 pm I decided that it was time for me to get ready, seeing as how Val was all glammed out in a long flowy red sparkly dress. Her hair was in a nice braid and she had high heels on. She was still working on her make up. “I’ll race you.” I said to Rachel as we lay on one of the beds. “Three. Two. One. Go!!” she said and we took off for the bathroom. We got to the door way at the same time and began to push each other. “I win Rach!” I said still pushing her. “No you didn’t! I did!” she responded. I pushed her with all my strength and locked the door behind me. “Ha! Who won? I think I did!” I yelled out of the bathroom. “You cheated!” it was muffled by the door. I quickly took a shower and jumped out. Rachel quickly went in and stuck her tongue out at me. I went to my suitcase and grabbed a dark blue, tight dress that went mid-thigh. I blow dried my hair and let it down just in case the sleeveless dress slipped a little. I didn’t want anyone seeing the mark. I grabbed the matching pumps and sat next to Val who was watching TV. “You look nice.” I nudged her. “I better! I spent all day!” she said gesturing towards her body. We spent a while watching television until Rachel walked out in her outfit. She wore a peach colored dress that went mid-thigh and had a low halter neck line while her back was almost completely bare. She had black pumps on her feet and her hair was in slight curls. “Let’s go.” I said pulling Val up with me. I had to be the first one in there to “Start off” the mating search. I walked into the lobby where all the girls were at. They were all dressed nicely. I walked to the ballroom and opened the two doors. “Wow.” Is all I could say? It looked like a nightclub. It had the techno lights and DJ area. It also had a bar. All the girls fallowed in after me. We still had a few minutes before it officially started. But after just a minute, guys started arriving. I stayed hidden in the back looking or sniffing for my mate. Everyone was socializing and then it was time to start it. I went up to the Dj station and grabbed the mike “Hello, so thanks for coming, and enjoy.” Is all I said and handed the mike back to the Dj who began to play music. I spent all night dancing with my friends and talking. Every now and then a guy would ask me to dance and I would accept. The party went on for a while until people started leaving at around one or two in the morning. In the end, 10 girls were taken as mates to different packs. We would be on the road again tomorrow to give away more girls.
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