Chapter Thirteen- Traitors

1302 Words

I was still spread out on my bed, when the door was flung open, reviling two laughing girls. "He is so pissed!" Jasmine laughed out. "Eva, you didn't make that man happy, in any way." Liz continued with her hands around her stomach. She had tears in her eyes from her laughter. "Where is he now?" I asked them concerned. "Well he went back to the banquet, his dad made him go." Jasmine had finally stopped laughing. I dropped back down on my bed. "Here is your dress." she laid down the black fabric beside me. "Okay, I can I have my $60 now?" Liz asked still giggling. "Oh yeah," I got up and went to my purse. It was empty. "Bad news, I don't have money on me at the moment." Their faces fell. "But, if you do this one last thing I'll go out tomorrow and get it." I finished, their faces lit

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