Chapter 7

1371 Words
He woke up with a weird smell filling his nose. He slowly woke up and realized that it was food, someone was cooking bacon. Immediately he sat up in bed, got dressed and rushed sleepily into the kitchen. There he saw a woman he"d never seen before making food on his stove. “Hello, did I wake you up. I saw this on TV and wanted to try it,” she said to him. “You"re, how did you,” Pen was at a loss. “I am called the mimic blade, I saw a form on television I liked so I took it,” Pen never watched any cooking shows in the morning mainly because he was never awake this early. “Apparently, her name is Lana Volente, chef extraordinaire,” she said and who ever Lana was, Pen had to approve. This was a pretty hot form and all of the sudden he was going to get used to having her around. “Did you make any for me or just for yourself?” Pen asked her. “Oh, I am a sword, we don"t eat anything. If you"re hungry you can have it. I just wanted to try it,” she replied to him and slid the eggs and bacon onto the nearby plate, as she did the toast came up. She put butter on it, butter he didn"t even know he had honestly, and spread it on the toast. “Here you go,” Tinea said to him and smiled. He walked to the plate and approved it all looked and smelled great. He picked the plate up and looked around for a fork. As soon as he did she was holding one in his direction. He took it from her. “Thanks,” he said. “Oh, and by the way, the castle seems to be on fire,” she said to him and looked out the window. Pen took a bite before he realized what she said and nearly choked on his food. He rushed to the window and he could see the smoke rising in the distance too. “Son of a…” he trailed off and walked to the television, still on the cooking channel he turned it to EFF news to see what was going on. “This is an ongoing situation, there has been an explosion at the castle of unknown origin, we don"t know anything right now but officials have told us the royal families have been evacuated to a safe location and—“ Pen muted the television, picked up his cell phone and called Shane right away. It rang twice before Shane picked up. “Hey, have you seen the news, the castle is on fire. Also you should come over because I have something you"re going to want to see,” Pen said all in one breath and almost too fast to be understood. “Castle is on fire, really. It"s eight in the morning, way too early for me to be awake,” Shane replied, still groggy. “I know but something is wrong out there, can you just wake up and come over,” Pen demanded more than asked. “Yeah, sure I"ll be over in a few minutes but you owe me,” Shane finally agreed and hung up. Pen hung up the phone and watched the muted television. “Tinea, do you know anything about this?” Pen asked her as he sat down in his chair. “No, I don"t know anything about what"s going on, but if anything, it is pretty interesting,” she said and smiled as she fell back onto the couch again. “Interesting is a word for it I suppose,” Pen agreed and turned up the volume again. So far it was only showing the same information over and over again. Pen thought it was strange with so much activity happening so close to him yet he couldn"t hear any sirens at all. A few minutes later Shane walked himself into Pen"s house as he"d done many times before. “Alright man what is it you wanted to show me,” he said as he walked through the house. He stopped cold when he saw Lana sitting there watching tv. “Holy…one night with a legendary blade and you"re already seeing hot celebs, way to go Pen, I didn"t know you had it in you,” Shane was smiling when he saw the Amazonian beauty sitting there on his couch. “That"s not Lana, that"s actually Tinea,” Pen said it straight out, it was the only way he knew how. “What did you do?” Shane demanded to know. “I took the blade out of the sheath and thought it was okay, it started talking and begged me not to put her back inside, so I didn"t. When I woke up she was here, just like this,” Pen explained the best he knew. “Hello, friend,” Tinea said with a wave and a smile to him. Shane"s blood ran from his face immediately. “The blades are objects of pure evil. I thought you knew their stories. I figured you knew better,” Shane said, visibly frightened of the woman now. “Well, if she"s evil she"s not very good at it. Even made me breakfast, that was pretty nice,” Pen said and thought that it could be poisoned somehow. If it was he was sure he would have felt some kind of bad effect by now and he felt fine. “When one blade is released, so shall all of them be free,” Shane repeated a line from an old childhood story that came to his mind as he looked out the window. “What are you talking about, can someone explain what going on here?” Pen was confused and wished he would have read that Infopedia page a little better now. “I can, when you unlocked and set me free, all of the other blades were set free too. They have a will of their own, see and they all want the same thing, freedom. They take over their guardians, their minds and bodies. Turning them into the element they represent. Together, we"re supposed to summon the darkness back to this world,” Tinea explained calmly, like it wasn"t a big deal. “Then why didn"t you take me over,” Pen was getting nervous about this. “Two reasons, one, you took the time to actually talk to me and let me out, two. I was made by the trickster. I don"t have an element of the darkness inside me actually, but the gods needed eight blades to complete the seal. He made me to get the thing to work. The gods didn"t know it, but I was a useless blade, linked to those others for the rest of time to make it all work,” Tinea replied to him, still not concerned about anything. None of this made Pen or Shane feel any better. “So, what you"re saying is what"s going on is only going to get worse,” Pen figured this was the case. “You got it. It"s not going to get any better. My prediction is that on the news here, you"re going to start seeing the elements emerge from the castle and spread their armies. At least they"ll want to establish their own realms, so I suggest we leave this kingdom as soon as possible so we can have a chance to live,” Tinea said to them, still as calm as ever. “No, I let you out. I should do something,” Pen said, feeling horrible about all of this. “Do what, we"re dishwashers, not knights or warriors, hell between the two of us we couldn"t even cast a mediocre fireball. We should get out of here,” Shane stated the obvious situation. “I agree with your buddy here, we could be out before noon, it"d be a good day. There isn"t anything we can really do but die,” Tinea added but Pen shook his head as he looked at the television screen.
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