Chapter 3

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The night after work, he was restless. He wanted to log on to Snowcraft and tell everyone that he met her and brag about it, but part of him knew this was a bad idea. Pen was confused on what to do exactly. He logged into Snowcraft after doing his nightly ritual and was met by his clan. “Guys you"re never going to believe who I met tonight at the castle,” he said to the others, deciding to go for it. “Who was it?” Forge asked him along with the others. “Princess Tatiyana, I met her tonight,” Pen said and there was silence from the other members of the clan. “Really, was she as hot as when she was in the magazines?” Iceshaper asked him. “No, it was way better in real life. She was totally cool too. Nothing like you"d think a princess would be like and, get this, she actually plays Snow,” Pen said. “No way, really, that"s awesome, but let me guess she didn"t give you her in game name,” Flake replied. “Well, no. We didn"t talk that long, but if we meet again I"ll be sure to ask her, I promise,” Pen said and was sure he"d never see her again, but if he got the chance he"d take it. “Yeah, do that. I"m sure you can sweet talk a real life princess into joining our little club here, that"d be great,” Forge said and laughed about it. “Yes, I"ll see what I can do, because, yeah,” Pen trailed off with a sigh. “Sounds like you"ve got a crush,” Iceshaper said with a laugh. “What can I say? I guess I have a soft spot for rich, hot princesses who play Snow. Call it a character flaw if you want, but I don"t care. It was awesome,” Pen replied to her but tried not to sound defensive. “Alright, cool story but can we please accomplish something before we waste the whole night here, I don"t like doing nothing, if I wanted to do that I could just play Alternate Life,” Forge complained. “Yeah, yeah stop complaining, we can do a raid on the fire trolls tonight. I"ll be the healer. You guys kill everything else that moves, if win we"ll get a high leveled item we can sell.” Flake said, everyone agreed. “At least it"s not like that game Fate, where no matter how good you are its random luck if you win anything useful or not,” Iceshaper replied. “Yeah, I hear that, Fate is a terrible game that people just can"t stop playing, it"s very weird,” Pen agreed with that. With the excitement of Pen"s story behind them, the small group proceeded with the game. Hours past and once again, the ritual continued as it had for years. It was three in the morning again and Pen needed to sleep. “Guys, I hate to do this, but it"s time for me to go again, good game and I"ll see you later. I don"t celebrate it but, happy Blade day,” Pen said to this team. “Aww, look at that, someone is trying to be nice, it"s appreciated anyway. See you later Pen,” Forge replied. “I"d get into it with you, but I"m too tired, see you all later,” Pen said again and logged out. Once again, he pulled himself out of his chair and did what he did every night. He was not looking forward to tomorrow, it was going to be miserable for him, but the party was all that was important. That and the ritual they did every year to celebrate Blade day. Pen lay down in his bed and passed out in the dark just like he did every other night. Tonight, his dreams took him to a strange desert. Sand as far as the eye could see and the sky was black but the sun still high in the sky, everything was wrong. “What, where am I?” Pen asked, his voice echoed in all directions. “Son, you"re not supposed to be here, how did you get here?” Pen looked over and saw his Dad standing there, looking like he did the last time he saw him. “Must be the season, sometimes dreamers venture into this cursed desert,” he said to him. Pen was still shocked that any of this was going on. “Desert, what do you mean, what"s going on?” he was confused. “If you"re here that can only mean one thing,” his dad said and Pen was lost. “What do you mean by that?” Pen asked, but as soon as he did the sky above him erupted in emerald green fire and it shocked him awake.
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