Chapter 13

1054 Words
"I felt like some one hit on my back and fell unconscious", Mack said "What really?", Mathew asked "Yes, see on my back I feel like some thing was there was something dripping on my back", Mack said "Ok, I will see turn around", Mathew said Mathew and Clara were shocked in fear that they have noticed dark thick blood dripping on his back and his shirt was completely filled by blood.  "What is there on my back?", Mack asked "I will tell you but don't panic", Mathew said "What happened?", Mack asked in fear and turned around at once.. "Come on tell me what happened?", Mack asked by holding Mathew with his both the hands on his shoulder  "haa . ..", Mathew groaned "It's ok Mathew I can handle it, tell me", Mack said "Blood . . blood was there on your back", Mathew said "what blood?, but I don't have any blow on me", Mack said "That's what I am seeing, turn back we will check and remove the shirt once", Mathew said He done the same as Mathew said and surprisingly no blow on him even a small blow too. He did not understand anything from where did the blood sticking to him. He then searched around and on the ground with the phone torch and noticed that there was blood flowing from outside the room.  The three were shocked at once and trembled with fear, shivering their whole bodies and looking at the door weirdly. No words are coming from them by seeing the terrifying situation there and silently thinking on their minds about the flow of the blood from outside the room. Suddenly they have heard some one knocking the door very hardly saying "Open the Door, otherwise I'll kill you all out there", By hearing the words three of them were highly scared and they did not understand what to do and how to escape out from there. "First we all have to do one thing", Mathew said "what?", Mack and Clara asked him at once "We have to search for the book which your father written immediately and then we will plan for the escape, might be the ghost was interrupting us because of that book. I mean it is stopping us not to search for it", Mathew said "Yes exactly, you are correct Mathew. I remembered my father once told me accidentally that the ghosts are guarding the book, but that time I have not understood the words of my father. Now I am clear on it lets start searching for the book immediately", Clara said "Ok, now open your phone torches and begin search for it. We have to do it immediately as soon as possible, otherwise there is a danger for our lives", Mathew said Three of them opened their phones and started searching for the book over the cupboards placed on the corner of the room. Where ever seen, are the files, school records, exam papers, question papers, attendance records are found in the cupboard, but the book is not found. In the meanwhile Mathew came far from the cupboard and searching the remaining places in the room thinking that let them search on it. While searching the desks for the large table over there usually the Head of the School used to write and read on it, he suddenly found a secret locker placed under the table and trying to open it, but it was not opening as it was locked.. "Both of you come here urgent", Mathew called them "What happened, did you found anything?", Clara asked "Yes a secret locker to it, but it was not opening", Mathew said "Give me some space, I'll check it once", Mack said "wait, wait, let me think. I know about this something, let me remember", Clara said She think for a while and said, "There is a secret place in the room some where that my father used to hide the key on it ", Clara said "Not again, but now where would we found it in this darkness?", Mack asked "No wait, I know his secrets that he always used to say that where did he hide the key in the room", Clara said "Then why waiting tell me where the secret place?", Mathew said "I don't know exactly the place but he used to hide the keys over these photo frames. He told me that only, we have to search on the photo frames", Clara said Mathew lights the wall through a phone torch and looks around at the photo frames, but they have shocked as there are so many photo frames surrounded them in the room. "O my God, there are so many photo frames out here, I think our lives will end soon right here while searching these all photo frames now", Mack said "Calm down Mack, we should all have so much of patience. It's not all that easy to find out the mortality and the treasure very easily", Mathew said "Ok, come lets start searching for the key", Mathew said In the meanwhile the voice from outside the room became much louder and louder in terrifying. Three of them got busy in searching all the photo frames one by one.  Half an hour passed, but unfortunately they did not found any key, by the time Mack got anger that from one hand the key was not found and on the other hand the screaming of the ghost became more worse, so he hit a photo frame on the ground very hardly by not controlling his anger. "Mack what are you doing?", Mathew asked At the same time, three of them heard a sound of key fallen down and the other hand the ghost was laughing at them bizarrely. "Do you all notice that?", Mathew asked "What?", Clara and Mack asked "A sound of fallen key", Mathew said "Haa yes yes I heard it", Clara said "No, I have not noticed any", Mack said "No I am sure, I have heard it, come on quick lets search for it on the ground", Mathew said Then the three were searching on the ground facing the torches towards downwards. With very hard try Mathew had finally found the key which was tucked into a corner in the room. . .
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