Chapter 109

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Bad the sad part is that her family don't know about their love and so not even come to see him for the one last time . . she locked the door and continuously crying like she might loose her life while crying for Watson . . she wanna see him once for the last time, but how could she explain their love story at that position to her parents and convince them to take her to him . . . Here in the Watson's house . . . Some one called the ambulance and the people in it packed the body and sent it to his house and there Julie was sitting and crying by laying on his body and the neighbors were surrounded the place and also Mathew and the team . . . Clara and Jean were giving condolence by holding her and saying not to cry as they all there for her to take care . . . Few hours later, the neighbors asked Mathew and the team to start the funeral process as it became delay the body is going to decompose in a few more minutes . . . Mathew said ok and started preparing for the funeral by the help of Mack and Jack . . . Later they have done all the things and returned from the graveyard to the Watson's house where Julie is sitting ideal and in a trance of some thing that she lost every thing in her life . . " Julie, calm down, we all are there for you, please don't feel you are single and we all are your family ", Mathew said " No Mathew bro . . . you don't know our relationship . . since childhood he took utmost care of me like a mother and father in every thing, for me he is every thing and I used to share every thing with him . . now for whom I should share ?", Julie asked " You called me bro . . I am your brother next to him and you have all the rights to talk to me and ask me for any thing, I will be always with you to help you and I will take care of you life long. It's a promise from me and I don't break my promises at any time nor any circumstances ", Mathew said " Thank you so much, but own brother is own right, may be I could not share every thing with you ", Julie said " Not at all, you can share with me any thing, you will look into it from tomorrow on wards, how I am going to take care of you ", Mathew said Julie then did not spoke a word and been silent by listening to his words . . and thought in her mind that if her brother would listen to Mathew last night means then he would be alive now . . he took a very wrong step that he looses his life now . . Now the time is 05:00 pm and going to darker and darker little by little . . . " Julie, now calm down and start with us ", Mathew said " Where ?", Julie asked " To our hotel room, because there are no one left for you right here ", Mathew said " yes, but it's a memory of my brother ", Julie said " Yes, off course, I am not telling you to leave this permanently, for now come with us, so that you can be little normal if we start our journey ", Mathew said " My brother itself is not there right now, for whom I should achieve now ?", Julie asked " My dear, please don't talk like that, you have to think about your future, when you marry some one and you will have children and family . . you have to live for them and if you achieve this right now then you can lead your life happily and more over your brother's soul might be rest in peace, if you succeeded in this trip, please think wisely ", Mathew said " Yes, you are right, my brother and my aim is to achieve it in any way smaller or bigger but he left me with out achieving it ", Julie said and again started crying by closing her both palms on her face . . . and the two Clara and Jean were giving solace for her to recover from her sorrow " Mack . . you go to her, comfort her and give your deep condolence so that she might come to your world, because I think she was liking you ", Mathew said and sighed Clara and Jean to come away from her so that Mack would become closer . . . " Julie . . . ", Mack called her by lacing his hand on her shoulder She looked upwards to see who is it and it was Mack and her face was changed a little by seeing his face and said " Now it seemed to come to me since the morning on wards, even though I am crying very hardly for my brother ?", " Not mean that Julie, I thought to come to you but every one are sitting surrounding you and I am not able to come that too, I am taking care of funeral things ", Mack said " It's ok Mack, now you came to me, that's enough for me, now I am little balanced after seeing you ", Julie said " Ok . . let's go to our hotel room, if you are still here, then you would not come to normal and might be depressed ", Mack said " Ok . . I am coming only because of you ", Julie said " Ok . . ", Mack said " Did you understand, what I am saying ?", Julie asked " Yes Julie . . . ", Mack said " Tell me what did you understood ?", Julie asked again " I am clear about one thing that is you are liking me, but I am not clear whether you love me or not, I know this is not the right time to ask you but it was just to calm you down for the sorrow ", Mack said " Yes . . . ", Julie said " What's the meaning of yes ?", Mack asked " Will talk this about later please ", Julie said " Ok . . ok . . no problem . . take your own time . . I will wait for you ", Mack said Julie been silent for the words and Mack asked her to come to the hotel room with them . .  and she agreed for that and every one moved towards the hotel by taxi . . . Now the time is 08:00 pm, every one resting in their respective room, but this time Julie was beside Mack and in his room by hugging him tightly as she was in sorrow . . . " Mathew . . . I am hungry, as we did not ate any thing since morning ", Clara said " Yes . . I am hungry too, ok let's gather every one to go to restaurant, come ", Mack said Then the two went to the Jack and Jean's room, knocked the door and asked about their hunger and they said yes we are hungry too, but we thought not to disturb any one . . . So the four went to Mack's room and knocked the door, Mack opened the door few minutes later and saw it was Mathew and the rest were standing in front of him . . . " Mathew . . what happened ?", Mack asked " Nothing . . . are you not hungry ?", Mathew asked " Hmmm yes . . . wait I will call Julie too . . or otherwise you walk through in the mean time, we will follow you ", Mack said " No . . we will wait here, take your time no problem, but we don't leave you both like this, already we are suffering a lot, now we would not take chance ", Mathew said By so Mack went towards Julie and asked her to eat some thing as nothing is there in her stomach . . at first she refused to eat, but later she accepted to go with them and eat some thing, when Mack said every one are waiting for you and the whole team too not taken any thing even water since morning because every one were feeling very bad for what happened to you, but every one are humans and could not stay long with out having food, so now every one are very hungry and waiting for you to come with them outside the room, by so she obey the words of Mack and came out of the room . . . " Julie . .  how are you feeling now ?", Mathew asked " Not fine bro ", Julie said " It's ok . . come . . . eat some thing and have a good rest, then you all be fine for the morning ", Mathew said So every one moved towards the restaurant, took their respective seats and ordered food . . . waiting for the food to arrive at their tables but very silently, no one is talking even a single word and every one are in sorrow and feeling bad for what happened to Julie . . . Waiter came and served them food and asked, "why so you all are very calm today, is every thing fine ?" " No . . ", Mathew said " What happened sir ?, usually you all are very active and always talkative every day, but what happened now every one were very silent and I think your all are feeling out for some thing ", waiter asked " yes . . . one of my team member, her brother expired last night and we came to know about this in the early morning today . . . ", Mathew said " Oo . . . I am really sorry for what happened to you miss . . but who ?, the other used to come with her the local guy ?", waiter asked " Yes ", Mathew said " yesterday, I saw some weird behavior from him after you all moved to your hotel room ", waiter said " What ?", Mathew asked " Yes sir . . ", waiter said " What did you saw ?", Mathew asked " He was walking towards his bike normally until he reached there, but later he looked towards the dark very deeply and talked to some one, I did not saw the person who he was talked to but it was completely dark where the person is standing . . . " waiter said " What happened later . . ?", Mathew asked " He talked to the person for few minutes and later on he stood like a statue for almost half an hour and later he floated on the air like some one lifted him, but I did not see any one except the darkness . . later I don't know what happened to him, he flew away in the air far away from here . . at that time I was very feared and even I did not went to house last time, I stayed here in the restaurant with fear . . I thought to say you the next moment to you and tried to come to your room . . but . . . ", waiter said and stopped in middle " what happened next . . why did you stopped in middle and why did you not came to my room ?", Mathew asked " Actually I went inside the kitchen room and locked the door from inside due to fear, later I decided to come to you to save his life, but my door was locked from outside and I could not open it in any means and suddenly I saw a black smoky figure like personality which was guarding outside my room which I locked inside . . I think that black demon like figure was locked my door from outside, by seeing it I fell unconscious there in that room and I woke up again in the morning when my colleague came and sprinkled water on my face ",  waiter explained them every thing what happened last night and how did he suffered from fear by seeing that demon like structure . . . . By hearing so, every one shocked and no words from them to discuss nor to cry or to think any thing else for few minutes, every one became dull and null from inside and outside their bodies . . . and left with out thinking like statues . . later on waiter called them again and again and suddenly he touched the body of Mathew and by so, he came into realm, he then called the rest to come to realm and started thinking about the thing which killed Watson very deeply . . " Every one first eat, then we will go to our room and discuss about it, because if we have not eaten any thing, then our body will become weaker and we itself gives a chances to that demon to take our life's . . so please listen to my words, don't think any thing here and don't discuss any thing right here, I think some one is watching us every day, so let us finish our meals and we will go straight into our room and then we will discuss ", Mathew said and every one obeyed his words and silently ate the meals and started moving towards the hotel room . . .
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