And William just grinned his lazy grin and gave a slight bow. I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. Aunt Cecily’s lips were folded in a thin line, white with anger. “This is outrageous. Whoever has taken the Flame, it must be replaced immediately! Ashton, please step away from the table and extinguish the candle once more.” “Yes, Aunt.” Long seconds ticked passed. I strained my ears to hear the least noise, in an effort to distract myself from the way the darkness seemed to press in on me, but there was nothing. “Light the candle again, if you please.” There were no sighs of relief after I had done so; the chest was still empty. “I am…I cannot express strongly enough my disappointment in whoever has chosen to play this ill-timed prank.” Silence met her remark.