Chapter 3

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(Narrative's POV) Xeraphina paced Draco and her bedroom for the remainder of the night, keeping Draco awake as well. Her anxiety ate at her counterparts and herself as she only wished to check on her daughter one last time. She needed to be sure that Urania was alright. Draco tried all night to reassure her that these events happen often and every time Urania was alright. He wanted her to calm down but the more he reassured her, the worse case scenarios that played through her mind. She couldn't take the agony it was causing inside of her. Draco was surprised her pacing wasn't leaving a hole on the floor of their room. He was concerned about the way she was acting and wondered if he should call Doctor Julian back for Xeraphina this time. Something with her actions were beginning to feel off and out of place. Before he could decide his next steps, a piercing scream shot out of his mate's mouth. Her lips parting as her face turned into an agonizing twist of pain. Xeraphina fell to her knees, grabbing her chest as her voice merged with her counterparts, "Someone has breeched the Kingdom. Our forces have dropped." With Xeraphina's last word, her body collapsed motionless to the ground. Her counterparts used a lot of energy to keep that protection around our kingdom and to know someone was able to paralyze it was terrifying. Draco took no time in contacting the boarder patrol, checking on their lives, whereabouts and safety. He wanted to know if any one of them felt the trespasser or encountered them. He didn't think their men would survive the encounter knowing this person was able to break Xeraphina's forces down. Lastly, Draco mind linked Doctor Julian, waking her from her sleep, to come check on his mate. As soon as Julian arrived, Draco took off, heading out to check on the children. The twins were sleeping soundly, as if not a disruption could wake them from their slumber. Draco shut the door softly, knowing full well those two were heavy sleepers. He headed to Uriel's room but before he could open the door, Uriel appeared before him. "Something is wrong father, I can feel it." Uriel whispered in despair. For some reason he seemed more traumatized than Draco's mate. What was he feeling? They both walked in silence to Umbrielle's room. Their nervousness was unplausible within the hall as the only sound that could be heard was their heavy foot steps. As Uriel cracked open the door, Umbrielle jumped into his arms, giving them both a shock of their lives. Umbrielle had been awoken by her mother's screams and was just to frighten to leave her room. She stayed as hidden as she could until she sensed her brother. "Alright sis, you are okay now. We need to go check on Urania." Uriel said softly, trying to coax her off of me. They needed to move quickly and still figure out how Xeraphina was doing. Umbrielle nodded in understanding, as she released her death grip from her brother before trying to pull herself back together. Her nerves were shot and though she cared about her sister's safety, she was too shaken up to want to leave her room. Her father grabbed her arm, before guiding her behind Uriel. Draco continued to glance around, keeping himself cautious of their surroundings incase the intruder appeared. 'There is no breakage in any of the surrounding areas. Xeraphina's protection barrier is down but no one senses any intruders. We will keep our guard up and I sent out for double shifts. Our Kingdom is secure, for now.' Alpha Wade mind linked Draco, causing some of his tension to release. Umbrielle felt the relief from her father, helping her nerves to settle down as well. Draco wasn't sure what Xeraphina was feeling and why she was freaking out about someone coming through our boarders when no one else had sense them. It had to be a fluke accident and because Xeraphina was already stressed out it caused a mental breakdown. Maybe there wasn't a need to be going through the house to check on the children. As Uriel opened the door to Urania's room, glad it wasn't locked, he prepared himself for another jump onto him. It would be a drastic difference, as Urania was frail and little compared to Umbrielle. As the door hit slightly against the wall, Uriel was shocked that she could still be sleeping. Urania was the lightest sleeper of them all, even if she was in intense pain, she always rose to check and help others. Uriel slowly walked towards her bed, knowing the lamp by her bed side was the only light source for her room. Urania liked to be in the dark, it help her body relax and settle after a long day or even long night. The closer Uriel got to his sister's bed, the tighter his chest felt. The dread filled his body as he pulled her covers back. Someone had taken Urania and in her place left a body size pillow. Uriel transformed into his white and black dragon, his counterpart looking like the perfect combination to make a yin and yang side, half darkness, half light. Without waiting for anyone else to catch up on what was occurring, Uriel spiraled through the balcony, shattering the bamboo doors Urania loved so much into splinters. Uriel's roar shock the building as Umbrielle fell to her knees in tears. "Daddy who would have taken Urania? Will she survive without her medication? Why would they need her?" Umbrielle vented through her tears, shocking her father out of his state of despair. He looked around, praying for a clue. The problem is, whoever took Urania didn't leave one. There was no sign of struggle, no possible way to see if someone broke in now, no smudge of dirt, no foot prints and not a single scent other than his daughters. Unfortunately, those stopped at her bed. It was almost as if Urania disappeared out of sight, as if she vanished out of existence. 'Emergency meeting, NOW.' Draco demanded to everyone of higher rank, the ones who helped run the Kingdom and the closest family to them all. Draco rushed to the meeting hall, dragging Umbrielle with him. No matter how much his daughter tried, the tears wouldn't dare stop. She sat in the corner of the room, huddling her arms around her knees. She looked young and helpless, not the trained vampire, demon, dragon tri-bred she was raised to be. Slowly the others piled in until the room was full. Doctor Julian helped Xeraphina sit next to Draco, as Xeraphina looked like a zombie within her emotionless body. She stared at the wall, zoning out as she mumbled to herself. She finally seemed to have snapped. Sky, Dimitri, Ty, Lily, Wade and Cortos glanced between Xeraphina, Umbrielle and Draco with concern. Their question staring praying to be given answers to their many questions soon. Astrid and Arnold stared at their son with concern as they glanced at their granddaughter whose tears seemed to scent the whole room. No one could miss her, no matter how small she tried to make herself. Xavier and Asrai stood quickly, not being able to take the silence for any longer. Before they could get a word out though, their sons pulled them back down. "Uncle Draco, what is going on?" Jason asked calmly, his authority slightly leaking through. The boys couldn't control their royal blood yet, just like their cousins. After Draco took a deep breath, giving a reassuring nod to the twins he stood up to speak. "There was a breech in our Kingdom. They took down Xeraphina's protective fields. No one sensed anyone coming through other than Xeraphina and it seemed everything was fine. We were mistaken. As Uriel, Umbrielle and I checked on all our rooms, we discovered that Urania is missing. There are no signs of an intruder and no signs she left. It is as if she vanished. Uriel took off in his dragon form, as he tries to work through this devastating news." Xeraphina looked at her mate in complete terror, not even in her wildest dreams would she have concocted a nightmare like this to occur. Why would anyone take their sweet, frail daughter? The only being weaker than a human in their Kingdom. The only person hidden in the shadows for the last thirteen years. How could Urania be of use to anyone other than her family? Would they ever find her?
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