Episode 6: "Echoes That Do Not Cease"

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Victor took deep breaths, trying to control the flood of emotions overwhelming him. The clock, which once seemed like a guide to redemption, was now revealing itself as a door to a labyrinth of guilt and regret. Every memory he revisited didn’t bring him closer to Clara or Ana; it only plunged him deeper into his own spiral of frustration and loss. As he looked at the clock in his hand, a strange feeling washed over him. For the first time, he didn’t feel an urge to use it. The last visit to the memories had left him devastated, with the painful realization that his absence had caused scars that might never heal. He knew he was at a critical point. If he continued using the clock, he risked losing his grip on reality altogether. But at the same time, the thought of stopping now, of accepting what he had done and living with the consequences, terrified him. The silence in the room was almost oppressive. Victor looked around, hoping for an answer to emerge from somewhere, but what enveloped him was a suffocating loneliness. The absence of Clara and Ana became more palpable with every passing second. "Is this it, then?" he muttered, looking at the clock with a mixture of anger and despair. "You brought me this far just to show me what I’ve lost?" He thought about throwing it away but hesitated. Something inside him, a deeper, more primal part, still believed there was a way out. That there was something he wasn’t seeing. Suddenly, a sound. A faint click from the clock. Victor frowned. He had never heard that before. The sound was subtle but piercing, like a clock counting seconds, marking time with relentless precision. The clock’s pulse grew more intense, and without knowing why, Victor felt a sudden urgency. Something was about to happen. The atmosphere around him began to warp, and a strange sensation ran down his spine. The soft light that always preceded his journeys through time now flickered erratically, like a bulb on the verge of exploding. "This doesn’t feel right," he thought as the pressure in the air increased. Before he could make any decision, he was pulled into another memory, with no control over what was happening. He found himself back in his old home, but something was wrong. The house felt colder, the shadows longer. The sound of wind outside was the only noise he could hear. And then, he realized: he was back on the night when everything started to unravel. It was the night Clara confronted him about his emotional absence, the night the clock first appeared on the mantel. But something was different. Victor looked around and saw something that made him shiver. He was there, watching himself and Clara argue, but unlike before, he wasn’t just a spectator. The clock pulsed in his hand, and the room around him seemed trapped between the past and the present. The walls warped, and Victor had the horrible feeling that he was beginning to lose track of time and space. Clara stood there, in tears, just as he remembered. "I can’t take it anymore, Victor! I can’t go on like this!" Her words echoed, but there was something more to that night. Something he had never noticed. In the corner of the room, something gleamed. Victor moved closer, his eyes fixed on the object. It was the clock—the same one he held now—but it looked much older, as if it belonged to another era. He realized he was standing before a paradox. Two clocks, two moments in time, colliding in a way he couldn’t comprehend. His head began to pound, and the sound of ticking filled the room, faster and louder with every second. "This isn’t supposed to be here..." Victor murmured. Something was terribly wrong. The synchronized ticking of the clocks became deafening, and he felt as though time itself was splitting in two. He looked at Clara and his younger self, endlessly arguing, and finally understood the truth. Every time he used the clock to try to change the past, he was creating fractures, invisible cracks in the fabric of time. And now, those cracks were starting to manifest. The air around him seemed to vibrate with chaotic energy. Victor tried to let go of the clock, but his hand was stuck to it, as if the object had now fused with his very being. "I need to stop!" he shouted, but the sound of his voice was swallowed by the incessant ticking that filled the room. Suddenly, everything stopped. The clock in his hand ceased its pulsing, and silence fell like an avalanche. Victor looked around, stunned. The room was empty. Clara and his younger self had disappeared, and he was alone. The clock was now cold and still. But before he could process what had happened, a figure emerged from the darkness. Victor froze. It wasn’t Clara. It wasn’t his younger self. It was someone—or something—he had never seen before. The figure approached slowly, its presence bringing a sense of inevitability and dread. "You thought you could tamper with time without paying the price?" The voice was low but resonated like distant thunder. Victor tried to speak but couldn’t. The figure reached out toward him, and the clock began to pulse again, stronger than ever. "Now you will see the true cost of your choices." And with those words, everything went dark.
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