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I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Still disoriented by what happened. Aizen is someone whom I always go to whenever I needed help. We're practically siblings, growing up together. I just can't believe he was willing to hurt me or kill me because of whatever the Queen has ordered. Years we shared together just ... gone with one order from the Queen.  Fuck him.  I kicked the garbage bin near the shabby gate. "f**k you, Aizen," I murmured as I slowly walked out of the apartment, wiping the tears on my face with the back of my hand. I touched my head. It's still spinning. My body aches everywhere particularly my arm that I used to cover my head from the baseball bat. I clicked my tongue when I noticed it's starting to swell. I moved my jaw and winced with the throbbing pain. I resisted the urge to go back to the apartment and stab Aizen again but I don't want to see his face.   I looked around. I can't see any people. Aizen chose a very good place, both for hiding or for killing someone. This place is like the abandoned part of Carnes. The houses are torn down as if the people—if there any—lost all their motivation to live. The paints were years old and the streets were filled with garbage bags and cans. There were also litters on the ground, everywhere. It's a gloomy place and quite depressing to look at. I continued walking when I realized something.  Did Aizen perhaps tell the Queen I am Shadow? I mean, why else would the Queen be after me? I laughed bitterly. Aizen really sold me out. But why now? Is it because of the zero added on my head price? Was that it? And what does he mean he's saving himself from me? What did I do? I took a handkerchief out and wiped the almost drying blood on my temple. I went to the nearest convenience store and bought something for my wound. I couldn't go back to the tavern yet. Not after the ruckus we caused. I closed my eyes firmly when I gently dabbed my wound with a cotton swab while looking at the small mirror displayed on the wall. The cashier at the convenience store was wincing while looking at my state. I muttered a curse when I dabbed my wound a little harder. How many times do I have to get injured this week?  I placed the bandage on my head. That should do.  "D-Do you need help?" the cashier said meekly as she came close. She flinched when I looked at her sharply. She was fidgeting while looking on the floor. From what Aizen did to me earlier, I couldn't help but doubt people around here. But she looks different. She doesn't look like she belongs here. She's too ... bright-looking.  "Could you help me with this?" I showed her the elastic bandage. She just nodded so I handed it to her. She led me to a storage room and made me sit on the stool. She looked at the nasty wound on my temple and the one on my neck but she just continued to treat my arm, wrapping the bandage quietly around it with gentle, precise hands. She didn't ask any questions or anything as to how and why I got the wounds. Which was good.  I don't really feel like telling her my life story and how my friend attempted to murder me. She expertly wrapped the bandage around my arm. Before I could even thank her, we heard something outside. I saw her jumped on her seat. I started to get all sweaty. I don't have a good feeling about this.  "Please wait a moment," she said and immediately went out to check but what I heard next froze me on my feet.  "Have you seen this woman?" I heard one man said to the girl. Through the c***k in the door, I took a peek, and a series of curses passed by my mouth. It's the Royal Guards.  Too fast.  How did they find me too fast? I looked around. There's only one door that probably leads outside. "No, sir. I'm afraid not," the girl answered calmly.  I grabbed the metal bar in the corner. There might be guards outside this door. f**k you, Aizen. I really hope you die.  "Search the whole store!" I heard one of the Royal guards shouted. I did not waste any second. Muttering a swear,  I opened the door and to the farthest right, two royal guards were stationed. As if they were expecting me there. Of course, they would. I immediately wore my hoodie and ran as fast as I could as I saw them running after me. I did not mind my wounds. It was the least of my concerns. I need to get out of here. I looked back and saw one of the guards took out a gun and aimed it at me. And If I hadn't ducked, the bullet would have buried itself into my skull. Luckily, it hit the post ahead. I gulped. "Son of a—" I was cut off by another gunshot and it hit the wall next to me. I turned left, praying I won't reach a dead end. I clasped the metal bar tighter as I continued to run blindly. From what I saw, there are six royal guards running after me. And all of them have guns. I looked at the bar in my hand. What use will this have against them? I abruptly stopped when two of them is suddenly in front of me. How in the hell? I looked back. There are four of them several meters away. I swung the metal bar and threw it to one of the men in front of me. It hit his face causing him to drop his gun. Oh, wow. It was useful, after all. Before the other one could aim his gun at me, I picked up the garbage bin cover and threw it like a frisbee to his direction. It did not hit him the way I planned to but it surely distracted him giving me a chance to run. I took a turn to the right and ran as fast as I could. If I am going to be captured today, I will have to at least make two of them bleed. I won't get captured without a fight.  I continued to run even though I don't know where I should be going. What's important to me is how to get out of this maze-like place alive. Then I heard a gunshot and a series of curses went out of my mouth as it hit the wall near me again. What the hell? Are they really going to kill me?  I jumped over a huge garbage can. I ducked and hid behind it as they continuously fired their guns. I covered my ears and curled behind the garbage bin. When they stopped firing, I used that chance to run again, pushing the huge garbage can to their direction. I heard some of them grunting in frustration. I was about to turn left when one of them shot my arm. I let out a short scream at the throbbing pain and held my shot arm. I looked back and saw them running again. I bit my lip, breathing hard. I could feel my clothes soaking with blood. This is bad. I'd be butchered at this point. Or I'd die of blood loss before they could even capture me. They continued to fire, and I continued to run. I couldn't see anyone. It was like the whole place was vacated for them to execute me. A perfect place to butcher a body.  But I would still consider myself lucky because of all those bullets that could have penetrated me, I took only one bullet to my leg. I groaned and almost dropped to the ground. These days, I noticed I kept raking in a lot of trouble. If this continues, I'd die before I could even see another zero added on the price of my head. "Stop running, Rainia," one of them shouted. I looked behind me and saw them running in my direction.  "We got her," one of them said. I grit my teeth. I picked up the piece of wood and pointed it at them.  "What do you want from me?" I said, trying not to mind the throbbing pain in my arm and leg.  The one in the middle raised his hand and the others dropped their guns "The Queen has ordered to capture you. Do you know who your father is?"  I blinked. What on earth is he saying? My father? They're arresting me for stealing the Lazuli, why the hell are they asking for my father who I don't even know? "I'm sorry, what?" What does my father have to do with it? He c****d his gun and pointed it at me. "I said, do you know who your father is?"  " Listen, I don't know what your issue with my father is. I suggest you settle it with him. I don't know him. I don't know if he's alive or dead, hopefully, it's the latter—"  "Confirmed. This is her," he said to his companions and they all pointed their guns at me. I immediately raised both my arms up, dropping the piece of wood I was holding.  "Woah! What is wrong with you? What on earth did my father do? What the hell did I do?"  "Being born. That's your crime."  I scoffed. "Excuse me?"  "You are the illegitimate daughter of the late King Cedrick Castemonte. You are an enemy of the Crown. Rainia Eleanor Robynn, state your last words."  My jaw dropped. I couldn't digest what they were saying. It's true that I've never met my father but that was because he left us when my mom got pregnant with me. That's what my mom said. She was a mere palace servant. How— I paused. Slowly taking in the possibility. My mom was a Palace servant.  No. It can't be. It was like a bomb dropped into my face as I slowly—actually considered the possibility. Is this what Aizen meant? Is this why he sold me to the Queen? Did they offer him a generous price for selling me out? How did Aizen know I am who they're looking for? "State your last words," he repeated. I only looked at him. Unable to believe everything. Of course, my mother would keep the truth from me. She was never an honest woman. Not to her child. Just when I was about to open my mouth to protest when a loud roar of an engine disturbed the silence of the area. Behind the royal guards was a car. It was tinted and the window was half-open. The moment I saw a gun out of the window I was enough to run behind the nearest bin and hide. The guards, on the other hand, held their ground and pointed their guns at the people in the car but before they could even fire their guns, the ones inside the car already beat them to it and shot their hands. One of the guns they were holding went in my direction. The car immediately ran off leaving me and the guards on the ground. I was frozen on my feet and realized what just happened. I looked at the royal guards. They were groaning in pain and I took that chance to grab the gun that was at arm's length. I immediately pointed it at them.  "You want to hear my last words?" I walked closer. "f**k you," I said before I shot them one of them on the leg.  I was shaking as I held the gun, looking at the blood pooling. I took a step back, then another. Then I started running again, leaving a trail of blood behind. I looked at the wounds I got. I think I've lost too much blood. And my vision is starting to blur. This is really getting bad.  But I have to get out of here. I need to go back. I can't be seen in this alley looking all bloody with the royal guards. I've already caused enough trouble for myself. But where the hell should I go now? I'd die of blood loss before I could even get out. I fished out a handkerchief in my pocket and tied it on my leg to apply pressure. I bit my lip with the throbbing pain. Next, I removed the thin shirt I'm wearing and tied it on my arm with the help of my mouth. Forward. I should keep moving forward. I was about to start walking again when I heard the screech of tires. I don't have to think about who might it be. I immediately forced myself to run and hide. I'm certain they're also royal guards and worse, there's a lot more of them this time. I got lucky earlier when somebody just appeared and started shooting the guards. But I think my luck has run out. Then I heard it. The guards marching on the ground and their inaudible voices as they give instructions. I smiled bitterly. The Queen went too far as sending a whole bunch of royal guards to kill me, huh. I must be quite a threat. I groaned in pain as I rested my back against the wall. My breathing became labored. All that running and the wounds I got from Aizen and from the gunshots took a toll on me. I don't think I can walk any further. My vision is starting to blur and my eyes are getting heavier each second. I suddenly want to sleep.  And then I felt my body getting weak, my knees trembling. I waited for the impact of my body against the ground but it never came. Instead, I felt myself being lifted—two sturdy arms under my shoulder and behind my knees. I tried opening my eyes and I almost choked when stormy gray eyes greeted me. And just like before, it stared back at me as if reading my whole life story. It was the most captivating and beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. If this is what the afterlife looks like, I'd gladly die. "Am I in heaven?" I said weakly. He scoffed. "What makes you think you'd go to heaven, thief?"  I already knew I was f****d before I lost my consciousness. * * * 
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