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I have been to several known buildings in the city but I have never tried infiltrating the Palace. For some reason, something tells me to stay away from it. I once had the chance to steal from the Palace before. I even have a blueprint of the whole Palace. The plan was all laid out. All we have to do is execute it. But two weeks before the planned day, a man who was supposed to come with me got arrested that’s why we did not proceed. Thankfully, Aizen, the man who taught me to steal, took care of it. I don’t know how he did it but the man who was captured did not sell us out.  It could have been the end of me but it seems like the universe has other plans. After that, I stopped working for Aizen and worked all for myself. I never even thought about going into the Palace to steal after that. But tonight, I have no choice but to come here. Ironically, not to steal but to return something. And this place is the only plausible place that man could have stayed at. I mean where else should he be staying? He is a Crown Prince of Oregon. The Queen Regent should have known about his visit here and gave him the most comfortable room they have, with every corner plated with gold or statues made of diamonds. And served with the most delicious food in Carnes made by the world-class chef. Just thinking about it makes me want to drool but I am not here for that. I had my back against the black marble pillar when I heard the clang of metal against the marble floors. I waited for the Royal guards to pass through. Who would have thought just this one steal could cause a lot of trouble? If I had known this would happen, I should have listened to the warning bells inside my head. I knew from the way he stood and the way he speaks that he is someone not ordinary. And I was right. That’s why I have to return these as soon as possible. He might have noticed his things are missing but maybe I can still sneak it in and he'll think he just misplaced it. I eyed the surroundings. A huge fountain is in front of me. Behind it is the wall covered in vines. There are no guards stationed in this part of the Palace that’s why I decided to enter here. There’s always a hole in every defense. I eyed the surroundings and I could see a surveillance camera pointed towards the hallway. When I heard the footsteps fading, I moved to another pillar, my steps nimble. I already memorized the Palace like the back of my hand. I know where the guest rooms are. There are about ten guest rooms in this place. I just need to check it one by one. I glanced at my watch. I looked around, listened to any footsteps. When I didn't hear anything, certain no one was coming, I stepped out of the pillar and avoided the field of vision of the cameras. I went to the back where there is a door that will get me inside the palace. I listened to what's inside and when I realized no one was there, I immediately picked the hairpin in my pocket. I stretched it out and picked the lock. A satisfied grin escaped my lips as I heard the lock click. I opened the door and successfully entered the laundry room. It's already almost 2 o'clock in the morning. Most of the handmaidens would be sleeping now. Others are maybe in the kitchen but nobody would be doing laundry at this hour. I locked the door and immediately took one of the maiden's uniforms. I just put it on top of my catsuit. It's risky removing my mask but removing it is part of my disguise tonight. I tucked the mask into my pocket. With all the handmaidens in this palace, it's almost impossible to spot me as the odd one. I removed my cap and arranged my hair into a tight bun. I took a deep breath as I beheld myself wearing the handmaiden's uniform. This will do. I brought some neatly folded cloth with me as part of the disguise. They'd think I'll be changing curtains or table skirts. I opened the door and straightened my long skirt. It will be too hard to walk on these but thankfully, the shoes are comfortable. My steps didn't make a sound as I walked along the narrow hallway. I walked straight, hands in front of me as I passed by royal guards stationed along the hallway, in every stucco marble column. They just stood straight in their regal stance. If there are guards stationed in this part, then I am nearing the Throne Room. I looked down as I noticed there are cameras ahead. I passed by the Throne Room and walked straight ahead where there is another door. As far as I can remember, that room leads to the Grand Hall. But that's not where I should be going. So I turned left, still having my face cast downwards to avoid the cameras. I smiled as I saw the Family Dining Room. I marveled as I beheld the valuable paintings and vases and figurines displayed along the hallway as I am nearing the Grand Staircase. But I reminded myself I am not here to steal but to return something. I turned left and I could feel my hand shaking as the Royal Guards in this part are a lot more. "What business do you have inside?" One of the Royal Guards asked me when I stood in front of the door. I looked at the folded cloth. "The Princess has spilled tea over her table. I needed to change the table skirts." I answered as calmly as I could. The guard looked at me for a few seconds before he nodded slightly and opened the door. Posh was an understatement if I were to describe the grand staircase. My mouth opened as I beheld the chandelier on top hanging from a glass dome. Everything inside shouted extravagance. From the white statuario marble staircase post to the elegant red carpet laid on the steps of the staircase that swept and branched to left and right. But what made me pause was the huge portrait of someone in the central landing. The late King of Carnes. Cedrick Castamonte.  He has very kind eyes. Very opposite to his wife, the Queen Regent. I shook my head and walked along the carpeted stairs. I turned right. I should start here. It's easy for me to go in and out of the rooms in this uniform. I opened the first door I saw and there was no one inside. The only thing I could see is a shelf full of books and a grand piano in the center. I closed the door and almost jumped to my feet when a maid was walking towards my direction. She is holding a tray of water and a small box probably with medicine inside. "Where are you bringing those?" She eyed the folded cloth in my hands. I gulped. Hoping my little lie wouldn't be detected. "The Princess asked for this cloth for her table." She looked at me and I didn't look down. I met her stare instead. She handed me the tray. "Give this to our visitor. His room is the farthest to the right." "Visitor?" I asked before I could even stop myself. The maid looked at me questioningly. "The Crown Prince who just arrived here an hour ago. Where were you? Didn't you see him arrive? The Queen Regent sent somebody to fetch him." I smiled inwardly. Isn't this too perfect? "Right. Sorry, it totally slipped my mind." I took the tray from her hands. "I will take this," "Let me take that to the Princess, then." She was about to reach for the cloth when I stopped her hand.  "I will take this to the Princess. Don't worry. You should rest." "Are you sure?" I nodded, more enthusiastic than necessary. "Yes, I am. I'll handle this." I bowed slightly to her direction and sauntered to the hallway. I think my job will be done quickly tonight. I didn't have to check the rooms one by one. The universe is back on my side, it seems. I grinned. There are still cameras in the hallways that's why I have to be extra careful. There are no more guards in this area and I reached the end of the hallway quickly. And there it is, the last door in the hallway where the Prince of Oregon sleeps. I just have to get inside, put this on his table, sneak his things inside, and go out. He wouldn't pay attention to a mere servant. I knocked but there was no response. Is he sleeping? I turned the knob and was surprised it wasn't locked. If he isn’t inside, then that would make my job quicker. I slowly opened the door.  It was very dark. The moonlight was the only thing providing light inside the room/ The curtains were shoved to the side, and the windows were open too. I bristled at the cold wind. I looked at the bed. There’s no one there. Where is he? But this is good. My steps were nimble as I walked across the room. I slowly placed the tray on the bedside table. I fished the wallet and the pocket watch from my pocket. I need to put this on his coat. Thankfully, there’s a coat rack near the window where I could see his coat, swaying with the wind. I stared at it and confirmed it was indeed the same coat he wore earlier when I bumped into him. I immediately inserted the wallet and the pocket watch inside the pockets of his coat. I stared at it for several seconds before I sighed. Relieved that it went quicker than expected. It was like a huge thorn was pulled out of my throat. I turned to walk away when I hit something causing me to lose balance. Before I could even balance myself, someone pushed me against the wall. With my instinct, I used my hand to push him but he was way quicker and in an instant, my hands are pinned on top of my head, my legs are immobilized as he pinned it with his own legs, and something sharp is pointed on my neck. Fuck. I felt the sharpness of the knife and I could feel it digging to my skin. I swear I felt a warm liquid trail down my neck. "Move and I'll slit your throat," he said coldly. And I knew he wasn't kidding. I hitched my breath as I recognized the voice. I can't see his face but I am certain about who he is. There's no way I could have forgotten. I was lucky enough the lights are off. He saw my face when I stole from him. It would be bad if he recognizes me now. So I made my voice a little higher as I said, "Y-Your Highness, I was only here to give you this water and medicine. A maid said you needed them." "And what are you doing with my coat?" "I saw it fall to the ground so I put it back." "Liar," he said and pressed the knife harder against my skin. He is going to kill me at this rate. I swear I could feel my blood trailing down my neckline. "I am a mere servant, Your Highness. I didn't mean to touch your coat. Please forgive me." I said, not feigning the shaking of my voice. He must have believed that lie when I felt him loosened his grasp on me. And the instant it happened, I took that chance to get away and pushed him. But he was quick as he managed to grab my wrist. I twisted and pulled away from him. I managed to grab one of the metal bars from the coat rack and hit him with it. He easily stopped it with his arm. I saw an opening and kicked his stomach as hard as I can and it only caused him to step back. What the hell?  He stood there, rubbing the arm I hit with a bar. I used that chance to run to the balcony and locked the doors using the metal bar I took earlier, trapping him inside. I took out the mask from my pocket and immediately covered my face with it as I stepped into the balcony. I saw the surprised look on his handsome face as he beheld me on the balcony. How my auburn hair swayed with the wind. Damned hair tie. Did it snap again? "You-" he did not finish his sentence as I started to remove the maid's clothes. I bit my lip as I saw how his brows furrowed. As if he is very confused with what is happening. But he recovered fast and slid his hands to his pocket as he watched me having a hard time removing the clothes. He just stood there as if he is very amused at what I'm doing. I cursed how tight the uniform was. Another series of curses when I saw him walk slowly to the chair in front of the balcony door and sat there, legs crossed. He even had the audacity to pour wine and drink it as if he was watching a very entertaining show.  When I finally got out of the hellish clothes, I let out a relieved sigh only to find him still watching me. He isn't even making an effort to open the balcony door or break it. He just sat there, drinking his bloody wine. As if watching me struggle with my own clothes is more amusing than capturing me, the one who robbed his belongings. It was as if he's letting me go. I saw how his eyes scanned me from head to toe in my catsuit. I saw his brow quirk up, and a little smirk played on his lips. I felt my cheeks burning. I clenched my fist. With my frustration, my middle finger flew into the air. I could have sworn I saw his grin grew bigger before I jumped off the balcony. My heart thundered against my chest. I couldn't believe what just happened. I couldn't believe I humiliated myself in front of him. He recognized me but he just let me go. As if he was saying he can find me wherever I am and that he'll never break a sweat from it. I bristled at the fact and for the possibility. He isn't going to just let me go like that. He is going to hunt me down. The smug look on his face says it all. I gritted my teeth. Arrogant asshole.
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