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I arrived in Carnes early in the morning the next day. I arrived earlier than expected. My whole body was screaming in pain and I had a nasty bruise on the side of my mouth. I winced when I touched it. Aside from that and some bruises on some parts of my body, nothing else hurts. And it was the least of my concerns. For now, I had to lie low.  I looked at the ship docked carefully and wondered what could have happened if I hadn't planned to ambush the ship. Would I be sailing to the Central hands and feet bound? Or would that bounty hunter have killed me? I don't know what could have happened.  Ares Magnussen betrayed me. End of story. I guess that's for the better.  I planned to steal from him from the very beginning anyway. I stole the Lazuli Diamond from him and stole some items from his cottage. But that was far from being even. He told a bounty hunter about me and set me up!  I glared at the rising sun. The weather was too bright compared to my mood.  I chose to dock in the southwest of Carnes, in a small cave carved out of a mountain. It was well hidden and hard to access. I can either swim or climb on the rocks to get to the other side. I chose the latter. The last thing I would want is for the people to look at me because I was soaking wet. I have no extra clothes. Swimming was fast, easy. But I don't need to do that for now.  Bringing the pocket watch, the diamond, and a small amount of money, I made my way to the rocks. Stretching my arm, I reached for the rock and hauled myself up. I found a foothold and started climbing up. The bushes were a big help too.  When I reached the top, I scanned the surroundings. The hill wasn't that steep so it would be easy for me to climb down. Mercifully, there were footholds down too. The dock was far but I could see it from where I was. There were many boats docked and I could see men and women organizing their fishing nets, preparing to fish. The sun wasn't fully up yet but they had their lamps to help them. The surrounding was quiet so I could also hear their laughter as they bid their families goodbye as they sail away, to go fishing.  Compared to the central of Carnes, where the Palace is located, it's warmer here. And it's a good choice for me if I wanted to stay hidden. Good thing I didn't tell Ares where I was going. He would sell me out and before I knew it, royal guards or bounty hunters would be marching in here, dragging my ass back to the Central and execute me secretly. Nobody would remember that a Rainia Robynn once lived and has made history by stealing from the Queen and the Crown Prince of Oregon. But still, it's a pretty sad way to die.  I stood on a rock, making sure it's sturdy enough for my weight. I fished out the pocket watch and it said almost 6 o'clock in the morning. I decided to stay and wait for the sun to rise before I could buy some supplies. I took the snack I hid in my pocket and chewed on it. I figured it's not a good idea to stay here for a long time. As far as I know, this is one of the places where the Royal Guards has less control. Another place is in the Southeast that would require me to go North which is suicide so I've got no choice but to come here. It's not that bad, though. And besides, I wouldn't stay here for long. A few days would be enough. Two or three, if everything goes well.  It's bad for me to stay in the sea for a long time, either. So it's a good thing I found this isolated cave. It was small enough for the small ship to fit in. And I planned to go to the West of Carnes, Xian, to do confirm something. I'm still puzzled with how the Queen got ahold of my mother's necklace. My mom was from Xian. Maybe I could find somebody there, someone she used to tell me stories about and ask that person about my mother. I've got a feeling I could get answers there.  I bit on the snack, trying hard to divert my mind from it and from what just happened last night.  I shook my head. There's no point in dwelling about that now.  Ares is my enemy. The moment our agreement was over, he became my enemy. I couldn't believe I actually believed him. I don't know if I was mad because he outsmarted me or because of the fact that he betrayed me.  I decided to stand up and climb down from where I was standing. There must be a  store nearby where I could stay and wait. It's a bit cold and I badly need a cup of coffee.  So I sauntered along the shoreline, bringing my scarf higher to cover half my face. To cover the bruise on the side of my mouth. I let the wind fly my hair and stayed far enough from the water to touch my feet. The breeze was cool. But my coat was thick enough, thankfully.  I walked further and not one resident laid eyes on me. Either they're too busy doing their business or they just don't care. A small smile tugged on my lips. The houses were simple, not like the extravagance of the capital. Any shabby house would look out of place there. But in here, they're not shabby houses. They were small, yes, but it's clean and decent. Fishing nets were hung in their yards and I could smell the scent of dried fish. I could also smell food being cooked for an early breakfast. It reminded me of my childhood. Those times when I was only worrying about what and where to play.  I inserted my hands in my pocket and turned to the corner. And I was lucky to spot an open coffee shop. The owner was just opening it and smiled at me when I approached.  "Come on in," he smiled kindly and motioned his hand for me to enter.  The inside of his shop was small but the interior was nice. There were only six tables inside with two chairs each and another 3 chairs outside. I wanted to sit outside to avoid any conversations with this man but the warmth inside made me stay. I'm certain if I just won't show interest then he wouldn't indulge me. "What's your coffee?" he asked and I pretended to look at the giant wooden clock on his wall.  "Anything you have," I said and looked at him. I don't really care what to drink. I just feel like drinking something hot because of the cold.  He nodded as if understanding it. Then he went to where his coffee maker is and started doing his job. He smiled at me. "You look cold. So I think an Espresso Macchiato would be good. Is that all right?" he asked and I just nodded. I roamed my eyes around, noting the nicely framed photos of him taken in different places.  "I was a traveler before I owned a coffee shop," he started when he noticed me looking at his photos. I didn't answer him.  "That picture," he said when he saw me looking at one of the pictures where I could see a very familiar-looking palace in his background, "is when I went to Oregon many years ago. A stranger, who is now my wife, took that photo from me."  Looking at it, he was so young in the picture. And I had a feeling somebody edited and added color to it. And he must have been a handsome man when he was young. A charming one based on the smile he flashes on the camera. One that must have captured the stranger who is now his wife.  "Here is your coffee," he announced and I walked to the counter to take it. I was about to fish some coins to pay him but he stopped me.  "It's in the house. You're my first customer on this cold day. But if you order a second cup, you'll have to pay for it," he winked at me and smiled. I can't help but smile too behind my scarf too without thinking he couldn't see it.  Then the door opened and a tall, handsome man came in. Looking at his resemblance to the old man who just served me coffee, I can already tell who he is. He just looked at me briefly before he greeted his father.  Then the old man looked at me, "There's a second floor where you can enjoy the nice view. You can sit there. I still need to clean this place. Is that okay?"  "That's better, thank you," I said curtly. He then guided me to the stairs that lead to the second floor. I mumbled my thanks one last time and did not take another glance at the man who just entered.  I heaved a sigh when I reach the second floor. It was open but there's still a roof. A set of wooden railings bordered it and there were hanging plants on pretty pots settled on top of it. The ambiance was nice. It gives a homey feel. I wrapped my hands around the cup and a satisfied groan escaped my lips as I felt its warmth seeping through my pores. The view of the ocean was very visible here and for a moment, I forgot where I was, what I was doing there, the fact that I was a fugitive and that the whole Carnes might be looking for me, the fact that two people betrayed in a span of a few days, and the fact that I am a person supposed to be hiding and not sitting comfortably in a coffee shop leisurely drinking a coffee made by someone who might be deceiving me and turn me in.  Realizing the situation, I stood up and was about to go down when the young man was standing on the stairs bringing a bowl of what looked like a stew.  He eyed the untouched coffee on the table and then to me. "You didn't touch your coffee," he said. His uniform said Lance. I didn't answer him and was about to walk past him when his hand grabbed my wrist. I was quick to react but he was a second faster when he gripped it tighter. The scarf hid my wince.  "My father worked hard to make that coffee for you. At least drink it," he said coldly and gripped my wrist tighter. "Let go," I said.   But he just shook his head and eyed the bowl of stew. "Unless you want this hot stew to spill on you, you better stop moving and sit down."  I looked at the stew he was holding and then to him. He is dead serious and his grip on my wrist was getting more painful so I stopped resisting. I was hungry, anyway. So I heaved a deep breath, feeling the warmth of it against my scarf. When he felt I wasn't resisting anymore, he let go of my hand. He walked towards the table and set the stew. He looked at me and jerked his head, gesturing me to sit down. "This one's on the house, too." He looked at me from head to foot causing me to raise a brow at him. He scoffed and tossed a towel to his shoulder before he went down the stairs. What the hell? I don't know if he was shouting insults inside his mind or what but the way he looks at me tells me he is.  I sighed and sat down. White smoke is getting out of the chimney, complimenting the foggy and cold weather outside. I smelled the stew and the sweet scent of it seeped through my system. I couldn't help but pick up the spoon and scooped it on the warm soup. And when I put it in my mouth, I couldn't help but close my eyes at the rich flavors. I didn't realize I finished the whole bowl. * * * 
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