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The room went silent. Even the sound of cutleries died. The weight of tension is getting heavier. I expected it but it still didn't fail to twist something in my gut. "What she stole was hers," Ares said sternly. "And you know better than anyone that she has to undergo a trial to prove her innocence," the King countered.  Ares adjusted his glasses, "They will kill her on the spot. They wouldn't give her a chance for trial. They think she's a threat to the crown."  "Then we can't do anything about it," the King said. A cold statement. And I could have sworn the room went cold. Natasha looked at me from across the table. The food in my stomach turned leaden. Suddenly, my appetite vanished. I just want to get out of there so their attention wouldn't be on me.  "The Queen was hell-bent on killing her, Father. Not because of what she did but because of being the illegitimate child," Pierce said after he sipped on his wine. I could see Natasha from across the table, looking at her food. Frustration in her eyes. "And you risked your identities hiding her. If the Queen knows about the Crown Prince of Oregon hiding her, imagine what would have happened." The King was calm. He was calm but there was enough bite on his words that I trembled on my seat. Not a lot of people can do that.  But I admit, I am also scared of what trouble I might bring to this Kingdom. I am selfish but I am not that selfish to push what I want. The Queen would accuse Ares of hiding me, a criminal, an enemy of the Crown. Hiding a criminal is a crime itself. What Ares did will spark hatred from Carnes. And if I marry him, that would send a bad message to the Queen Regent and will make Ares and Oregon her enemy. Ares' plan failed. It's time we accepted that. It's time I accepted that. I knew this was too good to be true. It's a relief I didn't expect a lot from it. But I can't deny that I somehow, deep down, I was hoping.  The King's gaze went to me. "I know your situation. But I couldn't risk the whole Kingdom of Oregon. I hope you understand, Rain," he said gently. Then he looked at everyone else. "I know you all have been helping her and I know you are disappointed with my decision but I know you understand."  The dining became silent and I know we ... I couldn't do anything about it. Ares can't do anything about it. I looked at everyone else and the look of understanding painted their faces.  I can't even form a response so I just nodded. The King's gaze went back to Ares. "I know you do everything with a valid reason. You're the most logical one in this family, Ares. You do what you need to do, what you can do. I know you always have a plan," the King said. He gave me a small nod before he stood up and walked out. The Queen followed him after giving me a brief glance.   The table was silent. I've seen it coming. Oregon won't be a fool to hide me now that the Queen has made it public that I am a criminal. I know they didn't like the decision made by the King but at the same time, they know the King was right. Liliana reached for my hand on the table. I only gave her a small smile. I looked at Natasha and she was also looking at me. No pity in her eyes. Just ... pure understanding. I know they've done enough but it's just not meant to be, I guess. It's a shame but it would be selfish if I push for it. Not when the whole Kingdom is at stake. Not when there's a risk of a cold war.  "Well?" Exene started. "What do you plan to do, Res?"  "If you hide her here, we have to be very careful not to be discovered," Pierce said.  "Sicily. She can come with me to Sicily," Muriel said, sipping on her glass. "I would love to have company." She smiled in my direction.  Ares was silent and braced his muscled arm on the table.  I looked at them one by one and smiled. "I appreciate it, really. But I don't disagree with what the King said. I am a threat. And I couldn't stay here. The Queen will know where I am hiding and I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen."   Pierce was about to open his mouth but I placed a hand on Ares' shoulder.  "Can we talk?" I asked. He just looked at me and nodded slightly before he stood up. I gave the people on the table a small smile before I followed Ares out.  He led me out of the castle. I thought we're going back to the cottage when he went the other way. Another path that leads to the maze garden. I followed Ares while eyeing and admiring the topiaries around. There were Royal guards stationed at every corner of the Palace and I thought it would be hard to penetrate this place. So I followed Ares around the bushy walls of the maze, with flowers casually sticking out of it. He must go here a lot.  Ares stopped at the very center of the maze where there were a fountain and a bench next to it. He sat on the bench and tapped on the space beside him, urging me to sit down. I obeyed. We sat there for a few minutes, just admiring the surroundings, using the silence to form the words that I want to say. I don't know what's going on in his mind right now but I can tell he's not used to his plans failing.  I sighed. "Well, that didn't go as planned," I said, smoothing my dress as I sat down beside him. I glanced at him and he was pinching the bridge of his nose.  "Are you alright?" he said. Worry etched across his face.  I looked at him, unable to believe what I'm seeing. "You've got a strange look on your face. Are you worried about me? The great Ares Magnussen is worried about me?" I chuckled but his gaze remains unfazed. I cleared my throat. "The King is right, you know. You can't risk this whole Kingdom hiding me from the queen. I am a criminal--well, at least from the eyes of the Queen, I am. But I'm alright." I let out a sigh but his stare lingered on me.  I sighed. "I should have killed Aizen that day. That damn fucktard sold me out to the Queen,"  "Natasha made sure he couldn't talk. That friend of yours is now in hiding. He knows one word from him to the Queen will have his life forfeit." he said and I looked at him puzzled. "What? Then who...?" Nobody knows I am a thief aside from Aizen. If Aizen wasn't the one who revealed I am a thief, then who? He shrugged. "My guess is that the Queen just blamed you for stealing the Lazuli Diamond so she'll have free reigns of executing you. She doesn't know you really have it. But the possibility of her knowing you're actually Shadow is higher. So let's assume the latter."  I scoffed. "Such a terrible justice system." Well, I guess I could be executed now for the crime I have done. But I'll make sure I won't make it easy for them. I looked at Ares who was still staring at me.   I groaned. "Ares, really, I'm fine. I spent most of my life surviving on the streets. It will be harder this time, sure, but I can manage." I said and faced him completely. Frustration is visible on his face as he bowed his head.  "You can't get your throne, though. I'm sorry about that." I said and his head whipped towards me.  "I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about you," he said and it took me a while to process what he just said. The thing with Ares is that he is very unpredictable. He doesn't show much, which makes him a mystery. A puzzle. And I can't stop wondering what's on his mind and every time he does something out of character, it's strange yet ... fascinating.  "That's really strange to hear coming from you," I said blandly but he just ignored it. "I am more adept at street life more than you know, Your Highness. Worrying is unnecessary," I said and waved my hand dismissively.  "The times you were on the street, you were shot twice that you almost died and you led a group of bounty hunters to our location. Forgive me if I find your claim highly doubtful."   "Oh come on. That's because they found me. I will make sure they won't find me this time."  I saw him heaved a sigh before leaning back to the bench. His glasses caught the glint of the afternoon sun. "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything from this moment on," I heard him say. It was my turn to sigh. "You've done everything you can. We can't do anything about this now. But..." I trailed. A bright idea suddenly popped into my head. I couldn't help but grin as my plan starts to form inside my mind. Ares' furrowed as he looked at me. "But what?" "You can actually do something for me." His eyes narrowed into slits as if what I'm about to say is very suspicious. "I'm banned in Carnes—" "We already know that." "—and if I go back there, I'd be captured on the spot if they recognize me," "So don't go there," he answered. "I need to go there. I have nowhere else to go and I have something very important I left in Carnes." "And what do you want me to do?" I bit my lip and stared at his eyes. "I need you to arrange a transport that goes to Carnes so that I would be undetected." Ares adjusted his glasses before he said, "Consider it done," he looked at her and his brows furrowed."You have another request," he said when he figured it out. I gave him a saccharine smile as I said, "Lend me 500,000 Quird in addition to that 450,000 you paid me." I saw him rubbed his temple. "Fine," he said.  I couldn't hide my grin. * * * 
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