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"How did you find us?" the mysterious girl asked. Somehow, she and the woman I was looking for are acquaintances. Such coincidence. I remembered the note I saw in the first-aid kit. It didn't come from the receptionist. That's for sure. I wonder who put the not there and whether I should trust it.  "Somebody told me," Clarence said and then eyed me from head to foot. "Is this yours?" She took out a pistol and dropped it in front of me. I picked it up and nodded, hiding my wince as I felt the pain on my side. All the running and ducking we had earlier certainly has taken a toll. "Do not drop your weapons anywhere," she reminded and I cleared my throat. "It was an accident," I said, glaring at the girl who suddenly finds her dagger the most interesting thing in the place. I looked at Clarence and stood up.  "I am Maria Eleanor Robbyn's daughter," I said as I took out the necklace and showed it to her. Her eyes gleamed at the sight of it. But she didn't as much touch it.  "There's no need for that. You have very little resemblance from your mother but I can already tell." Clarence crossed her arms." What brings you here?"  I  have been preparing myself for what to do once I see her but I haven't really prepared myself on what I should tell her. I looked at the unconscious man behind us. He was tied and his mouth was gagged. Clarence must have noticed my hesitation when she jerked her head, signaling us to follow her somewhere. We did. She must be taking me towards their hideout. She told us somebody will be picking up the unconscious guy and I decided I don't want to know what they'll do to him. We walked down the narrow alley. Some homeless people are out from where they hid earlier. And judging from how they lower their heads when they see Clarence, I understood.  We reached an old building with posters of people. When I took a closer look, they were faces of district lords with their lines below their pictures on how they can make the District better. Campaign posters were everywhere in the building.  Clarence looked at me and then to where I was looking. "Posters. Helps cover up the holes and cracks," she said before she opened the door. The mysterious girl went inside as if she was already familiar with the place. Clarence motioned me to enter and I did. She closed the door behind us and opened the lights. The kitchen and the living room was what greeted me. And it was like a warzone and a paradise. The sofa was old enough that the leather on it got ripped and it was missing one foot. The center table had several bottles of beer and probably the reason why Clarence was sighing frustratedly beside me. A small television set on a tall table with some books and magazines below it. At least that table looked sturdy. A small window was on the farthest right draped with a gray curtain which only added to the dullness of the room. When Clarence shoved the curtain to the side, the light from the outside came pouring in, illuminating the floral wallpaper that might have looked pretty if it wasn't torn.  On my right was the kitchen. Unlike the living room, at least the kitchen was cleaner. Several plates were organized on the open cupboard. The long table was draped with a white cloth. Pots were also organized near the sink. And on its other side was the stove.  Like I said, paradise and warzone.  "This is our lair," Clarence said as she walked in front of me. "So what is it that you want to tell me?"  "Rather, it's something more like I have something to ask you." Her brows rose up as she lit up a cigarette. She was nothing like I expected. I expected her to be someone as old as my mother. She's younger. I think she's just several years older than me.  The mysterious girl came out of a room with three other people with her. "Before I answer your question, I need you to help us do something first," Clarence said when the other three people sat on the sofa. All of them were eyeing me. A girl and two guys. "Are you not going to know what my question is first?"  "You tell me when we're done."  I bit the inside of my cheek and said, "Fine." She then looked at the people sitting on the sofa. One of them didn't hide his frown while looking at me.  "This is my team," Clarence said, motioning her hands to the people. "The girl you met earlier is Meg." The girl named Meg gave me a slight nod. "And the other girl is Jona. Those guys," she pointed to the guys next to Jona, "are Madox and Piero." One of the guys gave me a salute. But the tall one scanned me from head to foot.  "I'm Rain," I said, eyeing the people inside the room. "Who are you, people?" I just had a feeling they aren't just normal people. Living in this part of the district is one thing. But Clarence is someone feared. Looking at her, I don't see any reason or anything similar that would make me believe. Maybe not yet. Maybe she's not showing it yet. After all, what the note said was something dangerous. I should be careful.  I shouldn't let my guard down.   "What is it that you want me to do?" I asked Clarence. The latter crossed her arms and surveyed me.  "Do you know have any idea what we do?"  I shook my head. Though I kinda get the idea they are something not ordinary. No ordinary person would be chased by a man with a gun.  "We're thieves," said the man named Piero. Just as I thought.  "Clarence, why are we including her?" Madox said and pointed a finger at me. I tried not to raise my brow. "She is a stranger--"  "I literally just introduced myself a few minutes ago," I said.  "--and we can't trust her."  "Isn't it too late for that?" I said and he just outright glared at me. But I continued, "I mean I'm already here, I've seen your lair, I've seen your faces, I know your names, and you admitted you were thieves. Your sentiments are way too late."  He stepped closer. He is a tall man. A very tall man. And he towered over me but I didn't back down. "What did you just say?"  "Repeating it would only piss you off more than it should so I'll keep my mouth shut." "You should have done that minutes ago."  "Your boss trusts me already." I eyed Clarence who was leaning on the kitchen table, crossing her arms. "She decided to let me in. And you can't do anything about that."  The man furrowed his brows and it all of my self-control not to shave it off. "Are you saying you can keep up with us? We've been thieving for almost all our lives."  I resisted rolling my eyes. I just shrugged instead. "You can put me in a test me if you want."  At least they don't know I am the infamous thief in Central Carnes. Not yet. What I know is that the Queen has told certain people from neighboring places of a certain thief on the run and what kind of treasure was stolen. Maybe because she knew I am the rightful owner of it that she chooses not to disclose it.  But nobody knew the face of the thief. Save for a few people. "Relax, Madox. I know her and we can trust her," she said and then looked at me. "Can we trust you, Rain?"  * * *  I looked at the house in front of me. It's three in the morning. The quiet street became even quieter. The house looked like it doesn't belong there. Everything in this part of the district was dull and grey but the house in front of me was painted with a bright shade of pink it hurt my eyes. The house looked like it was picked from somewhere and then placed here. It looked out of place. The paint doesn't match the gloomy atmosphere. It looked too bright in a dull place like this. But then, it's nice to have a little bit different.  A book.  They wanted me to steal a book.  I don't know how important this book is and they didn't disclose any further information about it. They say an old woman has it. It must be something vintage. They were kind enough to describe the book they were looking for. Otherwise, I would bring them the whole library.  An old woman. This should be easy.  A cat mewed beside me and I sighed. Damn. I didn't expect I'd be doing this again.  "Let's do this," I said and marched near the gate. The gates were sturdy, unlike the ones next to it. The walls of the gate were made of stone so it was easy for me to haul myself up. Though my wound stung, I managed. I landed on the freshly mowed lawn without a noise. And I almost jumped to my feet when the cat also landed beside me. "For crying out loud, why on earth are you following me?" I said in a hushed voice to the cat. But it just ignored me and walked away.  I looked at the house. All the lights were off. It's dawn and the house owner must still be asleep. The area near the house was bushy and the flowers crept around the wooden walls of the house. A rocking chair was on the veranda with a small wooden round table next to it. I took my pin out of my pocket. And just like what I did back in the Palace, I picked the lock and entered the house successfully. Making minimal sounds as much as possible. The house was dark but my eyes adjusted easily. I took out my flashlight. The living room was tidy. There was a small radio and a sofa. At the center is a wooden table with books on top of it. There was no TV. Odd. And I almost jumped on my feet and stifled my scream when my flashlight spotted a frail-looking woman sitting on a rocking chair just behind a bookshelf. I let out a sigh of relief when I realized the old woman was asleep. But what caught my attention was the thing on her lap. Her hands were wrapped around it but it definitely is the book I was looking for. What they were looking for.  It was blue with golden lines on the edges. It was a normal-sized book.  This job is easier than I expected. I tiptoed my way to where the old woman was sitting. The floor creaked whenever I took a step. I stopped in my tracks when I saw her move, muttering a series of curses as I waited for her to settle. And when I heard her gentle snores, I continued walking. The cat mewed and I closed my eyes firmly. I let out a shaky breath as I turned the flashlight on and pointed it at the cat. But then I turned it off when I realized it was a bad idea. I looked at the woman. She was still sleeping soundly. I have to get the book now or my purpose here would go to waste. When I was already at arm's length, I reached for the book. If I could just move her hands away from it— A loud shattering noise made me jump and the old woman was already on her feet. She clutched the book on her chest while tapping her hand on the shelf beside her. And when she grabbed hold of the dagger, I was wise enough to duck when she waved it 360 degrees. I glared at the cat who was sitting comfortably on the table after it knocked the vase off. f*****g cats. "Who's there?" The woman was still waving the knife aimlessly and I realized she was blind. How am I supposed to get the book now? She was still clutching it on her chest as if she knew it's something that I would be after. I don't know what's the deal with this book and all I care about now is how to get it.  The cat mewed and it made the old woman stop waving the knife. "Peaches? Is that you?" she called. The cat mewed back. I heard her sighed in relief as she put the knife down. She took her stick and waved it on her way as she walked to where her cat was. But what made me excited was that she left the book on the shelf together with the dagger. She was busy coddling her cat and I took that chance to pick the book up and walk slowly to the door. The cat looked at me and then mewed. "Are you hungry?" the old woman said. The cat mewed continuously. My heart thundered. As if the cat was telling her owner about a burglar inside the house. I calmed myself. I have been to several heists before that were way harder than this but for some strange reason, I felt strange. Maybe because I don't steal from powerless people. Much more to blind people. I sighed. I turned and was about to reach for the knob when I heard the woman said, "Whoever is in this house, I want you to leave what you took. That is not yours." I turned and looked at the living room and she was already facing the door. As if she could see me. My blood froze. "I could hear the creak of the floor near the door. Who are you?"  I blinked. Why on earth am I being creeped out by a frail blind woman? "I'll compensate for this—" "Foolish girl. That is not something g you should be taking. That book is—" I did not let her finish as I opened the door and got out. I ran as fast as I could and flawlessly climbed out of the fence, cursing as I felt my wound stung. And when I saw Madox by the corner, he almost lost his balance when I threw him the book as hard as I can. "My job is f*****g done," I said and walked to where Clarence and the rest are. * * *
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