Forty two

1029 Words

Brynn felt empty. Empty couldn’t even fully describe how she felt—how broken and crestfallen she was right now. The moment Killian shut the door on her face, she fell to the ground. In agony, "It’s over, it’s all over; he will never see me the same way again!" She cried endlessly. Her heart felt like it was being blown to pieces. "You have to wait for Brynn; wait and be patient; for sure he will come back, and you will tell him everything when he wants to listen," she told herself in encouragement, saying that she’ll wait. Four days had passed without any words from Killian. Brynn was desperate at this point; she had been locked in this room for days with no sign of Killian showing up and no sign of Alissa, the only person she was close with to some extent. She was anxious every time t

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