Her Secret | Chapter Five

1486 Words
MEL This was not happening. I said no party. “Papa, you cannot be serious right now,” I said from our kitchen island as he moved between counter and stove, cooking dinner. Dinner for like twenty people. “I’m sorry, Melody, but we are. Your 17th birthday is not something we are going to just sweep under the rug. Dad works for the Alpha and Luna. Did you think they would overlook such an important milestone in his life?” Papa said. Dario was a legal assistant who worked for a small-town lawyer in the human town next to the pack. Before Azeron came to Blood Eclipse, he worked for some important family in Serenity Waters that owned a big tech company or something. He always said he liked the slower pace of life here and being home to cook dinner. And supposedly, the move to Blood Eclipse eventually led them to adopting. “But I asked for no party,” I said, trying not to sound like I was complaining. I appreciated everything my dads did for me, even if I was almost positive they were coerced into adopting me. “Melody, you never ask for anything. But your father and I want to give you everything. A small dinner to celebrate one of the most important days of your life is the least we can do here,” Papa said, giving me a deadpan look. “Small dinner? You said the Alpha and Luna were coming! And this is enough food for like twenty people,” I gestured around the kitchen. “Exactly. Small. Think about how many people will be in attendance for the young Alpha’s birthday in a few months. Now, either help me with these or go get yourself ready,” he said with finality. I threw my hands up. I couldn’t cook. I tried. But Dario knew I was more of a hazard in the kitchen than help. He smiled at me. “There’s a garment bag in the hall closet. Think of it as one of your presents.” “You didn’t,” I groaned. “No, Miss Lily did. Now get on upstairs. You have an hour,” he instructed. I dragged my feet out of the kitchen, praying it was just the Alpha and Luna coming to dinner and not all their pups. - I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror. It was a gorgeous dress. But the face of the girl in the mirror before me didn’t do it justice. All I could manage was a single braid over my shoulder with my hair. I didn’t own any makeup, so that wouldn’t help the situation. I tried to resist the urge to grab one of my zip hoodies and cover myself. “It’s so gorgeous. You look amazing!” my wolf tried to encourage. “I look like an imposter,” I shook my head. I slipped on some sandals as the doorbell rang downstairs. I had plenty of clothes. My dads were sure always to make sure I had anything I needed. There was a fund for kids like me through the Alpha family that gave us a monthly stipend even after being adopted. My dads put the money in my account every month, but I never had to use it for ‘essentials.’ I had anything I needed for school, our house always had good food, and my closet might be too full. I just preferred the comfort of jeans and a hoodie to dresses or skirts. “Melody!” I heard Azeron’s deep voice call. “Coming!” I called back. Show time. I swung my bedroom door open and stepped out into the hall. My body immediately locked up. A scent hit my nose, not like someone had smacked me in the face, but it was still clear. It felt like if I moved, I would lose it, and it was the best thing I had ever smelled. Every tiny hair on my body stood at attention. “Oh, yay! Mate!” Piper cheered. “Let’s go find him. Quick, quick!” She was practically yipping in excitement. Dread overtook me. Mate? Now? Who had my dads invited? Then my mind crashed into realization. It was a train wreck. I knew I couldn’t look away. The Alpha family was here. I could hear them exchanging pleasantries in the foyer. The Alpha family had a son. Liam was my mate… “No,” I whispered. My feet moved, compelling me to move toward my personal nightmare. I hit the top of the landing and could see everyone. Liam Jr. was smiling and shaking hands with Dad. Delilah was right by his side. He was so handsome it hurt. I couldn’t go down there. I couldn’t be around him. I had to get out of this. I knew Papa spent all that time and energy on dinner, but I just couldn’t. I had to fake sick or something. “Little old for all of that,” my wolf reminded me. “Plus, you were fine an hour ago.” “Piper, I can’t be Liam’s mate. It’s just impossible,” I pleaded with her. “Maybe the Moon Goddess sees something in you that you do not,” she said. Liam’s eyes traveled up the stairs and landed on me. Oh no. His lips twisted up into a small smile, one just for me. Or that’s how it felt. It couldn’t actually be that. Delilah was supposed to be Liam’s mate. Everyone knew that. I was practically human compared to her. “There she is, the birthday girl!” Papa said. He sounded proud. If he only knew how wrong he was. “Come on down, sweetie.” My feet betrayed me again, moving on their own down the steps to join everyone. Luna Azalea was the first to get to me at the bottom of the steps. She pulled me into a tight hug. “Happy birthday, Melody. You look stunning.” “Thank you, Luna,” I whispered, still unsure of myself. When she let go, I was then bombarded by Miss Lily, who grabbed my hand and made me spin, complimenting my appearance. I could feel my face heating up. All the attention was uncomfortable. “How about we don’t overwhelm her,” Beta Damien said behind his wife. Thank Goddess for small miracles. Dad invited them all further inside, and the adults followed. I was left with Liam and Delilah. She pulled on his arm, signaling that they should follow, too, but he was watching me. My skin prickled with awareness of them both, and something unpleasant settled in my stomach. I clutched my hands behind my back so I wouldn’t be tempted to do something stupid. “You look really pretty, Mel. Happy birthday,” Liam said. “It’s cool of you to invite us over,” Delilah added. “Whatever your dad made, it smells phenomenal. Is he a chef?” I shook my head, the heat still radiating from my cheeks. “Since you didn’t tell anyone, I didn’t have much time to get you something. I hope this is okay,” Liam said. I watched him pull a small package from his back pocket and hold it out to me. Slowly I reached forward and grabbed it, barely able to breathe. This was not happening. Liam Blackfur Jr. was not handing me a birthday present. It felt like my first Christmas in Blood Eclipse all over again. But better because he was my mate. Even if it could never work out. “You don’t have to open it now,” he told me, smiling in that small way again. “I just wanted to make sure you had a present to open.” “Thank you,” I almost whispered. My voice didn’t seem to want to work. Delilah looked between Liam and me. “We should go before the adults come looking for us. We can keep the embarrassment and talk about us to a minimum this way,” she said, inclining her head. “Lilah’s right. We should go,” Liam said. He held his hand out to me, and I wanted to die right there. I had never been so terrified of something and wanted it all at the same time before. The future Alpha of our pack was offering to take my hand. The boy I had loved since before he knew my name was holding his hand out in front of me. I swallowed and ducked my head. I couldn’t hold his hand. That was Delilah’s hand to hold. I knew I couldn’t cope with how it would feel. Liam dropped his hand, and Delilah pulled him toward the dining room that sat up to the kitchen. I followed them quietly, holding the small package in my hands.
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