Her Secret | Chapter Nine

1779 Words

LIAM JR I slumped into a chair in front of my dad’s desk, and he raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you’re going to be moody because Delilah is gone for the day?” he huffed. I shrugged. I had very mixed feelings on the whole Delilah front, and I needed to be physically distracted before my mood would improve. “What are we doing today?” I asked, avoiding the topic. “I thought we’d go over some patrol reports. I want to see if you can identify some patterns,” he said. He pointed to the stack of folders on the corner of his desk. “Start at the top, and when you think you found something, we’ll go over it.” “Can’t we go hit something?” I groaned. I knew being Alpha would be more than fighting people, but it seemed our lessons were becoming less and less about being strong and more about b

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