Her Secret | Chapter Nineteen

1943 Words

LIAM JR. I made it to math just in time. I’d seen just about all my close friends at the party a week ago, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t stopped in the hall two dozen times before I made it to class. “Sorry,” I muttered to my new math teacher. He shook his head, but I knew I wasn’t getting in trouble. Even if I wasn’t the Alpha’s son, it was the first day of school. Everyone got some leniency today. I quickly found my name on the seating chart, and my smile grew wider, my mood lifting, when I saw the name next to mine. There was only one Melody in the senior class, probably in the whole school. I turned around, and my body warmed when I found her staring at me, wide chocolatey eyes fixated. I moved quickly down the row and fell right into the chair beside hers. “Looks like we’re n

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